5 best books that you have ever read ?

1 Answer

Answer :

1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho The Alchemist is, in my opinion, Paulo Coelho's finest work, and it has made me a huge admirer of his, and I am on a mission to read all of his novels. This is the book that you will either love or despise. But believe me when I say you should give it a chance. The book tells the story of a shepherd who loved to travel and left his village to pursue his goal of discovering riches. 2. 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey If you ask me for a self-help book, this is my first pick; it has all of the material found in any other self-help book. People frequently refer to the book 7 Habits and Think and Grow Rich. However, the 7 behaviors are far superior to think and develop affluent. You won't need to read any other self-help books after reading this. 3. The story of my experiments with truth by Mahatma Gandhi If you enjoy autobiographies, this is an absolute must-read. The account of my experiments with truth differs from all other books published on Gandhi Ji since it was written by him, and it contains a great amount of information that may be learned from it. 4. Wings of fire by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam If we're talking about autobiographies, we can't forget about India's missile man, who authored a magnificent and one of the most loved works about himself. This novel teaches us about dreams, hard work, sacrifice, patriotism, and, most importantly, DESTINY. 5.Veronika decides to die by Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho has written another excellent article. The protagonist of the book is, of course, Veronika, who attempts suicide because she is dissatisfied with her monotonous life. However, things did not go as planned. This is the book you won't be able to put down.

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Last Answer : answer:I do not. I do read web-comics (Cyanide & Happiness and XKCD), though.

Description : Which one of these books should I read?

Last Answer : I personally would go with Lord of the Flies or 1984.

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Last Answer : Anything by Cormac McCarthy. Specifically, The Road, Blood Meridian, and No Country for Old Men. It’s not much of an action, but a great dark comedy is What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.

Description : Any other computer programs that can read my Kindle books?

Last Answer : Check out Calibre. It’s a great e-book converter (and free) and it works nicely with my Kindle. I haven’t tried converting from the Kindle format, but that’s where I’d start.

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Last Answer : answer:I do not. I do read web-comics (Cyanide & Happiness and XKCD), though.

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Last Answer : Project Gutenberg has a wonderful collection of classics. If you’re looking for contemporary fiction, I wouldn’t know where to look. I prefer holding a book in my hands to reading off my monitor.

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Last Answer : answer:“My Life In Court by Louis Nizer” is absolutely great. His other work is great reading as well. But, the one I am touting, is short stories…which I love anyway. Nizer is was a straight shooter…and, a damn nice guy.

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Last Answer : This may sound silly but The Diary of a Wimpy Kid is actually quite interesting. I was told they were originally written for parents to read to understand some of the things their children go through in ... a hit for children. I read all of them with my son and I think they were worth reading.

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Last Answer : Well, I don’t know how educational this is, but I’m really enjoying a new modern urban fantasy book series by Eric Nylund. The first book is Mortal Coils, and the second is All That Lives Must Die. It will be 4 or 5 books total when he’s done.