Fiber A Great Way To Build A Healthier You?

1 Answer

Answer :

Eating a diet that’s rich in fiber has a whole host of healthbenefits, including lower cholesterol and a healthier body weight.Despite this, 9 out of every 10 Americans do not get enough fiberin their diet. The secret to increasing fiber can be as simple asadding a few common foods to your daily routine, helping you totake advantage of the numerous benefits fiber has to offer withoutmaking a dramatic change in diet or lifestyle.Looking to increase the amount of fiber in your diet will leadyou to another source of healthy food, whole grains. Only choosecereals, breads, and pastas that are made with whole grains. Theyare higher in fiber, allowing you to feel full faster, while lowerin fat and calories. Beans and lentils are also natural sources offiber, though should be consumed in moderatio

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Last Answer : multigrain is better for you

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Last Answer : I wouldnt have thought so; I do love the bloody steak!

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Last Answer : answer:Margerines that contain transfats, which most of them did before the latest information came out about those, are very bad for you, as is any tranfsat. When margarine was first introduced to the ... the 80s (Dr. Dean Ornish) have been discredited. It is best to use fat in moderation.

Description : Is butter or margarine healthier?

Last Answer : Peanut butter has good fats, and a 2 tablespoon serving is just fine. It is also high in protein which takes longer to digest. What is bad is the added sugars. I read my labels and there is one that has like 4 times the sugar of all the others, which makes a total of 2 servings of carbohydrates.

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Last Answer : It is definitely healthier to heat it on gas, because you do not treat food with radiation. However, if you burn something, do not eat it. Carcinogenic substances are released at this time. The micro, on the other hand, is a quick fix.

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Last Answer : Praid is healthier. It does not contain any harmful ingredients like arsenic and lead.

Description : Or would I rather ask which one is less unhealthy? I like both, but I want to pay more attention to my diet.

Last Answer : Chocolate has more sugar, while salt has more carbs. Eat dark chocolate. The best of the two. Sometimes that fits a little crime

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Last Answer : I don't think one is healthier than the other. Domestic tap water is of good quality anyway. The mineral content of mineral water is very healthy, but it is not good to take too much of these minerals ... on this issue, and I think it's good for everyone to experience what's better for them.   

Description : Can you recommend me practices that will make my hair healthier and grow faster ???

Last Answer : I had a hair pack that helped me, there are many brands and for all types of hair.

Description : Out of curiosity. :)

Last Answer : Recently very trendy braids and ponytails can certainly hurt. However, scientists say moderation is the key. If you're not constantly tightly tied or braided, there's no problem. However, if you do, for ... fall due to the constant pulling effect, resulting in less injury and a higher forehead. :) 

Description : I'm insecure.

Last Answer : Electric cigarettes don't harm your health, but unfortunately they don't provide it like real cigarettes, so it's hard to quit. :( But I've also seen a man who hasn't smoked in his life, but likes to use an electric cigarette. At least he doesn't get used to the real thing :)

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Last Answer : It's good to put it together ..... (sun)