If you could master a habit, which habit would that be?

1 Answer

Answer :

Probably the habit of eating healthy. I’d love the benefits but I don’t have that sort of discipline

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Last Answer : Smile at the people that irritate you. Or better yet, just don’t let other people get under your skin.

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Description : Weird eating habit?

Last Answer : I do too. I can eat a little before I reject the food though; Even the good stuff. (Donuts, Steak, fish, veggies). I suggest checking ones insurance if you are covered for a doctors visit. To ... you are weird or something. If your eating style doesn't interfere with your life then you are fine.

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Last Answer : I drink entirely too much freaking pop :(

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Last Answer : Standing up as soon as I wake up, like if I had a bad dream or something. Stops me from going back to bed.

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Last Answer : Completely different tools for completely different reasons. Powerpoint is for presentations, lessons, etc. Word is for writing and editing documents. It isn’t a question of habit. It is a matter of choosing the right tool for the job you have to do.

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Last Answer : It was similar to stopping smoking for me when I cut out sugar and all white foods from my diet. Once my body got past the carb craving (about 4 days), it was pretty easy. The difference ... , there is always the chance someone is going for a burrito or a taco. It makes eating choices difficult.

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Last Answer : Walking regularly.

Description : How did you (or someone you know) break that bad habit?

Last Answer : Cold turkey. I smoked a pack a day and this was back when smokers could smoke any place they wanted to. So I smoked at my desk. It bothered the guy that sat beside me. One day he came up to me and ... turkey. It was not easy, but after the first week it wasn't too horrible. Edited to add: 7/11/88

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Last Answer : Same as chewing on nails: put something distasteful on the sleeves.

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Last Answer : Me & the wife cum together, a great shared habit to get into.

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Last Answer : Since I am not dumb enough to intentionally inhale poison in the first place, no, my non-existing smoking habits would not change.

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Last Answer : answer:Just stop doing those things, that’s how anyone breaks any habit. Sticking with it is the trick.

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Last Answer : Harder to break. I’ve been trying cut back on my soda intake but it’s been really difficult.

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Last Answer : answer:He has what I call a “creative interpretation of time”. The words “I’ll be back shortly” will be inscribed on his tombstone.

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Last Answer : Most of my foods can’t touch each other. Dry foods can touch, but wet foods can’t.

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Last Answer : Make the smallest, least painful change in the right direction. Repeat. When that becomes second nature, make the smallest, least painful change in the right direction. You will start slow, but the momentum will multiply before too long.

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Last Answer : Checking Fluther constantly. It is positive, I need the company.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm with you. I feel anything can be habit forming - from that cup of coffee in the morning to the milk and cookies before bed. If you need to do it every day, it's a habit by ... my 1080p monitor can't resolve it. That is an immediate turn off and convinces me they have something to hide.

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Last Answer : Doing psych experiments on students including her… big mistake on my part.

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Last Answer : He felt you needed a crutch. Shame on him.

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Last Answer : Oh but when I look at his ass its perfectly clean. I do not get it.

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Last Answer : answer:If it is a consistent bad habit, tell her nicely that from now on when she vanishes without an explanation, you are going to hang up. Or, ask her what's a good length for the ... rude. Forewarned is forearmed. If she is super busy as you describe, perhaps she would appreciate shorter calls.

Description : What can I snack on at night? Have a bad habit long=term!

Last Answer : answer:Get rid of the snack stuff. Now!!! Don't eat it ! Toss it or give it to the animals outside. Do it now!!! Tomorrow, go to the grocery store and buy celery and carrots. That's it. ... pounds. Give yourself an equal amount of time to sculpt them off. You have taken the first step! Good luck!

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Last Answer : My female cat does this with me, and I don't know if the taken from their mother too early thing has any bearing on it, but it would certainly fit my cat. When she was born, her original ... cat milk, and she tried to nurse on me for several weeks. She has aggressively groomed me ever since.

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Last Answer : Probably your brain is associating rest and solving problems so it keeps prompting you to handle stress that way. You’re very lucky! You get rest, regeneration and a game plan. Obviously you got a good brain and not one of those abby normal ones.

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Last Answer : answer:Benadryl is not. The sleep inducing dose is 50 milligrams taken before bed. Another precaution relates to whether or not this drug is habit forming. While some people think they can become ... amount you take by slowly weaning yourself so you won't feel the effects as dramatically. Source

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Last Answer : answer:With the society we live in now, the only difference would be that this area would be the suburbs, except for a smaller, elite group. It’s all about money, remember. That’s amazing, though.

Description : At what point does a strange habit become a fetish?

Last Answer : I think it would be when he starts hitting the ham because of it.

Description : How do you find the strength to break a bad habit and change your life?

Last Answer : I vow to myself that I will try my hardest. I have got quite a strong will, and I treat myself to keep me motivated, like ice cream, chocolate, new rings etc.

Description : What is one bad habit your s/o has that you would like to change?

Last Answer : His chewing tobacco habit. I have concerns about it leading to cancer of the mouth/gums and really don’t want him to have to go through that.

Description : I have a strange little habit...

Last Answer : answer:That’s not too bad at all. It’s said that if you have a sink that is near your toilet, your toothbrush has fecal matter on it. I actually do that as well. My strange habit is that I use Germ-X on my hands each time I walk into a new room.

Description : How can I have my girlfriend stop this habit? (detail inside)

Last Answer : answer:So sad… She needs some counseling ..maybe it will help. You can try to be there for her and eventually she’ll see and understand your love. Takes time to overcome the past.

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Last Answer : answer:You throw all away all the bottles in the house and realize that it's going to be really shitty for a few days. She'll get over it. There really is no other way. The longer you wait the ... bag for you already). Also, I recommend a book. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It saved our sanity.

Description : What is the most effective, non habit forming sleeping pill?

Last Answer : answer:Excercise! Run Aster run! lol

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther =D. I've been playing video games for years now and maybe I have more bad qualities than I'd like to admit to or than I'm realizing, but, I really dont see this as a bad hobby, ... ride with, run with, etc. My problem with that is if my buddy doesn't go, then I dont go.

Description : What is your worst habit?

Last Answer : Smoking. But I’m working on quitting.

Description : I tend to water down any juice I'm about to drink (Habit) ....do you have a food related habit ?

Last Answer : Yes, I eat my cupcakes upside down. I like to put corn on my mashed potatoes. I like to put milk on my ice cream and mix it up in a bowl.

Description : How Serious of a flaw would this habit be to you?

Last Answer : Huge pet peeve – wouldn’t be able to get over it.

Description : Has anyone ever overcome their habit of procrastination?

Last Answer : I am just 66, and I am going to get around to doing it any day now.

Description : How do I break the habit of not saving money?

Last Answer : Instruct your bank to set up a regular bank transfer to a savings account and maybe limit access to the savings account to someone you trust, so that you have to convince him that it is really necessary when you want to withdraw money.

Description : Do you believe in inherant attitude, habit or even skills in a person?

Last Answer : Certain skills or abilities are developed at a young age as the brain mature. Poor living conditions and isolation (some examples) in ones youth for too long a duration will/can cause and miss the window of ... would say, I would like a glass of water. She would say, water glass me.

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Last Answer : I think it’s just a different way of saying “tornadoes are a common occurrence here”.