Hello, I need advice as soon as possible, where are the savannas everywhere? I think in Africa and South America. Is the savannah in Australia or elsewhere? And if not, does a kangaroo and a dingo dog live in the savannah? I will be very grateful for EVERY answer.

1 Answer

Answer :

Pastures, Savannahs, Steppes, ... These areas are known by various names around the world. They can look desolate, generally few or no trees grow on them, except for areas along rivers and streams. They are also home to a variety of fauna and flora. Definitely in the Geography textbook and on the maps you will find a lot of necessary information on this map.

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Last Answer : try 6% vinegar right on the root........cut and rake up the berries make it reproduce.

Description : cantalope vines growing everywhere

Last Answer : Don't touch them if they are wet....but if you could trace some back and only keep 3 buds on 1 vine.................it's getting towards the end of the season but it is still warm where you are you might get lucky. It was 32 degrees here last night Sept. 15, ground was white this morning.

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Last Answer : You might need weed & feed....check bag to be sure it includes your invasive plant problem. follow the directions for it's use.