What would you do if someone told you your life has been set up?

1 Answer

Answer :

That my wife and friends were actors? I’d feel pretty destroyed, yet slightly liberated at the same time.

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Last Answer : Uh, nope. I’m guessing because I am a “girl.” lol

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Last Answer : Go for it! You only live once ;)

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Last Answer : this afternoon actually. But not as much as I should though. I think I’ll call her now, thanx

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Last Answer : well yes I’m sure there are other life forms out there there about 3galixies that are known of and if there are aliens out there there smart enought to stay away from us.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes… Oh, GOD, yes. I just kindly nodded and kept it to myself. Thanks for reminding me. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Merp.

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Last Answer : All you white people look alike (jk). I’m bi-racial (white and Mexican), but I get a lot of people thinking I’m Armenian or Persian. It doesn’t bother me, but its funny to see peoples’ reactions when you tell them what you actually are.

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Last Answer : most likely from the 'mint' family if it has a square stem...NOT hibiscus w/ square stem.

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Last Answer : I don't think that's a good idea. Cutting all of the blooms off may inhibit blooming next year. I have gorgeous hydrangeas. I don't touch them at all until March (I live in the Northeast) ... water it in lightly. Come late spring, early summer, they are profuse with blooms. I hope this helps.

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Last Answer : some are benificial......................I would check with your local forrester.

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Last Answer : We know that the corridor leading into Lily's house can only fit one person at a time, so it cannot be Ben whose caravans obviously can't go into the house. We know that Lily heard ... who can both produce engine noises and get into that narrow corridor at the SAME time using his motorbike.

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Last Answer : Paper.

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