Who wrote in the enemy rain ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Written by Sikandar Abu Jafar in Bairi Brishti.

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Last Answer : yes

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Last Answer : No. Wasn’t getting any in return.

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Last Answer : answer:Well considering we spend the most time with ourselves, hands down. As to how that manifests is your personal weight. Learning to use your faults as strengths is a nice trick.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds here like this engaging the fight, rather than fighting. Like all that crap you have to do, under time pressure, to fight the optional boss in Final Fantasy VIII If you don't hurry ... so busy not caring that his very disposition teleports me out of the battle field or something. :/

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Last Answer : Isn’t the saying: Love your neighbor like you love yourself?

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Last Answer : I’d kick sand in his face,then beat him up and make him cry.

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Last Answer : wolf in sheep’s clothing ? or is that about as subtle as trojan horse ?

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Last Answer : Since I sleep very little at night and get most during the day, then time is my friend in that regard. Time is my enemy when I’m trying to get somewhere quickly and every slow driver decides to pull out in front of me and sight see on the way!

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Last Answer : Answer to this and others here.

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Last Answer : answer:Really depends how it's used and what it's used for. A lot of people use things like Formspring and Honesty Box to spew a bunch of hate that they couldn't do without anonymity. Pretty sad ... so is obvious - embarrassment, not wanting to be associated with certain q's that you have, etc.

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Last Answer : answer:I have a mother-in-law who threw us out of the house at 2AM with no car and wouldn't let us get our stuff. She forgot all of the financial help we had given her (like paying her ... causes another person to live in fear, take meds, and go to therapy for years qualifies as enemy though.

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Last Answer : I’d like to strap a hive full of cranky bees to————‘s arse…but that would not be very nice ;)

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Last Answer : answer:Well, if you want to let go of what happened in the past, you could start with “Hello. I want to put the past behind us in order to move on.” Then you may both exchange some thoughts, since you’ve had a long time to think about this. I would try to avoid arguments.

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Last Answer : As a Ranger I have a permanent +4 against Bugbears. Seriously, I really don’t have a major beef like that with anything

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Last Answer : I'm thinking two things (just a guess, without more details) 1-You need to improve contingency planning. That is, I typically hope for the best, but have at least one or two plans when things fall ... , if things keep going wrong, you might need to take a more active role in ensuring your success.

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Last Answer : Those are alot of hypotheticals. Why are you asking so many, just out of curiosity?

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Last Answer : Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve played that one and I don’t remember that happening. I’ll have to play it and see if I can get that to happen. Do you have any specifics (units, when it happens, etc)?

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Last Answer : My bully came and asked me to look at his project I saw he did all of it wrong I decided since he was a asshole to me I would let him fail the project he did his grades kept spiraling out of ... take him for his previous acts and grades I haven't checked up on him sense (note karma is a bitch)

Description : Has anyone here applied the phrase "don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake"? And how much their mistake escalated by letting them continue?

Last Answer : My bully came and asked me to look at his project I saw he did all of it wrong I decided since he was a asshole to me I would let him fail the project he did his grades kept spiraling out of ... take him for his previous acts and grades I haven't checked up on him sense (note karma is a bitch)

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Last Answer : My bully came and asked me to look at his project I saw he did all of it wrong I decided since he was a asshole to me I would let him fail the project he did his grades kept spiraling out of ... take him for his previous acts and grades I haven't checked up on him sense (note karma is a bitch)

Description : Has anyone here applied the phrase "don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake"? And how much their mistake escalated by letting them continue?

Last Answer : My bully came and asked me to look at his project I saw he did all of it wrong I decided since he was a asshole to me I would let him fail the project he did his grades kept spiraling out of ... take him for his previous acts and grades I haven't checked up on him sense (note karma is a bitch)

Description : Has anyone here applied the phrase "don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake"? And how much their mistake escalated by letting them continue?

Last Answer : My bully came and asked me to look at his project I saw he did all of it wrong I decided since he was a asshole to me I would let him fail the project he did his grades kept spiraling out of ... take him for his previous acts and grades I haven't checked up on him sense (note karma is a bitch)

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Last Answer : My bully came and asked me to look at his project I saw he did all of it wrong I decided since he was a asshole to me I would let him fail the project he did his grades kept spiraling out of ... take him for his previous acts and grades I haven't checked up on him sense (note karma is a bitch)

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Last Answer : My negative thoughts

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Last Answer : The queen was the white queen, and the servant who was sacrificed was a white pawn who had reached the back row of the black chess pieces—and was subsequently promoted/exchanged for the captured white queen.

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Last Answer : Time.

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Last Answer : A lie.

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Last Answer : The devil. (D-evil)

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Last Answer : F O E

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Last Answer : Mazzini was described as the ‘most dangerous enemy to our social order’ by Metternich.

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Last Answer : Whose enemy is not born: Ajatashatru.

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Last Answer : - Short horned lizard-.

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Last Answer : Enemy's opposite ally 6

Description : Just a hocus spider :)

Last Answer : Funny question :-D but the enemies of daggers are hocus pots :-D

Description : (smoking)

Last Answer : If only class. Someone sees the enemy around every corner .....

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Last Answer : This is an awkward situation and if it isn't dealt with soon it could lead to many problems in the workplace. Hopefully, by now these two people are older and will try and put thing behind them and especially at ... much easier for the both of you. Don't let the past get in the way of a new future.

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Last Answer : The enemy was taken aback due to the steps taken by the Indian Army. With the help of the ... out strategies of the Indian Army for such a situation.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : yes