Do you think that I have sprained my ankle?

1 Answer

Answer :

A sprained ankle is a result of a torn or stretched ligament which results in swollen , black and blue color and/or the inability to walk barefoot comfortably. If you answered yes to any of these examples I would say yes your ankle is sprained and depending on your level of pain I would recommend consulting your personal physician.

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Description : I sprained my ankle 6 weeks ago and am still having a good amount of pain. I work as a chef in a nursing home. Is my career as a chef over?

Last Answer : So what’s your question exactly?

Description : What is the quickest way to heal a sprained ankle?

Last Answer : Well to deal with inflammation and swelling, alternate heat and cold to the area. If you just sprained it, stay off it and elevate and get xrays. If you didn’t just sprain it and it hurts you, consider physical therapy and birkam yoga (which is especially good for healing sprains).

Description : How do you know if you sprained your ankle?

Last Answer : Go to the doctor. They may need to take an x-ray to make sure you haven’t broken anything.

Description : How can I quickly heal a sprained ankle?

Last Answer : Put an ace bandage on it, and ice if there is swelling. Other than that, all you can do is stay off your foot, put your foot up, and get some rest.

Description : what is the best thing to do to heal a sprained ankle?

Last Answer : answer:I skateboard frequently and have suffered from a lot of those. I am usually told to alternate between heat and cold on the ankle. And you should stay off of it. But I am not a doctor and I think you should see one if you can.

Description : How can I quickly reduce swelling in sprained ankle?

Last Answer : Put ice on the ankle and stay off it.

Description : How long will my sprained ankle hurt?

Last Answer : This healing of a sprained ankle can take up to 3 1/2 weeks if not more. This would all depend on how bad it is . So I would not run again for about 3 1/2 weeks and rest your ankle.

Description : How do you treat and manage a sprained ankle?

Last Answer : That is very true that runners don't always watch where they are going and occasionally acquire injuries do to that. To treat a sprained ankle, it's best if you stay off the foot, elevate it and put ... don't do things like running or jogging. It could make the injury much worse than it already is.

Description : How to Heal a Sprained Ankle

Last Answer : How to Heal a Sprained Ankle Sticks and stones may break your bones, but sprained ankles will definitely hurt you. Even the most seasoned athletes wince in pain and agony with an ankle injury. Ankle sprains ... surgery. For mild sprains, though, these tips can get you back up and going in no time.

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Last Answer : It’s tendonitis, I have it too, flares up when you over use your hands/wrists. Just another mid-life ache and pain. You just tweaked your old thumbs friend. lol

Description : content:

Last Answer : Sorry for the delayed response - computer problems. I'm sure by now the injury has healed and/or been seen by the vet. It's important to give your vet as much information about the injury as possible such as when or how it occurred, is it chronic and so on. Hope your pet is well now.

Description : I fell down the stairs a while ago and my left arm and right leg were sprained .

Last Answer : You should first apply cold water on the injured area for at least 15 minutes . Then remove the water and apply " move" or volinac painkiller ointment in the morning and at night. This will completely cure the pain in two or three days.

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Last Answer : There is no medication for a sprain. Put ice on it.

Description : What does a sprained foot feel like?

Last Answer : A sprained foot will often induce immediate swelling. It usually happens from coming down on your ankle wrong, or "rolling it." You will notice that with a sprained foot, you can still walk on it, but it is best to elevate it and put ice on it.

Description : Is using an ankle for the blood pressure cuff accurate?

Last Answer : I doubt it. Especially on the ankle, because they are very different physically. The leg analog of the upper arm should be your thigh or maybe calf, not your ankle. A possible test: If you have a BP ... see if the averages agree at all between arm and ankle (or a more sensible place on your leg).

Description : What's the deal with my ankle?

Last Answer : Is it bruised at all? I did it bad one time playing basketball. I went to the doctor after a few days. They said go easy on it for a few weeks. It was swollen all over and purple. Since it had been a few days they didn’t put me on crutches. It took about two weeks to recover.

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Last Answer : answer:Try an elastic ankle support and bring a cane and some ibuprofen, if you are determined to go. Have you been icing it? These are stop-gap measures; the conservative advice is to stay home ... I hated it. Are you prepared for another three months? Is one evening of musical pleasure worth it?

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Last Answer : answer:Possibly a stress fracture. Is it swollen? I want to say possibly just simple inflammation from your busy work the other day.

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Last Answer : answer:I broke my leg right above the ankle years ago. What helped me was I was given a walking cast so I could put weight on it while still supported. If your doctor won't give you that, get a ... your muscles working and flexible. You can do it on an exercise bike too, but a real bike is better.

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Last Answer : answer:Any surgeon has the obligation to explain the surgery to his patient. Are you sure he never told you? That seems against medical ethics. If you are unclear, call the nurse and tell ... done all the exercises that your physical therapist recommended? Isn't he or she supervising your recovery?

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther! If there is some meaning behind wearing an anklet on a particular foot, like wearing an earring in a left or right ear, I'm obvilous to it. I've always worn one on my ... one has mentioned any meaning of it to me. All I know is that there is something sensual about it.

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Description : Did I sprain my ankle?

Last Answer : answer:It normally takes some kind of physical trauma to strain your ankle. If it is very swollen and black and blue, you should have it medically examined. If not, soak it in cold water and elevate it between soakings, or use an ice pack, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.

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Last Answer : answer:If the joint is dislocating it is also damaging, stretching the tendons, ligaments, hence the repetitive nature of the injury. I had to have a pin pput in my shoulder for the same reason, ... your dancing, excercising. etc right now. I'd get to an orthopedist and have the situation assessed.

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Last Answer : I broke my ankle about a year ago and it still hurts – I can ice skate because I have nice hockey skates and they keep my ankle in one place. I take breaks every 15 minutes because my legs cramp up but it’s not because of the injury – I actually don’t know why that happens.

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Last Answer : I should think that shapely calves are a lovely thing to have.

Description : Is there an ankle brace on the market that is similar to the Homedics TheraP magnetic brace?

Last Answer : I use Thermacare heat wraps when I get shoulder pain from working out. They are disposable, don’t cost too much, and last about 8 hours at a time. I think they have ankle ones.

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Last Answer : You can still do upper body stuff. And also try isometrics. Be aware that the ankle could still be broken. I thought I had sprained mie a few years ago, and the doctors agreed. But it ... needed to immobilize the ankle completely for proper healing. It took cat scans to find the hairline fracture.

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Last Answer : *accept Sorry, I don’t know.

Description : What's your advice on exercising when you have been diagnosed with osteo-arthritis in your ankle?

Last Answer : One, you should probably still take the anti-inflammatory medication. Two, you can try chondroitin and glucosamine, which some people believe to be helpful. Three, perhaps you should consider ... if not more cardiovascular benefits and weight loss, but without the negative effects on your ankle.

Description : You step on a lego, Screaming in pain as you fall on your tailbone, As it hurts like hell you accidentally stub every toe as you then scream, As some guy riding a scooter accidentally hits your ankle, What do you do?

Last Answer : I would think "Why the fuck is some guy riding a scooter at full speed in my living room?" or "How the fuck does stepping on a lego with shoes on outside hurt?" and also "How the fuck am i ... from tailbone pains" and perhaps "How the fuck am i stubbing my toe so much on a table-barren sidewalk?"

Description : What is the best ankle brace available in India fos ankle ligament injury?

Last Answer : protect.ankle laceup from the house of Pushpanjali medi India Pvt.Ltd. Offers a uniqe ankle brace with medial & lateral stabilization shell for ankle ligament injury, instability and after sprains

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Last Answer : You buy Xfin cream. Apply it regularly at night. Keep the ankles clean. Use sandals. Eat foods rich in vitamins.

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Last Answer : It could be your arthritis or rheumatism. There are many symptoms of rheumatism such as 1 joint 2 pain in the knee 3 joint pain in the joint etc. You need to take treatment from the doctor. If you have rheumatism then you need to take dance steps 1 heavy and hard work can not be done

Last Answer : About two months + - and then rehabilitation. Depending on where it is and how old it is.

Description : First time wearing an ankle bracelet is this normal?

Last Answer : Yes that is normal most especially to those woman already married. In parts of western culture,some believe that a woman who wears an ankle on her left ankle is in an open relationship

Description : Ankle joint is

Last Answer : Ankle joint is A. Pivot joint B. Ball and socket joint C. Hinge joint D. Gliding joint

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Description : How long does it take hairline fracture in ankle to heal?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : The talus bone.

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Last Answer : One jewelry item that every lady should own is an anklet. Ananklet can vary in circumference, as well as design. Just likenecklaces, there are many different anklets that you can buy.You will need ... made out of sturdymaterial(s) before you purchase it. There are some anklets outthere that break w