Have you tried brain yoga?

1 Answer

Answer :

What’s a palate? :S Sounds cool.

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Last Answer : I think only Dr. Frankenstein has tried it… with mixed results

Description : What are the two or three best yoga poses for improving balance?

Last Answer : Better than if you don’t do anything with your body, yes.

Description : Why is Yoga so painful?

Last Answer : Any exercise can be painful if you’re not used to it and not trained for it.

Description : How much flexibility and mobility can yoga give me?

Last Answer : I would recommend Feldenkrais. It's not Yoga, but is designed for restoring mobility to people with all sorts of injuries or other issues due to their physical habits and so on. The ... for developing your weightlifting itself, because it develops the way your brain relates to using your body.

Description : Has hot yoga screwed up my body temperature?

Last Answer : answer:It hasn't messed up your body temperature as much as it has affected your ability to adapt to cold. it's like when people who live in Hawaii or Florida visit a cold place, they just ... down around 10. I shivered for two days before I finally got acclimated to it and could feel comfortable.

Description : Finding it hard to start yoga?

Last Answer : I suggest you find a local class. Doing yoga online can be dangerous if you’re not experienced. You need someone to guide you so you will understand proper alignment and online your instructor can’t see you and correct your alignment

Description : Is yoga something I should do daily or do every other day?

Last Answer : Three times a week will be fine. There is no need to ask the same question twice in a row by the way.

Description : What does it take to become a certified hatha yoga teacher?

Last Answer : answer:About 200 hours of training, or 6 months to a year of work. Google Hatha Yoga teacher Training and you'll get over 400,000 hits. Then just choose the facility nearest you ... American Yoga Association certification or certs from some comparable organization. Good luck. Welcome to ask-public.

Description : What burns more calories: 90 minute hot yoga class or 45 minute spin class?

Last Answer : You can look up the calories burned on exercise on various diet sites. I use myfitnesspal. It’s pretty good. For me 45 min spin is 440 calories and 90 min yoga is 314. I don’t know what hot yoga is though

Description : For those of you who practice yoga, can you walk on a slackline?

Last Answer : answer:I’m only an occasional yoga dabbler, but challenge frakking accepted. I’ll set one up at my new house. That gives me a few weeks to up my yoga game. I’m naturally good at balancing (though you’d never guess as I’m still a hopeless klutz). This would make good bragging rights.

Description : What Does Hatha Yoga Mean?

Last Answer : answer:Yoga, in sanskrit, means union; the sun and the moon, the internal and the external, the past and the future. The goal of yoga is integration of the self through self-discovery. Classical ... from a Phys Ed point of view but they contribute nothing to accomplishing the core goals of yoga.

Description : For a light-hearted bit of amusement, which looks better on a petite, slender or athletic woman, yoga pants or leggings, or are they interchangeable?

Last Answer : Both look good on fit, athletic and well-sculpted women. Neither item looks nice on chubby ladies. Yoga pants require that extra fit body. But then there are those who insist on wearing them when tracksuit pants would be a better choice.

Description : Does anyone have any experience with bikram yoga?

Last Answer : answer:Hot Yoga. Yeah, I walked into a class a couple of years ago. It reminded me of all that No Pain, No Gain crap that was going around gyms run by young jits who didn't know what they ... I'm more of a Paramahansa Yogananda kinda guy, myself. I even like how the syllables roll off the tongue.

Description : Is yoga only for toning, or can you really lose weight with it?

Last Answer : Yes , that is true but it takes a long while, thats for sure!

Description : Is there a good fitness studio chain that offers yoga classes?

Last Answer : Yoga + chain = non coexisting

Description : What has practicing yoga done for your spiritual life?

Last Answer : answer:For me, I started yoga for the physical benefits, but I found the mental benefits akin to what @thorninmud explains on your meditation question. Yoga is undertaken as a practice, it is something that ... it can do and accept what it can't have also been beneficial to my overall well-being.

Description : Do you practice yoga or some other form of fitness that has changed you?

Last Answer : answer:I started following a guru called Mooji who has a number of videos on YouTube, and up also attended a retreat he conducted. The point wasn't to lose weight, but as a result of making it a ... physical yoga, I just felt good in my body and elongating my spine in the off hours out of habit.

Description : What's your favorite yoga app?

Last Answer : Yoga Journal.com

Description : Yoga in the morning or night?

Last Answer : answer:Whenever it suits. I now encorporate the yoga breathing with many of my post-op knee exercises and do it in late afternoon. Many busy people do it at home first thing in the AM before they start their day.

Description : Which women fashion do you hope would be utilized more in 2014, minis, skinny jeans, bra abandonment, yoga pants, or leggings as pants?

Last Answer : answer:I would like women to actually utilize clothing that is appropriate for their body types, regardless of what that is lol No clothes too small and shit hanging out everywhere. I hate that.

Description : Can practicing yoga turn an atheist into a believer and how?

Last Answer : Atheists don’t believe in nothing. They just don’t believe in God.

Description : For long term yoga practitioners: do you feel you're contacting evil spirits?

Last Answer : answer:Wow. Yes, and farts are escaping evil spirits seeking out new victims. (Why aren’t there more atheists?!?)

Description : Yoga for seniors?

Last Answer : Have her check with her physician. But it should be good for her or have her try Tai Chi for low impact exercise, stretching and balance improvement.

Description : How and why is stretching like in yoga practice healthy?

Last Answer : Any stretching and exercise is good when it is done correctly. It’s my understanding that Yoga is done according to certain proven principles and taught by a coach.

Description : Will doing too many yoga poses hurt you?

Last Answer : answer:It is certainly possible to injure yourself by doing yoga asanas incorrectly, including over-doing past your limit. I say incorrectly because part of proper asana practice is developing and ... being competitive. They are not true to the classical intention and practice of yoga asana.

Description : Yoga in the evening?

Last Answer : answer:How much time do you have? If you have time for it, just do the classic sequence of twelve major asanas - that's balanced and won't make you too hyper for sleep. If you don't have ... calming and relaxing (so they say, I don't find it much different energetically from the sun salute myself).

Description : How soon do you see results with a yoga workout?

Last Answer : answer:People expect all sorts of things from hatha yoga, which I suppose is because there are plenty of modern fad yoga-like things that promise them. Hatha yoga is about preparing the body to be relaxed ... exercise when that's what you need. Then come back to your hatha yoga to calm your mind.

Description : Are there any good yoga music playlists?

Last Answer : answer:You know I can't. I am ashamed to admit that even though when I take a yoga class or find some yoga music online I do enjoy and find it ralxing and hypnotic but when I ... on being traditional I suggest you search youtube or pandora and find artists and companies and styles you like.

Description : How soon should you add new yoga moves?

Last Answer : answer:Um I am less then formal and structured. I listen to what my body finds comfortable so I rarely start out with too many modifications. Occasionally I push it. Not quite that limber hold ... then I found this great instructor who encouraged free style. Best thing that happened to me in yoga.

Description : Are easy yoga poses less effective?

Last Answer : Results? Depends on why you are doing yoga… It wasn’t intended to flatten your abs.

Description : Is it good yoga practice to push yourself harder?

Last Answer : Not in Hatha yoga. The movements are supposed to be gentle and steady.

Description : Which yoga routine targets belly fat?

Last Answer : You can only target muscle with exercise, fat is reduced by reducing or burning calories. There is some research that eating a lower carbohydrate diet helps the body not hold on to fat in the belly. Has to ... extra ½ and inch on your tummy you might want to lose when the rest of you is stick thin.

Description : What is the reason for certain yoga poses?

Last Answer : Yoga asanas (postures) start the process of opening up the body in order for the prana (internal energy) to increase its flow thru the meridians of the body. These meridians connect with ... mind and body, to find calmness within,seek stillness within and understand your relationship with humanity.

Description : Is yoga your only exercise?

Last Answer : answer:What is this exercise of which you speak? Seriously, though, I don't exercise verb, I get exercise noun. That is, if I feel like running about, I'll take my son to the ... trees. Or something like that. A workmate is a yoga instructor. She also jogs several miles a day. Overachiever.

Description : What does "yoga asanas" mean?

Last Answer : It just means the poses themselves; body positions.

Description : Yoga moves that shouldn't go together?

Last Answer : I know that the sequence is important. Inversions are usually towards the end of the workout after standing poses and before shavasana.

Description : Doing yoga when you are sick?

Last Answer : Depends on your condition, and what yoga practice you are considering. If you have a cold then a standard round of asanas will help clear congestion throughout the body. And pranayama is good for you in ... . Some sun-salutes can loosen up the body enough to help relax and help you get to sleep.

Description : What's one thing about yoga that you're too embarrassed to ask your teacher?

Last Answer : I want to know what one does when they really have to fart during yoga.

Description : Do you do yoga when having your period?

Last Answer : I never heard of such a thing. I don’t do yoga, but if I did surely my period would not stop me. Do yoga teachers actually skip teaching during the month? Not that I know of. What would be the reason?

Description : Has anyone had any experience with laughter yoga, or loga?

Last Answer : I’ve never taken a class, but I have tried some of the techniques and it was a hoot. I believe it works and does what it says it does. The theory makes sense to me. I would do it, if I didn’t have to pay for it. But I’m cheap that way.

Description : How do you tap into your energy during yoga practice?

Last Answer : answer:Just a mild hallucination brought on by wishful thinking. I'm sorry it sounds harsh, but there's quite frankly no such thing as a chakra , and I'm sure your yogi would be hard ... breathing is fantastic exercise and great for your physical and mental health, but it doesn't make you magical.

Description : What's the best type of top to wear to hot yoga?

Last Answer : As little as possible, like a leotard with thin straps.You’ll glisten at the end of class.

Description : What's the difference between a regular and daily yoga practice?

Last Answer : answer:Same results? Maybe not. But good results? That seems likely. I consider that I had a regular practice when I went to yoga class every week. It did me plenty of good. I don't think you ... it doesn't subtract value) if you do it less than daily. You just aren't getting everything you could.

Description : Is it normal to get emotional during yoga practice?

Last Answer : Yes, It happens all the time. We store emotions in our bodies and various poses release those feelings and people feel things strongly or cry. It is very common.

Description : What is good yoga music?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther! I've never practiced yoga. But I am inclined to suspect that music by DJ Cheb i Sabbah would be great. He is one of the pioneers of world/fusion music. A lot of ... music, and I have certainly found it helpful for meditation. Give their song Magnetic a good listen.

Description : Is there a book with yoga poses illustrated?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I searched on the term yoga for beginners (without quotes) on Amazon to find the book I have, by Ansari and Lark, which turns out to be out of print; but quite a few other ... Y) is a good idea so you can actually follow a live instructor and get the benefit of tailored instruction.

Description : What are the best yoga poses for a beginner to try and learn how to do?

Last Answer : answer:Here are some. Illustrations appear after the text. Start very slowly and stretch with the breath. Try a few and see how they feel. Listen to your body. If it says, “Don’t,” then don’t. Don’t be heroic either.

Description : Is this Yoga instructor a complete nut?

Last Answer : That’s fucking disgusting. Babies can’t control their heads at that age and their joints are extremely soft. They look like they’re loving it so much too. Not. @Jude Just showing my usual poker face.:) Sorry.

Description : Does anyone here use yoga as their main form of exercise?

Last Answer : answer:They are both beneficial but not interchangeable. During the summer, run up and down stairs, walk briskly around the block or find some other form of aerobic exercise. As long as your legs are going ... pad and then ten minutes of yoga. Then 45 minutes on the tread mill. (Every other day.)

Description : Conscious (Coop) housing in Berkeley? (Yoga, Meditation, etc)

Last Answer : Here is a link to intentional communities in California You may find what you’re looking for there.