What are some quick fitness exercises a busy mom could do?

1 Answer

Answer :

According to the article "Exercises For Busy Moms", by Tracy Mallet, there are several good, quick exercises for mothers. For example, rotator-cuff strengtheners, triceps push-up extensions, and butterfly abs curls.

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Last Answer : answer:Found it! Fiddle asked this last year and got lots of good advice. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:Not that im the best for this kind of thing, in fact ill probably have more spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in my answer than in your sentence. but you are should be are you . but you ... . Personally, i would say have you been busy at your place of work for the past few days .

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Last Answer : Start with trig; calculus requires a rigorous foundation in both algebra and trig. Take an on-line course. Find a local community college. Get a text book and discipline yourself to doing one chapter a ... delta y be with you. edit; Geometry is necessary also to procede further into the math occult.

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Last Answer : Politician? I doubt that there is a single word to convey your meaning – not one that I can recall. You might have to settle for a phrase. There are lots of those.

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Last Answer : I don’t really see a problem with fully stopping if that’s what you think you need to do to be safe.

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Last Answer : Stay busy and broke. You won't have time or money to eat. :) Just kidding, I would recommend writing out a meal plan for yourself every day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. All of them ... It really helps to get motivated. I think they even have Podcasts you can download specifically for working out.

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Last Answer : Only if you ask “want me to get that?” and they say yes. I don’t think it’s something that should be done without permission.

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Last Answer : volunteer at different organizations. simply helping others can make you feel better. or just donate plasma for money.

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Last Answer : answer:Are you ringing: A mobile or landline? Are you calling the same country? What country are you in? Answer the above and I can advise.