1 Answer

Answer :

Most Tough Substance Diamonds.

Related questions

Description : Is the UK headed for tough times?

Last Answer : Well, I don’t see the EU as punishing the UK. It was a totally predictable outcome based upon the economics. Everybody saw it coming. It’s just sad.

Description : What is tough skin on pinky finger the size of a red pea?

Last Answer : Did it appear out of the blue, or did it grow over (a certain period of) time? Did you hurt your pinky before and is this the result?

Description : Am I being too tough on the Baby Boomers?

Last Answer : Not all Baby Boomers were rich as many were poor and struggling etc There were as present day categories or levels of Society . It is the upper classes that prospered as they had money to ... level you will find less of an rich lifestyle then the described Baby Boomers that documentaries speak of.

Description : Trying to find a comedian who talked about tough guys in bars?

Last Answer : Louis CK. I believe his exact words were “cum up to their eyeballs”, and he mentioned them roaming in packs, ask hoping to find some giant pussy to walk into together.

Description : Should we have blue ribbon juries and judges for trying cases that relate to really tough issues such as scientific or genetic questions, or issues like GMOs, or does that violate the trial by your peers idea?

Last Answer : Fun fact: nothing in the US Constitution guarantees you a trial by your peers. The idea is a holdover from British common law and originally protected lords from being tried by commoners ... they are experts. What matters is only their ability to meet the constitutional requirement of impartiality.

Description : Do you think you're tough?

Last Answer : no

Description : Just wondering; if you are having a tough couple of weeks; do you happen to be a Capricorn?

Last Answer : Yes, I am a Capricorn, but the last couple of weeks have been fine for me.

Description : Do you find it really tough (almost impossible) to keep in touch with people who do not use email and/or social networking sites?

Last Answer : I do actually. I am not fond of chatting on the phone. I prefer writing to people. Or like you mentioned sending a quick text hug or something. So yes, it does make it harder.

Description : Is Harper too tough and boyish for a girl?

Last Answer : I don’t think so, but then my sister was named after a rebellious Roman province. It would be a name of honor if she is a fan of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern series.

Description : The throes of Menopause....How tough is it?

Last Answer : answer:I have found this varies greatly from woman to woman. The sweats are usually combatted pretty well by hormones from what my friends and family say, but also many people I know who use hormones for hot ... it helps, but the studies that have been done that I have read showed it doesn't help.

Description : Have you ever had a tough time forgiving yourself for your actions from the past?

Last Answer : Of course. Even after the person I hurt forgave me, I still can't forgive myself. I still think about how stupid I was and wish I could take my actions back. I am very thankful though. and ... curb the bad feelings that come from my actions. There is nothing good that comes from living in the past.

Description : What is your process for making a very tough decision?

Last Answer : If there are just as many pros as there are cons, I just follow my my first mind, or first instinct.

Description : What picks you up when life is giving you a tough time?

Last Answer : answer:It would have to be my friends - people you can truly be yourself with, so if you've had a bad day, you can spend the evening with them, being allowed to let of steam at first, then ... it doesn't tend to move beyond the letting off steam part. Losing myself on here is quite nice too

Description : What toughcam or tough digital camera do you recommend?

Last Answer : I have a canon d10, it works, but its bulky. My sister has the Olympus. She tends to get better pictures and it fits better in her pocket (however, I think she paid more money for it). I’m not sure about the others.

Description : Which digital tough camera or tough cam do you recommend?

Last Answer : Instead of shopping for an underwater camera for $300 which, all you will find are cheap disposables, buy an underwater case for your camera. Since you didn't say what camera you have now, I' ... //www.otterbox.com/ & here is another site that sells waterproof cases. http://www.waterproofcases.net/

Description : Do you believe,it is possible for a person to create a completely different/tough personality to assist them in performing their chosen profession?

Last Answer : I have worked in end of life care for years. It’s more than possible, I think it’s almost instinctive in some cases. A survival mechanism, if you will.

Description : Tough question. What happens to the body during the final days of life?

Last Answer : You have them right except we looked for mottling in their legs. The person loses consciousness as well. All families become so exhausted.

Description : I have a question for you linguists and philos and biblios: why are tough and enough not pronounced like cough, and why are slouch and couch not pronounced like touch?

Last Answer : I would love to know it as well, I keep forgetting to ask this. Now that I’m here, how come the “e” at the end of a word changes it’s sound sometimes. Example: Dove (Dough’ve) ,vs Dove (Duv) Rule (R-uu-le) ,vs Dove (Duv)

Description : Synonyms for tough times?

Last Answer : hardship? time for hardship? Ex: Due to the economy, times of hardship have befallen the John Doe family.

Description : A tough physics/fluids question?

Last Answer : 27m?

Description : How do you make tough decisions?

Last Answer : Sheep entrails.

Description : Tough question, but, have you ever had someone pass away in front of you?

Last Answer : Yes, My Father. Why do you ask?

Description : How have you been holding up in this tough job market? what do you tell yourself to make you feel positive?

Last Answer : After six months of looking for a job, I finally found one. I started last week. I didn’t tell myself anything really. I just trusted that shit happens, and good stuff does too. Eventually, the pendulum will swing back my way. :)

Description : How can I be there for two people going through tough break-ups?

Last Answer : Don’t be dumb, do not get involved with those matters. They should deal with it themselves. Don’t bother trying to baby them and cheer them up; thats how people grow stronger after breakups.

Description : In these tough economic times work has slowed down or stopped for alot of people. What is everyone doing to keep busy and make ends meet?

Last Answer : volunteer at different organizations. simply helping others can make you feel better. or just donate plasma for money.

Description : What to do about this tough financial decision?

Last Answer : Well my first suggestion is to talk to a financial planner so that you can actually calculate out the costs of both options and get high quality advice. You should be able to estimate the summer gas costs for ... much less than a new car costs. Look around for used Civics, they're not at all rare.

Description : While times are tough, will we see an upsurge in interest in jigsaw puzzles?

Last Answer : Maybe! It sounds kind of fun to me!!!

Description : It will be a tough year of transition for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with the loss of a coach, many key players & two star running backs doubtful. What strategies do they need to implement to have a successful 2009 season in the NFC South?

Last Answer : They need to find a franchise quarterback. They’ve been having quarterback carousels/controversies for as long as I can remember.

Description : Why do we say "he's got balls" to imply that someone (male or female) is tough?

Last Answer : answer:I'm just gonna take a stab at answering this, so it's only a guess. I'm thinking though, it's because in the past, men were stereotyped as tough and able to handle things no ... connected to men which are connected to being tough and strong. Hahahaha, I love find the relation puzzles.

Description : Do tough questions, when posed to the "collective", bring out high quality responses?Or do tough questions bring out the lowest common denominators of the collective group?

Last Answer : answer:If by “tough” you mean well-thought out questions that raise interesting point, then yes, they do get great responses. If by “tough” you mean misleadingly provocative, then no, that just brings out the lowest common denominator of askers.

Description : Whats your advice to someone going through a tough time ?

Last Answer : Utilise your support network.

Description : If holly leaves are brown from a tough winter should it be pruned?

Last Answer : I live in Maryland & my holly got hit hard with the "winter burn". You don't have to prune anything as the new growth will come in & the brown leaves will eventually fall off. It does look a bit unsightly but hang in there. Mine is coming back & now I have to p/u all those prickly little leaves.

Description : How do you get rid of tough weeds on 2 acres growing around fruit trees organically?

Last Answer : I have the same problem............after a heavy soaking rain, I go out the next morning with heavy gloves & a small bench and pull them out and bag & trash them. I am afraid to use chemicals around the trees.

Description : why are our half runner beans turning tough on the vine

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why are green beans tough?

Last Answer : when harvesting beans they should be picked before the seeds are formed

Description : what causes snow peas to be tough even when immature

Last Answer : Thisn is a natural occurance, try to give them more sunlight and water them in the early morning hours, as opposed to later in the day.

Description : using ortho max poison ivy and tough brush killer

Last Answer : Get someone to help you....find the root of the poison ivy......use full stength white vinegar on the root only to kill it....you might need to do this for several days in a row. Use a ... might need to put a stick on the root spot and vinegar it several time before winter comes to keep it dead.

Description : why do scallions get tough

Last Answer : I think they were picked too late..............

Description : I fly in the air, But I am not always there. I cannot be touched, But I can be felt or held. Think very hard, But if you live near the equator, You may have a tough time seeing me. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your breath.

Description : If life gets tough, what do you have that you can always count on? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your fingers!

Description : were there any tough times with selena?

Last Answer : yup

Description : Is online marketing a tough job which is the best digital marketing institution in kochi?

Last Answer : Actually, online marketing is not a tough job in it's entirety. Whether or not it will be a tough job, that actually depends on the individual or the institution heading the business, There are multiple ways to grow really with online or digital marketing,

Description : What is Tough ?

Last Answer : Tough means hard.

Last Answer : Teak Of trees Wood Tough Will be More

Last Answer : Most Tough Metal Diamonds Metal

Last Answer : Tiger Milk On the ground Reading Before Tough Become Goes.

Description : Programs Of composition Most Tough Language Which one ?

Last Answer : Programs Of composition Most Tough Language Machine Language.

Description : natural Of the object In Most Tough Substance Which one ?

Last Answer : Natural Of the object In Most Tough Substance Diamonds.

Description : I mean deer. Is it hard meat? Not that I have it, but I'm interested.

Last Answer : it's actually a goat, it depends on how old ...

Description : Which search engine gives a tough competition to google?

Last Answer : Yahoo definitely gives google a run for their money! Sometimes it could be pretty obvious considering that the people either use yahoo who Google to search things most of the time, but yahoo isn't the only runner up Bing is also a big search engine as well.