What are Hillari Kimble's 3 claims to fashion from StarGirl?

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Last Answer : Link per favore.

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Last Answer : I am not a lawyer, but I will give my opinion. If you read on the internet that in California, employers don't have to tell their employees they are closing down if there is a staff of ... no leg to stand on. Fairness doesn't always come into play in life and definitely regarding legal matters.

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Last Answer : I would call and speak with someone. Contact info should be on the letter.

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Last Answer : You did catch the part where he says you can find more information in the “documentary” Men in Black? He was obviously joking.

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Last Answer : “The land of the free & the home of the deranged.”

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Last Answer : It’s probably difficult to find a scientist or doctor who is willing to jeopardize their entire career and life’s work to support something as idiotic as Akin’s statement.

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Last Answer : NONE, just because they showed it to their peers, means nothing.

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Last Answer : I'm with you! But, the one thing the Republicans do well is to promote hate for Obama! Through Rush Limbaugh and others, they have a huge following who believe in their dogma including my husband. ... not being tough enough, but he stands for what I believe in and unfortunately the others don't!

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Last Answer : answer:I hadn't even heard the term until you mentioned it. It's all news to me. I did a google search for Guaranteed Retirement Account and found the same links you can find doing that search. So I ... right-wingnuts. I don't know yet, but it's something else to know about'. Thanks for the Q.

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Last Answer : I’m not totally sure if that’s what you’re looking for, but I had a decend experience with these people.

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Last Answer : I’ve known men who swore by Burning Man and I don’t doubt their passion, for I belong to an organization very much like it that changed my life. Open your mind and ignore the skeptics who inner fears keep them from exploring new ways to be better human beings.

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Last Answer : OK, this is weird. Your brother would not forget doing all the paperwork that is involved!

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. Judge Judy would make some funny jokes and find in your favor. Also seek punitive damages and add mental distress to the lawsuit.

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Last Answer : If you let it go, you will end up with a default judgment against you. Counter sue in landlord-tenants court for harassment, if you’re really angry.

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Last Answer : This has been known to help, apparently.

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Last Answer : It’s a facade. Either that, or they aren’t paying attention to what they say.

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Last Answer : Onset of brain shutting down due to lack of oxygen? I read somewhere deep sea divers experience the same thing when resurfacing too quickly..

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Last Answer : It is an old wives tale that you get sick from being cold. But, if you are sick, staying warm is important, especially for your lungs. Also, if you don't dress appropriately in general you are placing ... you, or you touch something that has the virus on it and you touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

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Last Answer : The implication being that they want to be able to make money on speed traps? Maybe it's because using cell phones and text messaging while driving has been consistently shown to be a distraction ... , that most states allow radar detectors? Maybe because they really just want you to slow down?

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Last Answer : Where there is subsistence farming there is loss of habitat, depletion of soil resources, erosion, water loss and pollution.

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Last Answer : I think she just wants the money and attention, I mean seriously, have you seen “a shot of love”? EURGH.

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Last Answer : I have a friend, whose sister is dating/engaged to Tommy Lee of Motley Crue… Stuff like that?

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Last Answer : The ones that survive are bigger and stronger and multiply even faaster than before.

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Last Answer : i don’t know if he is manipulating her, but he can get hard without the condom and then once he is hard slip that baby on. but if he refuses that then maybe he has something up his sleeve.

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Last Answer : Well, what have you tried so far?

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Last Answer : The better question is… will you notice if it does?