What bad habits do you wish you could stop?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are so many, but number one is waiting to do my laundry until I don't have any clean clothes to wear.

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Last Answer : More stoicism and gratatude. No more anxiety attacks.

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Last Answer : answer:Obsessions are thoughts, compulsions are actions. I am going to assume you are talking about being compulsive, or obsessive and compulsive. Depends on the thing. Some suggestions are: Replace the unwanted ... do the action and why, and deal with what feelings are driving you to the activity.

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Last Answer : Eating sweets more than once a week.

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Last Answer : Same reason good habits are easy to create and hard to break. How easy would it be to suddenly stop hooking up a seat belt?

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Last Answer : I think so. We are bombarded every day to buy crap food; since we know it tastes “good” we buy it any way. I myself am trying to change; been going to the gym and change what and how much I eat. But it’s tough.

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Last Answer : answer:There’s a new study every other day. Nope.

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Last Answer : Besides swearing like a pirate, (And drinking and smoking like one, too.) when I’m nervous, I tend to scratch my knuckles with my fingernails. :/

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Last Answer : He is craving stimulation and may have made a connection that if he does that you will notice and that gets him the attention he craves. The only thing I can suggest is to praise him up and down ... will connect that not doing it will get him what he really wants and that is your loving attention.

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Last Answer : Moderation… Avoiding the worst should be a priority like Hydrogenated and sucrolose. there are many things that will get you right now but eating your veggies and drinking good water will keep you going for a good while- unless you forget to look Both Ways even in a Crosswalk!

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Last Answer : If you’re not feeling tired, then you’re fine. Quality of sleep is more important than the length.

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Last Answer : We are more than logical beings. We are deeply influenced by strategies we adopted to cope with major stress when we were little. Why else would we do these negative things! It serves us in some ... don't like. Understand it, appreciate it, and work with it. Start with respect, not condemnation.

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Last Answer : 1. Facebook before going to sleep: If you are addicted to social media and have a smartphone in hand, there is no obstacle for you to check Facebook updates every minute. It may be your habit to check again ... more groups or larger groups can consume your day. Excess is bad in any case , isn't it ?

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Last Answer : The best time to eat dinner is 3 hours before bedtime, allowing the stomach to properly digest and focus on preparing for sleep when bedtime rolls around the corner. Eating small amounts of foods ... veggies, or a small amount of protein will satiate hunger pains and help you fall asleep faster.

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Last Answer : C) To develop in the student's insight into the nature of the skill to be learned 

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