100 Commonly Asked Interview Questions

1 Answer

Answer :


  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  • What three words would your friends use to describe you?
  • What is your greatest weakness?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Where else are you interviewing?
  • Tell me about a conflict you’ve had with a boss or co-worker.

OTHER COMMON QUESTIONS What experience or individual has had the greatest influence on you?

Tell me about a supervisor, professor or other individual that has made a significant impact on your life.

Tell me about an event that has had a great impact on your life.

What is the most useful criticism you received and who was it from?

What would you change about yourself?

Which decisions are easiest for you to make and which are the most difficult?

What is the most important decision you've made in the past year?

What were your other options? How did you go about making the decision?

What is the greatest obstacle you've overcome in the past year? How did it affect what you were doing at the time? How did you go about overcoming it?

Describe your work ethic.

What are your long-term goals? What are your short-term goals?

How do you set goals? Do you meet them?

Tell me about a time when you showed initiative or that demonstrates your abilities as a self-starter.

What is important to you in a job?

Tell me about your "dream job."

Do you prefer working with others or by yourself?

What percent of your day would you like to spend doing "peoplework" vs. "paperwork"?

What percent of your day would you like to spend working with people on the phone vs. in person?

What percent of your day would you like to spend working with people vs. information vs. things?

What qualities do you look for in a work environment?

What qualities do you look for in a supervisor?

What qualities do you look for in a co-worker?

What kind of supervisor gets the best work performance from you?

Your supervisor gives you specific instructions on how to complete a task/handle a situation. You disagree. What would happen?

Your supervisor is taken ill the day before you start vacation. What could you do to help?

Would you prefer a large or small company? Why?

If you had a choice of jobs and companies, where would you go?

How are you conducting your job search and how will you make your decision?

Tell me about your career search. What type of positions are you interviewing for? How are you getting the interviews?

We've all had to do things that we really did not want to do. What task have you been assigned that you really did not want to do? How long did you take before beginning work on it? How did you go about performing it? How long did it take you to finish it?

How do you handle disappointment?

How do you handle stress?

What causes you to lose your temper?

How do you handle anger? Frustration?

Tell me about the person you've had the hardest time getting along with. Tell me about the time they irritated you the most. How did you respond? How did it affect your relationship?

Have you ever had a disagreement with a professor or supervisor? Who was it with? What was it about? What was the outcome?

What was the most heated argument you have ever had? Who was it with? What was it about? What was the outcome?

We've all had arguments with other people. Tell me about your last one. Who was it with?

What was it about? What was the outcome? What types of people seem to rub you the wrong way?

Is it an effort for you to be tolerant of persons with a background or interests different from your own?

Describe a situation in which you feel good about your communication skills. What was the situation? What exactly did you say and do? What feedback did you receive?

Describe a situation in which you feel good about your listening skills. What was the situation? What exactly did you say and do? What feedback did you receive?

Tell me about a time when you were trusted with confidential information.

Tell me about a time when you had to discuss something difficult with someone. What did you say?

When did you first become interested in our company? What have you found most appealing?

What do you find attractive about a career in _____? When did you first consider this career? What else are you considering?

What other companies are you interviewing with?

Have you, or anyone you know, ever purchased anything from our company? What product(s) or service(s)?

A potential customer or current client insults our product. How do you respond? What do you do?

What do you dislike about our industry?

Tell me why you decided to attend Pepperdine University. What were your other choices? Why did you rule them out?

In what school activities have you participated? Why? Which did you enjoy the most?

Do you think that grades should be considered by employers? Why or why not? How were your grades in school? What is your GPA? How do you feel about it? Does it reflect your ability? Why or why not?

Did you put forth your best effort in college? If not, why not?

What was the biggest problem that you encountered in college? How did you handle it? What did you learn?

What was your favorite elective? Why did you choose it? How will it help you in your career?

How many times were you late to class in the last year?

What was the greatest opposition you've faced in getting a project accomplished? What was the obstacle? How did you overcome it?

Tell me why you selected _____ as a major. What other majors did you consider? What factors did you consider?

What jobs have you enjoyed the most? Least? Why? What did you learn?

Which responsibilities or functions of your previous job(s) did you enjoy the most? Least?

What new things did you have to learn in your last job? What was the toughest to learn? What did you do to learn it?

Of all your work experiences, which job gave you the most responsibility? What was the responsibility? How did you feel about the way you handled it? What did your supervisor say to you?

In your work experiences, what was the most important lesson you learned? What was the job? Why do you consider it important?

What was the hardest job you've ever had? Why did you consider it hard? Did you enjoy it? Why?

How many times were you late to work in the last year?

What does ‘assisting’ or ‘assistant’ mean to you? OR define ‘assisting’ or ‘assistant’. What is the job of an assistant?

How do the words ‘leadership’ and ‘assistant’ go together?

Tell me about your most successful leadership experience.

Tell me about your least successful leadership experience.

Define ‘teamwork’.

Tell about your most successful team experience.

Tell about your least successful team experience.

Tell me about a group or organization where you were the leader. What was the situation?

What was your goal? What was the outcome?

What impact have you had on other people, organizations, or events? Describe what you did. Why did you do that? How did that impact the person, organization or group?

Tell me about a situation where you influenced a change (work, school, or organization). What was the change? Describe how you went about it. Why did you do that? What was the end result?

What is the most creative method you've used to motivate people? Describe the situation. How did you convince them?

Tell me about the last time you had to convince someone to be on your team. What approach did you take? What did you tell them?

Tell me about the last time you had to convince someone to do things your way. What was the situation? How did you convince them?

Tell me about the most recent time you had to inform other people of a change. What was the change? How did you inform the people involved? What feedback did you


We've all had disagreements with others. Tell me about one where you convinced the other person or group to see things your way. Who was it with? What was it about? How did they feel?

How do you organize yourself? What organizational processes have you found useful?

What tools do you use to keep yourself organized? How far out do you plan?

Do you keep a “To Do” list? What is on top right now? What is at the bottom? When do you think you will get to it?

Tell me how you plan your week. What tools do you use? How far out do you plan? What things do you take into consideration? How do you decide what to do first?

When was the last time you missed a deadline? What was the situation? How or when did you find out you missed it? What did you do?

Tell me about the last time you got behind. What did you have to accomplish? How did you do it? How did you feel afterward?

Tell me about the last time you were late. Why were you late?

Tell me about the busiest rush you've been through recently. How long did it last?

Describe a particularly heavy day that sticks out in your mind. Why was it busy?

Tell me about a time when you were under pressure to accomplish a task in a short period of time. What was the task? How much time were you given? How did you feel while you were doing it?

Tell me about the last time an unexpected change caused you to alter your plans. When and how did you learn about the change? What was the first thing you did? What was the outcome?

All of us have to change our priorities. In the past month, what has been your biggest priority change? How did it affect what you were doing?

What do you feel is an acceptable attendance record?

Hypothetical: You have been saving for a new car for two years. You now have $6000.00 in your piggy bank and you are planning to purchase the car this weekend. Last night someone broke into your apartment and stole your piggy bank...What happens now?

How clean is your car today?

How many gas stations are there in the U.S.A.?

Related questions

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Last Answer : Only if you can relate them to your career or to the job for which you are interviewing. For example, if a prospective employer asks what you like to read, stick to talking about professional literature.

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Last Answer : Use this opportunity to bring up something that you didn't get to talk about during the initial interview. Be prepared with an example of a specific skill or achievement you didn't have a ... Remember to explain how the example shows you are a good candidate for the particular position you want.

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Last Answer : Many people follow a certain routine when they are job hunting. They send copies of their resumes to prospective employers and follow that with weeks of sitting around, waiting to be called back. You ... in advance, you will increase your chances of getting hired when you finally do get that call.

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Last Answer : Be certain to say that you researched the company, went to the company website, and tried to learn as much about the position as possible.

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Last Answer : I’d say ‘that’s a completely inappropriate question’ and if I didn’t get a satisfactory remark to my statement, I’d laugh in their face and walk out.

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Last Answer : answer:It was so long ago @erichw1504 that I’ve no idea. The only advise I can give anyone on a job interview is to be yourself….don’t try to fake anything. And, above all, be totally honest.

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Last Answer : answer:Haven't had one in a very long time, but I remember them asking me to do a simple math equation to demonstrate that I could add and subtract change. They'll probably ask you how easy it is for ... present a good face to customers. If you can do pants, go with that, but jeans should be fine.

Description : Hey people!1 im appearing for the GDOC test on the 21st.Iv cleared the written test and am going for the psychological test and the physicaltest followed by the interviews.Idont have any idea ... questions that are going to be asked in the psychological test or the interview.Someone help please!

Last Answer : Hopefully it’s nothing about the details field in ask-public. Sorry I had to

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Description : Have you ever been asked to take on a project because of your unique skill or ability?

Last Answer : Our senior developer regularly asks me to troubleshoot new programs. I've been very successful at figuring out why programs aren't working properly, and I can usually do it pretty quickly, allowing the ... to plan the party. This skill probably won't be very important to the prospective employer.

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Last Answer : He would probably talk about the time he asked me to present a new marketing campaign to one of our more difficult clients. I spent over a week preparing for that presentation. Since I knew this ... breaks one of the cardinal rules of job interviewing - to never speak negatively about a former boss.

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Last Answer : Be honest because this could come out in a reference check. Explain why you were asked to leave the job, and what you have learned from the experience.

Description : Have you ever been asked to leave a position?

Last Answer : Have you ever been asked to leave a position? Answer tips If you have not, say no. If you have, be honest, brief and avoid saying negative things about the people or organization ... checks done by the employer will uncover this information. Focus on how you have grown from the experience.

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Last Answer : SITUATION  When I started my summer internship at XYZ Online Marketing, I quickly realized that it was a small organization which meant that I was left to my own devices. I had to figure things out on my ... data I could access, I was able to call him back to give him the information he wanted.

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Last Answer : d. response bias

Description : Do you have any questions for me?

Last Answer : Yes, I do. (Proceed to ask questions regarding career growth, mentorship, a day in the life of the role, pros and cons of working at the company, how the company will stay innovative and ahead of competition in the next 3-5 years).

Description : Do you have any questions?

Last Answer : Ask if there is any reason the hiring manager wouldn't hire you. (This can be a little daunting to ask BUT can really pay off. It allows you to address something they may be thinking in their ... early in the process. Don't ask how soon you can start applying for other positions in the company.

Description : Do you have any questions?

Last Answer : Have some very good questions prepared - Make a list of three of four questions you wish to find out more from them as a company E.g: their company culture, long term career progression within ... able to assist on? are examples. Anything that shows you are already visualising yourself in the role

Description : Do you have any questions for me?

Last Answer : Do you have any questions for me? Answer tips Always have some questions prepared. Questions prepared where you will be an asset to the organization are good. How soon will I be able to be ... have any concerns regarding my suitability that I need to clear up in order to be the top candidate?

Description : What is the strangest question you have been asked in a job interview?

Last Answer : answer:Are you wearing your husband’s Phi Beta Kappa key? I responded, “No. But I’m wearing his underwear.” I didn’t get the job; he didn’t get a smart employee ;-) I have to say I was impressed that he recognized the pin; I was less impressed with his assholedom.

Description : If you are asked for your references after the first interview is that a positive or negative thing ?

Last Answer : Don’t want to burst your bubble, but it’s probably just procedure. That said, it’s certainly not a negative. They probably wouldn’t have asked for it unless you were in the running. Good luck!

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Last Answer : “I do not respond well to stupid questions.”

Description : During an interview, if you were asked: "What are your limitations or weaknesses?", what would your answer be?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t work well with others. I would rather be given a task and complete it on my own unless it’s necessary to work with a team. Nah…....I’d probably just make something trivial up.

Description : What is the strangest interview question you have ever been asked?

Last Answer : “Have you ever hidden drugs in your anus?” is a contender.

Description : What's the hardest or most obscure question you've been asked in an interview?

Last Answer : I have not had many interviews, but I always hated that “So why do you feel we should hire you/be a part of this company?”. It’s so vague and you don’t know what type of answer they are looking for exactly.

Description : What is the weirdest question you've ever been asked during a job interview?

Last Answer : Once I was asked what kind of birth control I used. I answered by saying the rhythm method. I did not get the job.

Description : People who interview; What's the most interesting question a candidate has asked you?[Serious]

Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, ... was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this sub if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : (Humor time) What are some questions that a job candidate should never ask during an interview?

Last Answer : Can I get the next week off? I’m trying to use all my unemployment insurance.

Description : Have you ever gotten some weird questions in your job interview?

Last Answer : Yeah. To determine my fitness for a security clearance position in the Navy, I was asked, “In the situation that your family comes aboard ship to visit you, if the ship were invaded by enemy forces, could you kill your family? ” I said, “You bet. ”

Description : How would you answer these interview questions?

Last Answer : 1. Ceti Alpha 6, unfortunately it exploded. 2. Living, because the dead refuse to answer. 3. Questions. Inflicting torture is more enjoyable than receiving it. 4. I say it is another term for eternity . ... rituals. 10. https://www.fluther.com/205581/why-dont-i-need-a-welding-mask-when-i-watch-a/

Description : What kind of questions can I expect during an interview if I've been interviewed already on the phone?

Last Answer : You’ll get variations on the same things, perhaps more directed to the particular job. They may want more insight into your history working retail (that’s what you’re going for, right?).

Description : How would you answer these common interview questions?

Last Answer : answer:What kind of jobs have you been applying for? The answers can definitely vary based on the role - but as far as what motivates you? Typically what motivates me is staying competitive in the work ... can honestly say that I will never again ask the question that I had to ask him that day)

Description : What are some second interview questions that I might encounter?

Last Answer : answer:I'm sure you'll get good answers from people here, but one important thing to focus on with job interviews is asking your interviewers good questions. Ask them about advancement opportunities, performance ... in when deciding to hire you or the person they're not sure about. Best of luck.

Description : Yahoo always has lists. This one is the 10 best interview questions. Agree?

Last Answer : answer:That's a really good list. I would add, Why is the position open? That can tell you a lot about the company. If the interview is going well, I would also ask, What present employees ... position? And if the interview is going exceedingly well, I would finish with, Can I have the job?

Description : What interview questions would you ask of a leadership consultant?

Last Answer : answer:Is this coach going to help your husband with his leadership skills or teach him how to coach others? And what are MBTI and 360 reviews?

Description : Artists/Art-related career folk...Would you be willing to let my students email you some interview-type questions?

Last Answer : Does a starving artist count?

Description : Good interview questions for family members?

Last Answer : answer:What a wonderful project! There are a lot of questions I would ask my elders; the younger ones would be more of a challenge as we tend to know so much already. * What is your earliest memory? * ... want to be when you grew up? * What was your first job? (or responsibility, if they are young)

Description : If you were on the interview panel, in the search for someone to lead a small group of people in a customer care environment, what questions would you ask?

Last Answer : How would you deal with an ongoing conflict between two fo the people you supervise?

Description : What questions should I ask at a job interview?

Last Answer : answer:Ask if there is room for advancement in the company. This tells them you are interested in long term employment. Research the company and ask a question regarding your research to let them know that you do not just want a job- but that you want this job and have looked into the company.

Description : Suggested answers for interview questions?

Last Answer : Practice those questions. For any interview, “umm” and “uhh” should never come of out your mouth ever. Basically if you can speak well and seem interested in being there you’ll do well.

Description : What would some good questions be to interview someone about the hippie age?

Last Answer : “How do we bring it all back?” That’d be my question…

Description : What are unexpected but smart and relevant questions to ask during an interview?

Last Answer : At the end, I ask them what makes them come to work everyday or something cheesy like that. Most importantly I just ask something. It’s terrible when they give you the opportunity to ask and you’ve got nothing. If it goes REALLY well, ask them what that enchanting scent they’re wearing is.

Description : Any tips on answering questions when you're in a job interview?

Last Answer : When you’re in a job interview, you will be being asked questions. You will have to give responses spontaneously, so be planned to give positive examples for your work ethic and your strengths and weaknesses in the work place.

Description : If you are about to go to an interview how do you answer these questions?

Last Answer : Just be natural. Explain that your english is not great. Hopefully, this is not a requirement for the job. Try practicing answers out loud before you go on an interview. That way, you'll be more ... don't want to speak for too long, but you want to sound confident and provide a solid answer.

Description : If you had to interview someone for a leadership position, what are some questions you'd ask them?

Last Answer : 1. What is teamwork, in your own words, and why is it important in accomplishing objectives? 2. What are your strengths that you can apply in a supervisory role? What are your weaknesses that you can ... leadership role and in what capacity was it? 4. What are your future short and long term goals?