My cellar where I would like to put the stands and bottled wines in them. But the cellar is quite moist, won't it damage the quality of the wines?

1 Answer

Answer :

If it was ****, I would know, but **** ....?

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Last Answer : How can I tell it is still good?

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Last Answer : Sumtymes.

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Last Answer : She sounds like she would like to be included in your groups conversations. Is she ever included? Maybe you could try including her? It sounds like you all are kind of being mean girls and she is hurt by this.

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Last Answer : What if you wore clear glasses or eye protectors while cutting onions?

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Last Answer : Can be a store clerk , a waiter, basically anyone.

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Last Answer : It doesen’t. Well, I don’t put up lights myself. Two people on my street have an impressive set of lights every year though. Looks like a Christmas village up in this bitch. Even if I did have lights, no one would notice as I’d be eclipsed by those two Xmas G’s.

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Last Answer : So is a habit, as are rising inflections. The latter seems to be a bit epidemical. Repeating the name is a common technique to remember names. Could be mandated by the station. Sorry, ... call in in rapid succession, remembering every name on the spot is nigh on impossible. Hence the repetition.

Description : Why does this bother me? Details inside?

Last Answer : What a great experience. And what a great question. Unfortunately, it seems that only you are in a position to answer this question. But what a great opportunity. I love when I am faced with such a puzzle. It usually leads (eventually) to me learning a great deal about myself.

Description : Does it bother you if people have conversations in another language in front of you, and only speak English when you are spoken to?

Last Answer : Can’t say I’ve ever had that experience.

Description : Does this "joke" bother you?

Last Answer : answer:No it doesn’t bother me. On the other hand it isn’t very funny, either. I didn’t even smile. How is that an actual photograph of a real event? Isn’t she an actress and this shot is from a movie?

Description : Should this bother me?

Last Answer : I'll be completely honest: I like being with a man that makes me feel safe. Security is not always about physical strength or being able to beat up everybody. Security encompasses being calm in bad ... cocky hotheads. It's a balance of many skill sets. Physical prowess is only one of them.

Description : How do I not let it bother me?

Last Answer : answer:You're suffering, and that is not right. I don't know where you live nor what resources you might have available, but I would talk to your school counselor immediately about this ... of Education where you live and inquire about what resources are available to help you. Demand assistance.

Description : Would it bother you if you were the parent of a Girl Scout, and they're encouraged to sell cookies, including standing out in the cold in front of stores, yet the leader of the GS organization makes almost half a million dollars a year?

Last Answer : answer:Our daughter has been in Girl Scouts the past two years and she enjoys helping at the booths to sell cookies. We have had no pressure from the troop leader or other parents to reach certain quotas. The ... girls sell at have been indoors, so being out in the cold hasn't been a problem for us.

Description : Do you bother to sign your debit/credit cards anymore, if you ever did.

Last Answer : No, I just scribble on the line. No one has ever questioned my about my signature.

Description : Why don't spammers bother to come up with something new?

Last Answer : answer:Best part is that Google doesn’t like spam shit since Panda. They are so aggressive companies are now emailing sites to get the spam comments deleted. I can’t do anything but giggle and pee all over myself. FUCK OFF SEO SCUM.

Description : Does it seem to you, that a lot of on coming drivers don't bother to dim their high beam headlights anymore?

Last Answer : I chalk it up to the fact that driving these days is something you do while amusing yourself with other stuff. To remember to dim, you have to A) be aware that your high-beams are on, and B) be ... driving. What gets me is that they never even seem to wonder why you're flashing your lights at them.

Description : How much does poor grammar online bother you?

Last Answer : answer:It really depends on how egregious it is, but I am a little more forgiving now that smartphones are the internet gateway of choice for many. Autocorrect has a mind of it’s own. But while I don’t mind “your” instead of “you’re”, I think we can all agree that “u r” is just plain lazy.

Description : Final miserable question: Why do we bother to get treatment for terminal illnesses when our final destination is death anyway?

Last Answer : answer:Most terminal illnesses involve a lot of pain. Most of the treatments are to abate the pain. Would you prefer that we simply let someone who has a terminal illness and is gasping to breathe just ... misery so I'm going to take your word for it. Have you considered treatment for depression?