Do you know any old people's jokes?

1 Answer

Answer :

Barbara Bush!?!

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Last Answer : I don’t get it.

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Last Answer : Why don’t we use a broken pencils? . . . . . Because it’s pointless.

Description : Do you think Rush Limbaugh would have made jokes about Bernie Sanders?

Last Answer : I don’t think that Limbaugh would have been happy or would make jokes of Bernie Sanders death. It’s weird to cheer when decent people die.

Description : Do you think Trump is aware that he is the butt of thousands of jokes arising from his foolishness?

Last Answer : He isn’t shielded, but he is blind to it. The man has no sense of humor, as evidenced by his reaction at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

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Last Answer : Oh man. I have more hospital time coming up for surgeries. I bought a dancing baby Groot to keep me amused. I’ll have to come back to post jokes.

Description : Are there any hilarious jokes in kids movies that you're surprised made it into the film?

Last Answer : There is this scene from the Hunter x Hunter anime. Watch their eyes at the 1 minute mark.

Description : Do you have any sweet rituals or jokes with any of your adult children still?

Last Answer : When I go to a movie with my daughter, if we there is a preview for something we’d like to see, we sort-of high five and wiggle our fingers. We’ve done this since she was 5. :-)

Description : Heard any Trump jokes lately?

Last Answer : Someone here called Drumpf a genius.

Description : What are your best/favorite jokes?

Last Answer : A peanut butter sandwich walked into a bar, sat down, and ordered a beer. The bartended said, “I’m sorry, but we don’t serve food.”

Description : Do you think there should be limits to comedy and jokes?

Last Answer : answer:No, not at all ”In a world where people starve, are neglected, tortured, killed by drones, I find the idea of being offended by a joke slightly decadent”

Description : How many people do you know who get all your jokes? (a revived question)

Last Answer : One. Thankfully, he lives in town, and I get to see him from time to time.

Description : Do you have more inside jokes with your friends or your family?

Last Answer : Definitely with friends. And yes, it is an indication – I am much closer to my friends than my family.

Description : What are your thoughts on the saggy boob "jokes"?

Last Answer : Never heard of it.

Description : What inside jokes are specific to your profession?

Last Answer : This is hardly a cause for enormous hilarity but when I was doing oollege counselling, my colleagues wrote lots of poems that rhymed “Gail” with “But what about Yale”? The joke being that parents did not want to hear about safety or second tier schools.

Description : What are some universal things or jokes or events that would be funny to everyone?

Last Answer : answer:I’m not sure there is anything that’s funny to everyone. I highly doubt it. Or, you know…your mom.

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Last Answer : I went to the dentist, but I only had a dollar, so he gave me buck teeth.

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Last Answer : I’d like you to meet the mother of my children, my mother.

Description : What pranks/jokes have you done lately?

Last Answer : I’m clearly 7 years old, because I occasionally strategically shape a piece of brownie and place it on the toilet seat. It’s a real hit for those of us who are immature – and my kids.

Description : What do you think of these nerdy jokes?

Last Answer : Made me laugh, thanks! Descartes before the horse and all that…

Description : Where are all the Kim Jong-un jokes?

Last Answer : Kim Jong-who?

Description : Has the world completely exhausted funny "knock-knock" jokes?

Last Answer : Who’s there?

Description : Can you share some funny jokes?

Last Answer : What’s the most important thing in humor timing.

Description : What are the most ignorant jokes you have gotten through out your life?

Last Answer : answer:Oh that’s easy. I get this on all the time form rabid right-wingers offended by my policy ideas. They appear to believe this is a profound rebuttal of a lengthy statement of facts. “Your stupid.” The thing that’s funny about that is they don’t even know what’s funny about it.

Description : Favourite Little Johnny jokes?

Last Answer : The Teacher asked her class to use definitely' in a sentence. Jane raised her hand and said, The sky is definitely blue. The Teacher said No, sometimes it is red with a beautiful sunset, and sometimes ... ? he asked. The Teacher was repulsed, and said No! . Then I definitely shit my pants.

Description : Why do people giggle about, crack jokes about weed but not about beer?

Last Answer : Because it’s illegal.

Description : Do you enjoy practical jokes at Christmas?

Last Answer : I am not much of a fan of practical jokes although yours seems quite harmless.

Description : Know any "jokes to live by"?

Last Answer : “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.” —Bugs Bunny

Description : I feel upset. Know any good jokes?

Last Answer : One day, a teacher, a garbage collector and a lawyer wound up together at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter informed them that in order to get into Heaven, they would each have to answer one question. St. Peter ... 500. That's right! You may enter. St. Peter then turned to the lawyer. Name them.

Description : What are some funny jokes you can think of off the top of your head?

Last Answer : answer:A man throws a costume party with the theme of come dressed as an emotion. The guests begin to arrive and the host answers the first knock at the door to see a man dressed all in green. And what are ... And what emotion are you? asks the host. I am fucking DIS-PAIR says the man. ;-D

Description : What funny jokes can you come up with in the form of one or more questions?

Last Answer : Not sure…maybe one liners as questions.

Description : Is it OK to laugh at your jokes every now and then?

Last Answer : Blackberry Hey, if you don’t find them funny why tell them?

Description : Anybody got any good flood jokes?

Last Answer : answer:A man was sitting on his front porch when it started to rain. The rain came down harder and harder and the man realized that it was a flood. So the flood waters were rising and when the water started ... t you take care of me? The Lord says, Well, I sent you two rowboats and a helicopter!

Description : Why is farting and fart jokes so funny?

Last Answer : Flatulence is funny, just because. Parrrrrummmppp!!! Err….... more tea vicar? ;¬}

Description : There are already tons of jokes about Osama's death; is it strange for humor to move this quickly?

Last Answer : Well, seeing as though mine are thus far the only Bin Laden inspired jokes on that thread, I feel compelled to answer. Humour & in particular satire should have no limits. This is the way it’s always been for donkey’s years. I like it that way :¬)

Description : Where are all the Osama is dead jokes?

Last Answer : I’d make a few Osama jokes, but they’ve probably all Bin done.

Description : Comics doing jokes about racism and stereotypes: do you think it's creating steps towards acceptance?

Last Answer : Some of them, I suppose, create a sense of acceptance by laughing at the user. Mostly, the utterance of some labels, makes me cringe.

Description : Think you can write jokes for late night monologues?

Last Answer : answer:So, did everyone see the super moon last weekend? Yeah, I thought I’d never see it being so cloudy here. That was until I saw my wife come out of the shower.

Description : What impulse would make someone make jokes about the earthquake-tsunami disaster in Japan?

Last Answer : I think it’s the I’d rather laugh than cry thing. They’re covering up the pain by trying to make a joke.

Description : What are some good Halloween jokes?

Last Answer : Q: What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snoman? A: Frostbite

Description : Does fluther know any jokes that are derogatory towards whites?

Last Answer : answer:How many white girls does it take to screw in a light? None. White girls can’t screw. edit: I had time to think, and I remembered another. Why do so many white people get lost skiing? It’s hard to find them in the snow. and… What’s white and 9 inches long? Nothing.

Description : Why do you think we don't see 'father in law' jokes?

Last Answer : Because it is the mother-in-law who handles the relationship. Men don’t really do relationships especially with people attached to them more or less accidentally.

Description : What are the origins of some of the more popular long standing jokes?

Last Answer : To escape the Nazis.

Description : Do you like jokes with a meaning or just one that makes you laugh, or both?

Last Answer : A good joke teller can make dull jokes hilarious and will almost always start off with a joke that reflects the situation we all are in. My best friends bother is a joke data base and always has up laughing the entire night!

Description : Got any dumb jokes that are actually quite funny, relatively speaking?

Last Answer : answer:I have a joke that I love but only science geeks ever get it. A particle physicist is driving very fast down the motorway and is pulled over by a police officer*. The policeman says ... I know exactly where I am! *This physicist is British. Substitute freeway and traffic cop as required.

Description : What are some funny "knock knock" jokes that you care to share?

Last Answer : Knock knock! ~Who’s there? Interrupting cow! ~Interruptin—- MOO!

Description : Anybody got any good penis jokes?

Last Answer : Why can’t a penis be twelve inches? It would be a foot. Yeah, I know. Sorry. That’s all I got.

Description : Anybody got any good vagina jokes?

Last Answer : A guy was busily engaged in the sexual act with a woman of somewhat loose' proportions when he actually fell right in! Disoriented, he sat up and looked around, and a bit off in the distance he was surprised to ... guy says; Hell, if I could find my keys, we could drive out! Yeah, I know. Sorry.

Description : Anyone know any good jokes?

Last Answer : What’s worse than biting into an apple and finding a worm?

Description : What is the scientific or evolutional value of guys thinking fart jokes, penises, and shots to the groin are humorous.

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps it serves another useful function – like social bonding in groups of men. I enjoy a good fart joke, but it doesn’t mean I’ll tell it to my wife.