Today, who has the absolutely best real milkshakes out there?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Sadly, it was a place that got torn down to make room for a parking lot. Hey, isn’t that a song by Joni Mitchell?

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Description : Pineapple-Cinnamon Milkshake

Last Answer : Pineapple-Cinnamon Milkshake - servings 5 20 oz crushed pineapple, undrained 1 cup fat-free milk 2 cup low-fat vanilla ice cream 1/8 tsp cinnamon In a food processor, combine pineapple, ice cream, milk, and cinnamon. Process until smooth.

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Last Answer : Fresh Strawberry Milkshakes recipe This recipe uses a fresh strawberry syrup that tastes better and is better for you than the fake kind you can buy at the store. Serves 4. Ingredients: 1 cup ... and drizzle each with strawberry syrup and top with a fresh strawberry. Serve with a spoon and straw.

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Last Answer : You don't have to worry about that. If you chew the juice with the blackberries with the leaves of the drink, then the cough will not come. Whenever you have a cough, chew the leaves and eat the ... and eat, the bitter juice of this lozenge will stop the cough as soon as it gets in your throat.

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Last Answer : Yes – and even mayors of large Canadian cities should be included too!

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Last Answer : I was rough housing with my nearly three year old nephew and he was laughing like crazy and having a great time. And yes, he won.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope, but my health issues are all weight related. I f I meet the goal I set last year. I'll be as healthy as any other 57 year old, excpet for one issue with my right knee. I broke my ... an orthotic, but I have been walking this way for over 30 years. It sometimes bother my knee if I run.

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Last Answer : Get in a better mood.

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Last Answer : Men love the spanking too. :)

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Last Answer : answer:This has literally just happened to me I beat two other applicants at interview who both had experience, compared to my complete lack of. But the boss told me thanks to my life experiences ( ... ! Actually enjoyed this job hunting period, allowed me to boast like fuck about myself! Good luck!

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Last Answer : Relabel them “former friends”?

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Last Answer : answer:Hamburgers. Totally taste.

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Last Answer : huh? have the police come to your house, have you been served? if not, forget about it. People say this kind of shite all the time. And yes, I have been told this kind of crap. Ha ha.

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Last Answer : answer:I was sure Santa was real…. until I was about six. That my dad was absolutely perfect and could do no wrong. [Not that he was a bad person, but thankfully I grew up and realised he was human and could make mistakes. Much easier on him to live up to.]

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Last Answer : 1–800-MY APPLE. Do you have a tech support contract?

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Last Answer : The police can do it, but there’s no way the information would be passed to a member of the public. However if you are being harassed or called illegally, or a crime is being committed, report it to the police. They will be able to get the required information from the telephone company.

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Last Answer : Cake or death?

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Last Answer : Are they tucked inside the cavity? Or are they still attached? In the former case, it's not like anyone will die if you don't remove them, it's just easier to stuff the turk if the cavity ... and dressed (like from the supermarket, not fresh and still having feet and feathers from the turkey farm )

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Last Answer : Yes. We start laughing all the time in phone calls (we live too far away to ever see each other). We keep each other in stitches. Yes, it hurt, and made breathing almost impossible. I think ... stitches, and it was related more to a near-death experience than bicycles, but bicycles did play a role.

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Last Answer : This might help if you are hating what I think you hate.

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Last Answer : Women often have a habit of telling me I am a bad boy. I have absolutely no clue what they mean.

Description : Do I absolutely have to remove old caulk before applying new?

Last Answer : For best results always start with a clean and solid substrate.

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Last Answer : You could ask the adoption agency, but its most likely a lost case.