Have you ever known someone who took a vow of silence--and kept it?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, myself included, but only for a few days at a time, nothing of a long term or permanent nature. It is a great exercise in discipline and self watchfulness, and damn hard!

Related questions

Description : Can silence drive someone insane?

Last Answer : Yes and yes. Silence is used as a sensory deprivation torture technique. Adding one sound is Chinese Water Torture (though I believe it goes by other names). Being around people, noises, natural light – all are very important for our sanity.

Description : Is it true that we can't tolerate complete silence for long?

Last Answer : It is because they fear their own thoughts, their own inner voice. I love silence, nothing to fear. What’s really scary are those that are too afraid to be alone with themselves. Of course we’re talking hours not solitary confinement for days and weeks.

Description : Is there a difference between the expressions "quiet time" and "moment of silence?"?

Last Answer : A moment of silence is just that, brief, with individual reflective thought implied. Quiet time is longer and may be in respect to others needing the quiet or to your own need. In schools either is used to settle students down before lessons begin or resume.

Description : Can you hear silence?

Last Answer : I’ve always, since I can remember, had a slight hiss in my ears detectable only when all other sounds are not. So that for me is what silence is.

Description : What to do about impromptu incontinence?

Last Answer : answer:The best you can. Keep it together, block out the existence of all people around till you get somewhere you can clean up. You don’t need to add stress to an already stressful situation.

Description : What are your thoughts on sensory deprivation?

Last Answer : We cannot escape sensation, other senses take over when one is muted, whether this is good or bad depends on if you view it as torture or relaxation.

Description : When you make a mistake do you analyze it and learn from it, or do you quickly reverse the mistake and vow to never do it again?

Last Answer : That seems like a false dichotomy. You can reverse the mistake, vow never to do it again and analyze it and learn from it. It sounds more like you’re asking about happy accidents.

Description : Do you sometimes get a bit greedy and overeat then vow not to do it again?

Last Answer : story of my life. I am a great dieter, but unless I have a disciplined plan this is a rearing theme. The big plan starts tomorrow.

Description : Why is celibacy in the Roman Catholic priesthood a concern of anyone except those who take the vow?

Last Answer : Very good question.

Description : What if there was a professional librarian position that required a vow of secrecy equivalent attorney/client privilege?

Last Answer : answer:So I’m not supposed to tell anyone else what you are studying? Well, in my case, it would hurt the acquisition of knowledge. I couldn’t network people any more. I’d probably become pretty useless.

Description : I have made a vow. Now what can I do so that my wish is fulfilled quickly ?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I have made a vow. Now what can I do to get my wish fulfilled as soon as possible ? How to do it. Tell me in detail. It is very necessary. ?

Last Answer : A vow is to give something in the way of Allah to fulfill a good hope. Or the desire to perform a certain act of worship. So if you vow to donate something and you have it, it is best that you fulfill your vow as soon as possible. And if you wish to do a good deed , then do it.

Description : I have made a vow to Allah. What can I do now so that the vow is fulfilled soon ? Please tell , whats the story of them big puppys ..... ?

Last Answer : Manat. A vow is like a promise. Suppose you ask God for something and promise in your heart that if God gives me what I ask for, I will fast. Now the fast you want to keep is a vow. If ... to be patient and ask for that thing more and more. GOD will surely fulfill it one day. Hope you understand.

Description : I made a vow to Allah. Now what can I do to fulfill the vow ?

Last Answer : The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade making vows. Hadith: Abdullah bin Umar. Narrated from , he said: 'The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade us to ... the stingy person is extracted which he did not want to spend. (Sahih Muslim , Hadith No. 4331)

Description : I have made a vow. What can I do to fulfill it now ?

Last Answer : You have made a vow so you can do it. But always make a vow for good deeds. This is more likely to fulfill your vows.

Description : What does Vow mean ?

Last Answer : Vow means pratanga , oath.

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Last Answer : HA, so this is the first time I've heard that something like this exists. Now I googled it and found exhaustive information quite easily. However, it does not concern me, I am not married and I would not go to any recovery with my exotic. Good question, it broadened my horizons. :)

Description : When forced to abandon the Philippines made the vow i shall return?

Last Answer : General Douglas MacArthur.

Description : Have you ever been sitting somewhere with someone in silence, just exchanging a few words, and yet leaving that person with the feeling that it was one of the most meaningful conversations of your life?

Last Answer : Yes. I could hardly explain, but I just felt like we were attuned to each other and understood me, even if I could barely tell him a few things.

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Last Answer : A fart.

Description : Skip zone is otherwise known as A. Empty zone B. Shadow zone C. Null zone D. Zone of silence

Last Answer : D. Zone of silence

Description : The period of adolescence is known as a period of stresses and strains. It is the most difficult and the awkward period, and marks the reawakening of the repressed sex-impulse. Which type of behavior is ... (b) Sympathetic understanding (c) Silence and hush-hush policy (d) None of the above.

Last Answer : (c) Silence and hush-hush policy

Description : A minute of silence I paid homage to the memory of the late co-workers-miners, a minute of silence I paid tribute to the already brothers-firefighters, a minute ...

Last Answer : Yeah - but I don't like it ... I'd rather talk to him than just remember him.

Description : What is the deepest silence you have ever experienced?

Last Answer : answer:I was once in an acoustically dead chamber at a university lab. The room was a cube, the walls covered entirely in sound-absorbing material. The floor was a suspended mesh that divided ... up a dozen red flags that something was terribly wrong with them, and they needed my urgent attention

Description : Can problems (real or imagined) be solved by silence, with the lack of conversation?

Last Answer : Yes. It can frustrate people into giving up pushing for change. Nothing works in the end, and we are stuck with what we got. Maybe once in a generation something wonderful comes as a solution.

Description : Does silence vary in its "depths"?

Last Answer : answer:People say that the majority of those who go into an anechoic chamber go batty within a few minutes. Even there, there is not such thing as total silence, since someone with normal ... or concert. It seems culturally ingrained for most people to want the distraction of noise and movement.

Description : Join me in a moment of silence to honor the works of Richard Kiel?

Last Answer : Nah, no need, it would take a bite out of my ask-public time.

Description : What can we do to overcome the four minutes of radio silence when a space probe lands?

Last Answer : answer:Not exactly the heat. What happens is that the compression of the air also ionizes it, and it's the ionization that causes the blackout. The space shuttle was partially able to ... the signal. Realistically, we cannot do much without serious technological advances. Physics are what they are.

Description : Do you enjoy the silence?

Last Answer : answer:It depends. If you pause because you are considering your next words, I appreciate that. If you pause mid-sentence and keep me in suspense, I may not be around by the time you complete your thought. Timing is…. . . . . . crucial.

Description : How comfortable are you with silence?

Last Answer : answer:I'm completely fine with it. I live alone so I frequently turn off electronics and sit on my floor, looking outside the sliding glass door or at the ceiling or something. (I obviously sit outside in the ... awkward is when I feel I have to talk to someone else so they don't think I'm weird.

Description : What order do I read the Silence of the Lambs books in?

Last Answer : answer:If you want chronological with the story line, the do please go Hannibal Rising, Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, and finish with Hannibal. Otherwise stick with the order they were written, or ... I didn't think that was was all that good, seemed like it was written as an afterthought.

Description : Is it too much to ask for a moment of silence for those in Sendai and greater Japan?

Last Answer : I’ve been thinking of them and praying for them all day. My daughter has friends there.

Description : Are you afraid of the silence?

Last Answer : shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——————————————————————

Description : At what point does silence stop being golden?

Last Answer : At the exact moment that you no longer wish for complete silence?

Description : How do I silence my "noisy" neighbor?

Last Answer : answer:Do you have a dropped (suspended) ceiling? If so, you can get sound dampening panels. Even if you have a regular plaster ceiling, I think you might be able to attach such panels to your ceiling. Check here

Description : Does silence connote assent?

Last Answer : It may be taken that way, but that is not necessarily what it means.

Description : Is a lack of communication equivalent to silence?

Last Answer : answer:lack of communication does communicte when there is a personal episode between partners. it's understood that something must be wrong. lack of communcation with several folks though needs clarity from ... a silent treatment only makes it worse for all parties involved. start a dialogue asap.

Description : What do you do during an awkward silence?

Last Answer : I like to rock back and forth from my heels to my toes and say “weeeelp, time for me to hit the ole dusty trail”

Description : True or false: Silence is medication for sorrow?

Last Answer : I don’t think it trumps “time is the medication for anything”.

Description : Is the Day of Silence international?

Last Answer : At this time, it appears that the National Day of Silence is only conducted in the US. However, if you find yourself in a place where there is injustice, speak out.

Description : Is silence golden?

Last Answer : Not my silence. That’s deadly.

Description : Will you observe a moment of silence at 1:30 today for the victims of Ft. Hood?

Last Answer : Oh good, I thought I just missed it. Yup, will do it.

Description : How did you silence your feelings of inadequacy?

Last Answer : Positive thinking. I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me. I feel better already.

Description : Do you sleep in with silence or do you have to have some familiar noise to help you sleep?

Last Answer : I can hear my clock go tic toc when I sleep, but that is the only sound I hear. Although when it rains I hear the rain fall on the roof. It’s very calming and puts me right to sleep.

Description : Are you planning on participating in day of silence tomorrow?

Last Answer : what is it about tomorrow that it might be a day of silence for some? earth day?

Description : Anyone living in Illinois with an opinion on the Moment of Silence legislation?

Last Answer : answer:In Indiana we have had the Pledge of Allegence followed by a moment of silence mandated by the State for the last 2 years. It is my observation that every morning the students to through this ritual and are numb to the meaning. It has become meaningless.

Description : What exactly is a day of silence?

Last Answer : http://www.dayofsilence.org/

Description : To people who can’t sleep in silence, what do you listen to?

Last Answer : Lately I've started horror movies I've already seen and just let them play as I sleep.

Description : What causes the phenomenon in large gatherings, where everyone will often randomly stop talking like an awkward silence?

Last Answer : Mob/Herd Mentality. Social Norms.

Description : What causes the phenomenon in large gatherings, where everyone will often randomly stop talking like an awkward silence?

Last Answer : Mob/Herd Mentality. Social Norms.