How do you check for doneness i any baked products?

1 Answer

Answer :

paying cheques drawn on him/her and also collecting cheques for his/her customers.  In most common law jurisdictions there is a Bills of Exchange Act that codifies the law in relation to negotiable instruments, including cheques, and this Act contains a statutory definition of the term banker: banker includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not, who carry on the business of banking' (Section 2, Interpretation). Although this definition seems circular, it is actually functional, because it ensures that the legal basis for bank transactions such as cheques does not depend on how the bank is structured or regulated. The business of banking is in many common law countries not defined by statute but by common law, the definition above. In other English common law jurisdictions there

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Description : How do you check the doneness of any baked of products?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How do you check the doneness of your baked product?

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Last Answer : No, but there is one that smells like chicken. It’s called Chicken Permission.

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Last Answer : Never, gotta oil ‘em. ans SALT them and bake them in the standard way for perfection! Use ground course sea salt and olive oil for the best crispy but not dry skins! If you want perfect you must craft it with patience. haha

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Last Answer : You probably could get a similar result on a stove top, but if I had the option, I think a slow cooker or crock pot would be better. BTW, you have my mouth watering.

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Last Answer : answer:Fried foods are not inherently unhealthy or fattening; that is a result of which oil they are fried in. And, like tofu, much of the flavor of potatoes also comes from what they're cooked ... so many dairy farms), but found Brummel & Brown to be quite tasty despite having half the calories.

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Description : I need a baked chicken recipe - really simple, right now!

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Last Answer : Rub ‘em in salt and stick them in the microwave. Takes too long for them in the oven.

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Last Answer : Never tried this, but I would think it would work if you just left them under the broiler for a few minutes. Is it good to have a crispy skin? I don’t think I’ve ever had it that way, never strived for it either, but it sounds interesting.

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Last Answer : Rising crust vegetarian pizza cooked in convection oven.

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Last Answer : I don’t know of any and I am a potter.You could try a ceramics store or take classes.That way you can get your work fired :)

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Last Answer : Sweet!

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Last Answer : I doubt it would do you any harm. Might have gone a little hard though!

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Last Answer : It really depends on the person, their specific health issues and dietary needs, what the purpose of the diet is, and how it’s structured. There’s no one “right answer”.

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Last Answer : I love using tinfoil to bake fish. Just place a piece of fish, a slice of onion, and a few slices of whatever fresh veggies you have around the house on a piece of foil. Squeeze a ...

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Last Answer : I love cooking from scratch, but baked beans are so good from the can it is unnecessary to me. Bush’s baked beans are good, you can throw in some bacon or onion yourself to spruce it up a little if you want.

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Last Answer : If the issue is with the crust browning, if you cover the pie with foil (and holes for steam to escape), it should stop the crust from browning as much.

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Last Answer : answer:You cooked in a clay pot. No seriously, bakingware is of a very different composition. Outdoor clay pits are meant to be porous – the steam expanded and broke the pot. I’m surprised it didn’t shatter!

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Last Answer : I would not dye potatoe skins, a lot of people are allergic to can go into shock if eaten. I would just put foil around it and decorated with stickers on the foil.

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Last Answer : I tried to cook them in butter & freeze.....they don't have the same you have a dehydrator..............that would work.....they sell them that way...........they ... if you don't do them correctly.......I noticed that they have cooked green beans with mushrooms in the frozen aisle.

Description : A purveyor of baked goods is approached by a man with a very low I.Q. who wants to buy some of the baker's creations; however, the man with the low I.Q. has no credit or debit cards, no ... denied any of the seller's goods. Who is this dolt who is trying to get something for nothing? -Riddles

Last Answer : Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair. Says Simple Simon to the pieman, 'Let me taste your ware.' Says the pieman to Simple Simon, 'Show me first your penny.' Says Simple Simon to the pieman, 'Indeed, I have not any.

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Last Answer : We find the pieces of baked clay and burnt bones from Chesowanja, Kenya and Swartkrans. These tools are dated between 1.4 and 1 mya.

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Last Answer : Terracotta

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Last Answer : When dieting, don't eat baked goods. She will gain weight. You need carbs after a workout, but not in that form. Rather, take that carbohydrate from sweet potatoes and rice.

Description : vanilla pudding sponge cake (before yesterday)

Last Answer : We make pudding cubes this weekend.

Description : I want to try to put the chops one at a time and wrap them. Do you think they will bake in the oven like this?

Last Answer : Yes they will bake. I do them too. I load the meat with spices and oils and garlic and then wrap the individual chops in foil. I bake them in medium oven for about 15 minutes, then I turn them over ... them and they are beautifully soft. I pack them in 3 foil to make sure the juice doesn't leak.

Description : In the evening I want to make baked potatoes but I have no idea how to do it.

Last Answer : I make it common to throw them washed in hot and leave them for 15 - 25 minutes depending on size. But he wants to check it out. Then someone makes, for example, in foil that they cut them, salt them, add fat or English and also make them wrapped in coal.

Description : Will they just bury themselves in the ashes? Not really right?

Last Answer : Potatoes baked in fires best when potato stems were burned. This fuel gave off not too much heat and the ash lasted a very long time just warm.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Grilled or baked chicken, which is healthier?

Last Answer : Grilled chicken is the healthier option between the two. Of course depending on what you would use to bake it. Grilling it, whether you're cooking it on a bar b que, on the stove in a ... chicken. The other types of chicken have more fat and therefor calories because of the skin on the chicken.