Sent from work due to virus. I get all the parts of my salary, but what will happen now if order is restored? Will I not have time off this year and be able to work day and night?

1 Answer

Answer :

Unfortunately, news has been floated that you will be paid for overtime or even have the opportunity to work on weekends. We hope for the best.

Related questions

Description : How are you celebrating the holidays this year?

Last Answer : I’m chugging name brand cola. Adding stuff to my Amazon wish lists. Napping for fun. Trying out my new pillows. Trying every pot roast beef dinners from Skip the Dishes.

Description : If you were relieved last year to not have to do the holidays with your difficult family because of the pandemic, are you hoping for the same this year?

Last Answer : I was so happy last year to be able to stay home and not feel guilty or obligated to do anything else. This year, we (my daughter and I) are invited to a family get together at an exclusive ... It may be an experience, but I'd rather stay home and not stress about my clothes being perfect, etc.

Description : What is one thing that you really like about these year-end holidays?

Last Answer : I love the Twilight Zone marathons on TV :P

Description : Are there any jellies who don't celebrate any of the religious or cultural holidays this time of year?

Last Answer : Our family isn’t religious but we gather together over the holidays because that’s the rare time some of us have paid/extra days off work. We celebrate the people in our lives and loved ones that are dead.

Description : On how many days of the year are there virtually no holidays (when people get a day off at work) in any country?

Last Answer : Saturday and Sunday?

Description : So, where are you going for your Holidays this year?

Last Answer : A tad early don’t you think lol…...? But I’ll be going to Washington to visit my family.

Last Answer : 21 February Thursday Martyr Day, International Mother tongue Day March 16 Sunday Of the nation Father Birthday 26 March Tuesday Freedom Day 14 April Sunday The first Boishakh 21 April ... Victory Tenth 10 November Sunday Eid Miladunnabi 16 December Monday Victory Day 25 December Wednesday Christmas

Description : How many days a year?

Last Answer : Seven ... January 1 - Day of the Restoration of the Independent Czech State May 8 - Victory Day July 5 - Day of the Slavic Prophets Cyril and Methodius July 6 - Day of the Burning of Master Jan Hus ... State November 17 - Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy See -

Description : Are you looking forward to the holidays this year?

Last Answer : Yes. I always look forward to holidays every year. Even though we do not usually plan on going to out-of-town vacations, still, holidays provide us a luxury of time to be with the whole ... ' compound. I think there is nothing more heartwarming than having to share special moments with the family.

Description : Are there any camel-themed celebrations or holidays?

Last Answer : A: Yes, there are several camel-themed celebrations and holidays in different cultures. For example, the Pushkar Camel Fair in India is a famous annual event where thousands of camels are bought, sold, and showcased. It also features cultural performances and competitions.

Description : Will you be traveling for the upcoming holidays?

Last Answer : Nope too many unvaccinated still mingling with the rest of the population, my county has 45% vaccinated. . . .

Description : If you can pick any 12 days for religious holidays what would you pick?

Last Answer : I would pick the first day of the month, every month, so as to make it simple. Ideally I would like to be able to have a mental health day with 1 day or shorter notice. I would like to be able to change my choices as my needs adjust.

Description : Do you have family members that make you dread the holidays?

Last Answer : I do not have any family members that drive me crazy, mainly because I have no family members. I have a sister out in California who WOULD drive me crazy, but I have barely even seen her in 40 years. ... to her now. She is so damn narcissistic and emotionally needy, that I just can't deal with it.

Description : Did anybody make or try any new desserts over the holidays?

Last Answer : I didn’t cook one single dessert thing over the holidays. I was going to make fudge for my daughter, but never got around to it.

Description : How do I tell my family (and my in-laws) that I do not want to eat the food most people eat to celebrate holidays?

Last Answer : You need to communicate that you have changed your diet, and will only eat a vegan diet. But you have no right to criticize or comment or react to what other people chose to eat. If you can't be tolerant of ... and do so without saying why you won't be there other than I won't be able to make it .

Description : What is fair for a child who is split between two homes for school holidays?

Last Answer : I would ask the child where they want to spend time with.

Description : Have you played any board / family games over the holidays?

Last Answer : Apples to Apples is a regular game during the Holidays! Total fun!

Description : Do the holidays stress you out?

Last Answer : No

Description : What will you be eating for the holidays?

Last Answer : answer:That sounds like a stomach ache. I’m having spiced apple butternut squash soup.

Description : How do I Manage my mother in-law demands she hosts holidays?

Last Answer : answer:If I understand correctly, the meal wound up at your MIL's house, is that right? My feeling is probably stop trying to compete with her for hosting. She's older and obviously really wants to do it. ... just a few hours. Or, you can let him stay home and you and your husband go to the dinner.

Description : Any advice for a divorced parent about to deal with school holidays?

Last Answer : answer:There's never an easy answer. In many families the non-custodial parent has the child all holidays. Sharing holidays is a good compromise. With skype, facebook, and telephones, they child won' ... father is hiring a sitter for his work days. Some companies give parental leave for those days.

Description : What are your favorite marathons you like to watch during the holidays?

Last Answer : Years ago, SyFy used to do the X Files on Thanksgiving. I used to watch that while cooking.

Description : Are you traveling for the holidays?

Last Answer : Yes—between the kitchen, the bedroom, and my TV chair.

Description : Have you found, or are you anticipating, any favorite food products produced for Thanksgiving or the December holidays?

Last Answer : Homemade Scandinavian almond bars

Description : Does this give new meaning to the Jewish High Holidays?

Last Answer : answer:Article is legit but under kosher laws, green growing things are immune, being neither meat nor milk. I don't understand why even the most fanatical foks invested in kashrut would bother. Maybe ... s a profit motive? Declaring marijuana kosher is much sexier than doing it to lettuce, I guess.

Description : Christmukah, etcetera. How do you feel about these hybrid combo holidays?

Last Answer : No. They are completely separate occasions with separate meanings.

Description : What is the easiest part of the Christmas holidays for you? The hardest part?

Last Answer : The easiest is being away from home so I don’t feel pressured to visit people and do things I don’t want to. The hardest is being poor and not being able to do what I want to do.

Description : If you hang Christmas lights on your house during the holidays, does it bother you if your neighbour chooses not to?

Last Answer : It doesen’t. Well, I don’t put up lights myself. Two people on my street have an impressive set of lights every year though. Looks like a Christmas village up in this bitch. Even if I did have lights, no one would notice as I’d be eclipsed by those two Xmas G’s.

Description : What do you like doing during Christmas holidays?

Last Answer : On Christmas itself, I go to my parents’ house for dinner and exchanging presents. Over the holiday season (mid December to probably end of January), I enjoy visiting friends for the same.

Description : If we remove religion from all government sanctioned holidays, but none of the holidays change, isn't that hypocritical?

Last Answer : I think it’s pretty silly, but not necessarily hypocritical. I mean, if the students are celebrating a religious holiday at home, and not at school, does it matter what the school calls the holidays? They can call it “Day Off” as easily as anything else.

Description : How did you cope with loss and grief during birthdays and holidays?

Last Answer : On both parents birthdays, I try to watch old home movies. It is hard, but it helps.

Description : Recently started to get over my social anxiety, but now the holidays are starting to freak me out. Can I just get some words of support?

Last Answer : answer:Thank you very much for sharing this problem with us. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and invite insight from other people into our own dilemmas. I am not a doctor. I am, however, a ... t give advice, but I can offer you an Internet hug. I hope you make it through this time unscathed.

Description : Do any fellow jellies have a difficult time around the holidays with missing family members or loved ones?

Last Answer : This year I am missing my daughter and her family who moved to Scotland. I'm also missing my son and his family who aren't talking to me. :-( I can handle my son and his wife not talking ... an iPod for Christmas. He accidentally facetimed me the other day. It was great to see his little face!

Description : What gifts do NSA employees give to other NSA employees for the holidays?

Last Answer : I think they sing ‘Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire’ while giving each other complimentary friskings…

Description : What services are usually open during the holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Last Answer : answer:Well, your first four for sure. I’m pretty sure they never close. Around here, you’ll also find some gas stations, pharmacies, convenience, and grocery stores open. Many on a Sunday schedule (12PM to 6PM).

Description : The holidays are upon us, how many homeless, and or poor needy people are you going to feed that you DON’T know?

Last Answer : None that I know of really. We have to go to a food pantry ourselves. Although I am lucky enough to have family that will serve a great meal on Christmas. Any food from the pantry we can't ... always give a little to the bell ringers. But as for personally feeding someone an entire meal well none.

Description : People who celebrate Christmas or other December holidays (Chanukah, Yule): What kind of decorations do you have throughout your house to make it festive?

Last Answer : Nothing I am afraid, although it can look very pretty. Maybe one day I will get into that, in the future.

Description : It is the holidays. Can we please wait until the 1st to shit on the mods so they can enjoy the holidays too?

Last Answer : Is this a good thread to admit I crush on at least two of the mods, but haven’t made an advance because I know they are married?

Description : What particular toy among those you have purchased for children for the upcoming holidays do you secretly want to play with?

Last Answer : Actually, I’m going to let my new nephew open them all and then we are both going to play with all of them. I’m the world’s biggest kid. I love Christmas.

Description : Men: As the holidays approach...

Last Answer : Not here. I have total control of the kitchen on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Sometimes my wife beseeches me to let her make cranberry sauce or some such, but the main courses are my domain ... the fact she's Thai, and they have no such traditions as turkey, spiral ham or turduckhen there.

Description : What is your favorite part of the holidays?

Last Answer : The food.

Description : Anyone else not excited about the holidays?

Last Answer : I'm the same as always, just another time of year. I like the little Christmas parade my town does, and usually I go to see nutcracker, but not always. I like the decorations around town and the Christmas ... the boringist day of the year. Now at least it is a day of with my husband, vacation day.

Description : Do you celebrate gift exchanges or the holidays earlier than the date on the calendar?

Last Answer : No. I need as much time as I can get to be ready for such things.

Description : If I were to say childhood holidays/vacation, what location would you type here, almost without hesitation?

Last Answer : answer:Sleep-away camp in the mts. in Maine. Our family didn’t do family vacations. It was probably a good thing, given my parents’ needs and desires.

Description : What kind of weird holidays have you heard about? Or perhaps participated in?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve never actually participated in it; but here in Delaware we have Return Day. Here’s the Wikipedia entry on it. It’s unique to the state. We also invented Punkin’ Chunkin, I’ll have you know, but that’s not exactly a holiday; it just happens at a particular time of the year.

Description : Do you like giving and/or receiving greeting cards for minor holidays?

Last Answer : Greeting cards (from the store) are depressing (the fact that we express our concern or happiness for someone by purchasing a $5 piece of tree with trite sayings in it).

Description : Do "2 years full time" masters programs have summer holidays?

Last Answer : answer:Most have a summer term too, with some time off in August. But they are generally year round. For instance, here is the schedule info for the 19 month UC Berkeley/Columbia ... through Saturday. Except for the International Seminar, required courses are completed in the first three terms.

Description : Why is it that the holidays suddenly put people in a charitable mood?

Last Answer : The holidays are generally seen as the time of giving.

Description : So, what are your plans for Christmas (Giftmas, the holidays - whatever you feel comfortable calling it)

Last Answer : Having a big Xmas Eve Bash at our new home and then just hunkering down for Christmas by ourselves. A hike in the woods and cooking a killer Christmas dinner I have been looking forward to all week.

Description : Independent children of divorced parents, what about the holidays? (see details)

Last Answer : I’m thinking that maybe if they live in the same city or not all that far away, one could spend Christmas Eve with one parent and Christmas Day with the other?