Would a aerobic dvd be ok for the elderly?

1 Answer

Answer :

You should contact their doctors to see if they are at any risk for intense exercise. Also pay attention to the warnings listed on the DVD itself.

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Description : The treatment of the following patient should include: a. Initial empiric therapy directed against both aerobes and anaerobes b. The addition of anti-fungal therapy in an elderly patient ... therapy is appropriate if the agents selected possess activity against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria

Last Answer : Answer: a, e The primary treatment for a perforated viscus is surgical, however antimicrobial therapy is an extremely important adjunct. Empiric antibiotic therapy for secondary ... whereas longer periods are indicated for immunosuppressed patients and with patients with extensive contamination

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Last Answer : It is difficult to decide which is the best step aerobic dvd on the market today. The best way to decide would be to read user reviews for different dvds and decide which is the best for you.

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Last Answer : Find out if she is able to go on Medicaid at that place if her money runs out. If so, then they shouldn’t be able to come to you for money although you may have to take on decision making for her. Does your father-in-law know what her status is? Can someone consult the nursing home for facts?

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Last Answer : answer:Yellowdog, thank you for sharing with us. Thank you for your honesty. Truly, thank you. Do not lie to your parents. I honestly do not know what you should do. This situation is difficult. I can see ... I would still tell them why I could not go into the store with them. All the best to you.

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Last Answer : I have ATT for my home phone and they have a feature that blocks solicitations. I was getting 3–5 calls per day asking for money, now I get none. It works pretty well and I haven’t missed any calls from real people. I don’t know if any other vendors have this feature but ATT does.

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Last Answer : answer:Can you call your aunt's primary care physicians and get resources for social workers, paid caregivers other than you and other available services? You aunt may need an evaluation to see whether ... person for several hours every other morning to do what you have been doing for your aunt.

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Last Answer : Whatever age qualifies you for the Senior Discount at Old Country Buffet.

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Last Answer : answer:My parents are in their mid-forties, so they certainly aren't elderly, but both my husband and I would be unhappy if they came to live with us. If it did happen, and I'm not sure either of us ... . We wouldn't be too keen on the idea of anyone from our families moving in. We like being alone.

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Last Answer : answer:If it was me, I would choose not to confront them. They are old and set in their ways. You are not going to change their outlook on life. On the other hand, it seems to me that ... could call a little less frequently and write letters in the interim. It's a difficult situation. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Children are the real innocents in our culture.

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Last Answer : My grandfather was married to my grandmother for over 50 years, then she passed away, and he turned into a Senior Center Man-ho. It was hilarious and kind of creepy, but after all those years with gma and raising six kids, he deserved some fun.

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Last Answer : How about a plant wrapped in Christmas wrapping? Something hardy like a philodendron that will last and bring her pleasure. Or a book on tape or CD if she has access to media players?

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Last Answer : I would have to do some research on the subject, but, is there a reason you cannot fulfill her wish? Being only a few hours from Yosemite?

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Last Answer : I'm only 29, but I have done a lot of work with people well into their 70s, 80s, and 90s, even a few in their 100s and what I gather is that people feel like the same person when they are 85 as they ... they were 35, for the most part. You don't feel like an old person you feel like a person.

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Last Answer : I think tea and an nice mug wrapped in an attractive presentation is a wonderful idea.

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Last Answer : Well, if he has a good appetite and is still moving around and going to the bathroom, I would hesitate to say that he is dying. His time may be growing near, but I don't think you're ... is making him feel terrible? Does he have pain? Is he gaining/losing weight? What does his GP suggest?

Description : Why do caregivers abuse the elderly?

Last Answer : There is really never an excuse for abuse. I think the elderly are susceptible because #1, they are often unable to defend themselves and sometimes unable to communicate well enough to either ... to losing their tempers or resorting to abusive behavior will snap under the right circumstances.

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Last Answer : Because the elderly person’s hearing aids weren’t in? I don’t know Judi…I’ve only gone to the hospital twice with Mom, and both doctors and the staff directed their questions to her, not me.

Description : Where to take in Europe an elderly parent who loves flowers and gardens?

Last Answer : answer:In Spain I would recommend Madrid, more specifically the park “El Retiro” and the famous train station with an artificial tropical forest in it. If you go to the UK at all, I would suggest some of the royal gardens and gardens in Lords mansions, plenty of them around.

Description : Which do you think is worse: Elderly abuse or child abuse?

Last Answer : answer:Abuse is abuse, in my opinion. Both are horrid. However, if there has to be a worse one, it would depend on the severity of the physical abuse – not so much the age of the victim. It would also depend on the person’s ability to defend themselves and communicate the abuse to someone else.

Description : Need help in finding a simple computer for elderly novice grandparents.

Last Answer : It depends on what they want to do. I know you said not a laptop and I can understand that. It isn’t the computer that is difficult, it’s the OS. A lot of elderly are using iPads. You can Skype with the iPad 2 just like an iPhone and do most of what a full desktop can do. Just a though.

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Last Answer : I have changed my opinion on this as I have aged. I know think that 35 is middle-aged and 70 is elderly.

Description : Why did my elderly cat just die in her sleep when nothing appeared wrong with her. She was being treated for arthritis in her hind leg?

Last Answer : answer:My condolences. The only way to definitively know is to have her necropsied. But I can tell you that sudden death in cats is usually related to heart issues.

Description : Why is it that telemarketers or people from the phone company (say), feel the need to badger the elderly? Have you ever encountered this?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not nearly so polite. I tell them I'm not interested, good bye. If they keep on jabbering instead of saying good bye, that's their problem. I'm hanging up. Your father's problem ... say that to someone I cared about. But telemarketers? They aren't really people. They're selling machines.

Description : Have you taken care of an elderly parent at home?

Last Answer : Nintendo wii. With bowling, tennis, golf, and other activities it may help with rehap as well as occupy. Just a thought I’m not a pro

Description : If someone coughs and it breaks a rib, did they have a disease or were they elderly?

Last Answer : It’s not actually that uncommon (scarely). If you cough hard enough for example because of pertussis (or whooping cough) you can exert a mssive force on the ribs and they will give. It can happen to young or old people and doesn’t mean that there was anything wrong with the rib before it broke.

Description : What's the best way to make a menu for the elderly?

Last Answer : Check with the home’s nutritionist, if they have one. Most would be happy to help you set up a healthy menu for their residents.

Description : Is there a elderly-friendly PC Interface or Operating System?

Last Answer : Albert that's a brilliant question. I was going to answer it with the more obvious answer, that you can set Windows for large sized text and such, but you're right, reducing options, and simplifying objectives ... . I don't know of any such thing, but I recognize the need now that you mentioned it.

Description : Would you take in an elderly parent or other family member?

Last Answer : Yes, unless of course they were abominable in their disposition! I am saving up for that possibility.

Description : What would be some great questions to ask an elderly?

Last Answer : An elderly what? Cat? Dog? Person?

Description : Where can I get the song "The Thing That Only Eats Hippies" by The Elderly?

Last Answer : The entire video is here but it is in chunks. If you let me know what part it is in I will post a scrape of the audio from it. I don’t really feel like watching the entire thing to grab one song. But if you can post a link to the ten minute clip I will hook you up with a mp3 of the song.

Description : When you were a kid, how old was your perception of what it is to be elderly?

Last Answer : answer:40!?... 40!? 65 was it for me. When I was a kid, everyone looked like they were old. My Dad showed me his junior high class picture. He is 76. They all looked and dressed like “50 year old’s.”

Description : What do you do with elderly parents when they visit?

Last Answer : What island are you on?

Description : Alarm system for the elderly?

Last Answer : My mother is 92 and has had Lifeline for many years. its a very good alarm system and i highly recommend them. she use to have a necklace with an alarm button around her neck. she now prefers the alarm button to be on her wrist with a button to push, if she falls.

Description : Activities for elderly people with dementia?

Last Answer : I understand that advanced dementia patients enjoy interacting with baby dolls.

Description : How long should it take an elderly gentleman to recover from a broken pelvis?

Last Answer : everyone is different so it would be hard to say. i don't think you can put a cast on a pelvis, either. he may need physical therapy, so if you mean recover as to walk again, or recover ... diabetes which may make healing take longer. was he spry before this or was he old and frail and shuffling?

Description : When you have an elderly parent who is in a crisis, is it a foregone assumption that family members will be arguing over the best course of action?

Last Answer : It does happen often….... It happened to us, we solved it by getting a POA for everyone. We have a medical power of attorney for everyone, it says the one person who will make the decision, and who is second… and so on. It solves a lot of problems when hard decisions have to be made.