How can I overwinter Hydrangea macrophylia, indoors , in Canada?

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Last Answer : I lived in zone 7, I did put 12 inches of mulch...........some came up & some did not come up....................I would dig them up if you want them to come back next year.

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Description : Or does it have to come out?

Last Answer : Of course they overwinter, you just need to protect the roses from frost. I personally cover it with twigs, but in the link you have exact instructions:

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Last Answer : answer:Where do you live? Are you wiling to build a green house? I believe that you can keep poblano pepper plants in a sunny room during the winter but that doesn’t give you much variety.

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Last Answer : They are my favorite inside plant...............early morning sun, ph 5.5-6.5 don't over water, but like moist

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Last Answer : I have tried to do that but we have a woodstove and it gets too warm, but if you have a ccoler early morning window that gets a little sun and then the strong sun passes over, it might work., Rotate the plant, ... on a slant against the house.and protect it to keep the cold out...................

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