Is my teen drinking behind my back?

1 Answer

Answer :

When talking to your teen you need to approach them in a way that is not degrading or accusatory. Just sit with them in a relaxing way and explain to them the effects that drinking can have on them and how it could effect their lives.

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Last Answer : I’d say at 16, 17 I’d start calling them “Young men,” “Young women.”

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Last Answer : I love it . Congratulations to the parents for dreaming up this one! I bet it’s not down south.

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Last Answer : answer:With love and total acceptance of where they are at. Any qualms you have, keep to yourself. And do a lot of reading - there are excellent books and online resources out there. PFLAG is a ... of gay and lesbian and transgender kids. You can look them up online as a place to start reading.

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Last Answer : I agree with you. I watched once and I thought it would convince a teen NOT to get pregnant. I guess I was right.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have a clearcut answer for you but I think your instincts sound great and your opening and questioning attitude should help guide you. As always with parenting listening more than ... number of people here with varying gender identities so this can be a great resource for you.

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Last Answer : My thoughts are that this article is dated November 28, 2012.

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Last Answer : answer:I have been a YA librarian for many years, so I am hardwired to say that it's always up to the kids and the parents as to what they can handle and not give thumbs down to any book if ... mature for them to read. You'd be surprised how many times I've had kids make that choice for themselves.

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Last Answer : Um…maps

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Last Answer : At 13, friends and I passed out chocolate covered Milk Bones for a Halloween “trick.” My little mastermind plot. lol Parents were not happy at all inspite of the health benefits of whiter teeth and fresher breath.

Description : Am I wrong or is Fluther turning into a teen dating advice column ?

Last Answer : LOL! It seems to be a cyclical topic. Schools are starting back up, and love (and dances) are on their minds. Give it another month, and we’ll be back to a plethora of homework questions.

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Last Answer : I don’t understand; if they were loaned to him, how did it change to him stealing them? especially if he willingly gave them back?

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Last Answer : Future banker, hedge fund manager, bane capital analyst.

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Last Answer : Text him: Yo time 4 chorz

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Last Answer : answer:There is a reason that they issue drivers licenses. If you feel like he is not getting it because he is depending on you, then I would make certain that he gets it. I wouldn't think about ... on when it will get cut off. Once it is in their hands, carefully foster their independence with it.

Description : Creative punishment for teen who spent irresponsibly on designer shoes?

Last Answer : Wow this is very extreme. Teach your kids about positivity, not negative reinforcement. That might be creative. Just have her work for her own stuff, physical punishment isn't too much of a good idea ... Plus I love this Mongolian proverb. Do Not Scorn A Weak Cub, He May Become The Brutal Tiger.

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Last Answer : Gettin’ ladies. Lol.

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Last Answer : Cashing the check.

Description : How much does it cost yearly to raise a teen-ager these days?

Last Answer : I would say it cost the same as it ever costed before, or will cost.

Description : What are some cool segments to add on a kid/teen site?

Last Answer : How about a “Weird Stuff Going on Here” type of thing, where you post pics of your friends/classmates for captioning…like hey, he seems to be doing this, but what do you think? Or a news type thing, but comedy style about your peers (long as you don’t bully and get permission)

Description : Could you allow your teen to go without lunches if he bought these?

Last Answer : I would not give him more money and tell him to make and bring his own lunches. It’s his fault for blowing $250 on a freaking pair of headphones. How much better can they sound than from a $10 pair?

Description : What should I buy for a teen?

Last Answer : Does she have a specific hobby? I mean, if she likes reading, then get her a book. If she likes video games, then see what game she likes and get it for her. etc.

Description : Am I alone in thought that TV, has become less about entertainment and more about teen gossip?

Last Answer : These “reality” type shows are much cheaper to produce as they seldom have any big name celebs in them. Just the regular booger eaters and they work cheap and that is also the quality of your time if you get involved in them

Description : Do you believe that teen rebellion is inevitable?

Last Answer : It is inevitable. Some rebel more than others, but we all had a rebellious streak at some point in our teenage years. Whether it’s something small like lying about something unimportant or running away to an unknown land, it happens.