Ways to get rid of dark spots on the face ?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can use BatnoVet B cream. It removes dark spots on the face.

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Last Answer : The face is the most beautiful part of our body. And so if any black spots appear on this face, it is not desirable for us at all. These black spots, which in many cases cause discomfort, are the ... white and orange juice. Now apply the mixture on the skin for 25 to 30 minutes and wash it off.

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Last Answer : Clove is an ingredient in hot spices. It eliminates acne scars as well as acne scars. Apply clove paste on acne for 20 to 25 minutes and wash off with clean water. It will not scar ... cause acne on the skin. In addition , applying clove paste with sandalwood powder removes various skin problems.

Description : Which cream is best to remove dark spots on the face ?

Last Answer : Remy spot cleaner cream that removes dark spots , acne , acne scars , cuts , etc. Weight: 50 grams Price: 50

Last Answer : Whether it is acne scars or other scars , black spots are not suitable for your beautiful face at all. Ugly black spots make any beautiful look dirty. Applying a lot of cream , even after treatment ... after applying lemon juice on the skin , wash your face immediately and do not use it again.

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Description : Really effective ways to get rid of dark spots?

Last Answer : answer:Dermabrasion is something to research. Read about the contraindications. Your dermatologist can help you with your scarring issues.

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Last Answer : The best method is to use honey on the lips.

Description : What is the way to remove dark spots on the lips ?

Last Answer : Easy way to remove black spots on the lips: Glycerin : Dry lips quickly turn black when exposed to the sun. Apply a little glycerin on the cotton ball before going to bed. No need to wash before morning. ... 1 week. You will notice that the color of your lips has started to change in a few days.

Description : How do you remove dark spots on your face?

Last Answer : Are they new? Are they irregularly shaped? Probably best to find a dermatologist, skin cancer can kill.

Description : What can be done in a natural way to remove dark spots on the face ?

Last Answer : Especially effective for removing dark spots on your skin. 1) Aloe vera: Aloe vera is a very effective ingredient not only for removing black spots on the face , but also for removing acne , blemishes, ... beneficial for your skin and body. Because it is able to remove the black spots on your skin.

Description : What home remedy I can use to remove my dark spots in my face naturally?

Last Answer : There is a home remedy that my mother is doing. She put a table spoon of baking soda, with shredded potato (raw) , mixed it thoroughly and she put it on her face, elbows, knees and armpit. It ... gentle lotion to your elbow and knees because it is easy to get dry. Baking soda can dry your skin.

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Last Answer : There are more or less many problems with dark circles under the eyes. A little extra care and caution can solve this problem very easily. The eyes are a very sensitive place. So if you take care of the ... of the eyes as well as the feeling of wrinkling of the skin of the eyes will also be removed

Description : What is the way to get rid of dark lips ?

Last Answer : You can use Betnovit-N cream. At least it will be fair.

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Last Answer : : Buy aspirin tablets that are available in the market without the usual non-gel coats. Break half the tablet into powder. Make a paste with very little (2/1 drop) of water and apply it on ... like that can be said about thickening the skin. Seek the advice of any dermatologist near you. Thanks.

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Last Answer : Take 1 tablespoon butter , 1 teaspoon honey and 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice. Now mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and make a smooth cream like paste. Brush it evenly on clean skin and apply it ... the skin must be cleaned by scrubbing the skin and the pack can be made and kept in the fridge.

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Last Answer : Some people have problems with pronunciation while speaking. Maybe it's okay, but some people get stuck when it comes to talking fast. When someone reads something again, they get stuck despite knowing ... na achancha chata chache. -The most suitable time to pronounce the words is in the morning.

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Last Answer : : You can use Assure facewash for your problem . And the price of facewash is not known. However, it seems to be between 250 to 300 rupees.

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Last Answer : You can apply honey on your face and apply cinnamon powder on the spots.

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Last Answer : You can use Biobloom Natural Under Eye Gel. Biobloom is a completely natural product The present aloe vera gel , mint oil and rose water together will remove dark spots under your eyes and wrinkles ... stress marks. It costs only 299 rupees. But the problem is that it is not available everywhere.

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Last Answer : You don't have to leave home without special needs in the city. For this reason, many of us are seen , when we go to the city, it is fair. I have been saying for so long what causes your skin to ... other people's used clothes. 5. If you have a skin disease , seek the help of a local health worker.

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Last Answer : You can use Betnovate C Cream to remove nose blemishes. It helps to remove dark spots on the skin. You can also use mezta out cream. I hope you will get results.

Description : How to remove black spots on the lips ?

Last Answer : : Mix a few drops of lemon juice with some cold multani soil kept in the fridge. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and rub it lightly on the lips. After ten minutes wash it off with cold water. If you use it twice a week, the black spots will gradually disappear.

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Last Answer : Apply sugar on a piece of lemon and rub it on the black area on the neck and neck. It should be stretched for 15/20 days.

Description : What should I use to remove facial spots ?

Last Answer : Use White Beauty Yellow Cream for Acne Acne.

Description : Why are there black spots under the eyes ?

Last Answer : When the skin and muscles lose elasticity due to age, the skin around the eyes sag. The main reason for the black under the eyes is the lack of proper blood supply to this part. The following ... loss can also cause this problem. 10. Lack of balanced diet and excessive dieting is also a factor

Last Answer : 11 tips to solve acne problem 1. The most important thing is to keep the face clean regularly. Wash your face with facewash at least twice a day, especially after coming out of the dust and before ... black spots , rub a piece of lemon juice in that place regularly. You can use Betanovet N Cream.

Last Answer : Your problem is a very common one. Many people suffer from the problem of cracked skin or stretch marks. These cracked spots can be seen on different parts of the skin of our body. ... . Different nutrients are needed for healthy skin and therefore it is important to develop proper eating habits.

Description : How to remove dark circles under the eyes ?

Last Answer : Everything to do: - Moderate sleep habits. Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. - Medications that interfere with sleep should be avoided. - Drink enough pure water. However, it is not ... a doctor. Don't be attracted to superfluous exfoliating creams. It can be the other way around.

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Last Answer : Dark circles are mainly due to anxiety and not sleeping at night. There is no reason to worry. Because it is possible to overcome this problem by following a few rules. There is no need to use ... almond oil , tomato , almond oil -honey paste etc. Hopefully using them will solve your problem. Thanks

Description : What is the way to remove dark circles under the eyes ?

Last Answer : Here are some simple natural ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Cucumber juice: If you want to get rid of dark circles, apply cucumber juice around the eyes every day. After 15 minutes ... After 20 minutes, rinse with water. Dark circles as well as puffiness of the eyes will be removed.

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Last Answer : You can use Pond's White Beauty Cream.

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Last Answer : I think that could be mold or fungus.....I would toss them in the mulch pile. I would not use them, It could make you sick.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Description : why am i getting large dark spots on my large green tomatoes before they rippen

Last Answer : Yup, it's called grass rot, which is caused by an infection. Mix 1 tblsp. of honey with 6 oz of milk and 1/2 gal of water, and pour the mixture around the base of the infected plant. That should do the trick, and you will see results within a couple of weeks. -Birdy

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Last Answer : You tree is dying of a calcium deficiency. You need to add calcium to the soil. Either by crushed egg shells or sour milk. And you will need to do it quickly before the tree actuially dies. -Birdy

Description : How can I remove dark spots in one month?

Last Answer : By using turmeric if you have a sensitive skin you need to be more careful. Use it for a month, then you can see the difference.

Description : What are the steps to clear acne and pimple dark spots in a week?

Last Answer : First, you can use lemon water/juice. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon then apply it on the pimples or acne for like 5 minutes. Repeat the process twice or thrice a day for 2 weeks or three ... right cream. Even with the cream, you should apply it thrice or twice a day to facilitate the results.

Description : The lower foliage on my tomatoes is beginning to turn yellow and drop. The leaves have circular dark brown to black spots.

Last Answer : A. This is Alternaria leaf spot or early blight, a common problem on tomatoes that causes defoliation usually during periods of high rainfall. Plant tomatoes on a raised bed to improve water drainage ... the growing season until harvest. Use a fungicide such as Daconil approved for home garden use.

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Last Answer : We can prevent infectious diseases by covering our face with our hands or using handkerchiefs during sneezing and coughing. In this case, it is better to use the back of the hand or the fold of the ... diseases during sneezing and coughing as the back of the hand or elbow is less used during work.

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Last Answer : : You will first clean the face with facewash, then wipe the face and apply olive oil cream in the same way or apply oil on the skin. I hope you will continue to pay regularly. He will drink more water.

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Last Answer : You should sleep with your left hand under your head with your right hand crying while sleeping every night. InshaAllah all problems will be solved.