What is one fact that you know is true but REFUSE to believe?

1 Answer

Answer :

That tomatoes are a fruit. It doesn’t taste good enough to be a fruit :(

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Last Answer : Are you part of a union? Could you contact them for assistance? (Yes, of course you should be paid!)

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Last Answer : I learned that a few years ago in my African American history class in high school. I feel ashamed now though because unfortunately I don’t remember the young lady’s name…

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Last Answer : And as a side note, as a homeschool parent in Oregon, I wasn't given the option of not testing my daughter because the state required standardized testing of homeschoolers by a certified tester. We had to set up ... If they had, I would've waved my doctor's note at them, and told them to screw it.

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Last Answer : Deal Dash is not a good idea. Link As the article says, it is technically legitimate, but it is not a good idea for buyers.

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Last Answer : In all honestly probably not. If it's extra money in my pocket, I'll be happy to take their money. What they do with the goods afterwords is their business. However there are certain exceptions to ... that they are delicate devices and need to be handled with care. After that they are their own.

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Last Answer : Because he doesn’t like them.

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Last Answer : Say, “I can’t. I don’t have it. ”

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Last Answer : They weren't allowed to cut women's hair? That's kind of stupid. I don't see any difference between men's hair and women's hair. I wouldn't exactly call it sexist, I'm not sure that that ... gender discrimating. That's kind of messed up, honestly. How can you not be qualified to cut women's hair?

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Last Answer : answer:Not at all. We are allowed to have hard limits in our own behaviour. Anne Hathaway was offered the part ultimately played by Katherine Heigl in Baby Mama , and refused because ... discomfort or moral difference, they absolutely should refuse that job. To do otherwise would be unprofessional.

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Last Answer : Probably just bad staff training. Manager was clueless too, and told employee not to answer, because of some combination of ignorance, apathy, lack of courtesy, lack of understanding of the value of always ... my clerk off the phone with someone who's not immediately going to buy something from us.

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Last Answer : I don’t know. I can’t imagine what BS reason they come up with why the world didn’t end when they said it was going to.

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Last Answer : answer:Just think about your weight loss goal and keep your eyes on the prize. Tell yourself that it will pay off for you if you resist. Drink some water or something that will help keep you full. For ... . Just smile and say thank you, push the food around on plate, and chuck when nobody's looking.

Description : Do you have, or have you considered creating, a list of topics that you refuse to discuss?

Last Answer : No, I will talk about anything and bullshit about anything I know nothing about. However, I can totally see where Bortz is coming from. I think he is correct. No one is ever going to change someone elses mind on that particular topic once they have made up their minds..

Description : Can a 15 year old girl refuse to have an abortion?

Last Answer : If it came from a site like Life News, you can bet your last dollar that it’s bullshit. And yes, minor or not, no one can force one to have an abortion.