What is significant about Mussolini's first warning to the Parliament?

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What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : His biography doesn’t tell us that information.

Description : The first phase of environmental health management begins a. Long before a disaster strikes b. When a disaster strikes c. Within the first three hours after the disaster has struck d. After the warning period

Last Answer : a. Long before a disaster strikes

Description : Is it wrong to order out during an extreme cold warning?

Last Answer : Tip well.

Description : What’s your warning?

Last Answer : Reduce, reuse, recycle. Limit your use of fossil fuels and other greenhouse gas producing activities. Live and drive defensively. Put down the phone! NEVER assume ANYTHING! Check the operation of ... someone unless you absolutely have to! Eat your fruits and vegetables! Use effective birth control.

Description : Have you ever been in a tornado warning?

Last Answer : I grew up in Oklahoma, so I’ve been in a number of tornado warnings. I have seen tornadoes. I have seen the devastation afterward. My family did nothing out of the ordinary other than stay indoors. If we had heard one approach, I suppose we would have moved into the interior hallway.

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Last Answer : Yeah, its called building a wall.

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Last Answer : If it is a colored item I would follow the restriction.

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Last Answer : Maybe it’s frozen and it’s warning you that it’s frozen?

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Last Answer : Absolutely. Kids should only watch continuous loops of Teletubbies, Bugs Bunny, and Robocop.

Description : When you are falling asleep, does your mind give you a warning that you're going to have a nightmare before you get there?

Last Answer : I don't remember that specific thing, maybe mainly because I don't usually have bad dreams right as they start. But setting an intention before sleeping can definitely work, as can waking up ... annoying dream, and being partly aware of the dream and the waking world especially when falling asleep.

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Last Answer : Be very straightforward. Don't be rude, be formal. Tell her all the consequences in a clear manner-make sure she can and will understand it. Tell her she will owe the 35$ a day and the 500$ contempt fee ... about writing it, with wordings and such. But like I said, I'd be formal, clear, and forward.

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Last Answer : No. Start your own business. Be your own boss.

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Last Answer : It sounds like the sensor might be defective. I would take it to a Ford Dealership. They can properly determine what the problem is and fix it.

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Last Answer : answer:Honestly, if you're stupid enough to add a pack of Foxglove seeds to your morning smoothie, I'm not so certain we should be going out of our way to keep you alive. Besides, where would you draw ... label? My trowel doesn't have a do not eat label should I write the garden tools company?

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Last Answer : answer:Nanny state. Some lobbying group back in 1985 decided that people needed to be warned about things they might come in contact with. So they got a law passed, which is entirely stupid and ineffective. Read all about it(1986)

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Last Answer : Volatile substance. Do not provoke.

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Last Answer : Sure seems like it. He looked down and the hit some buttons after hearing it. It was like a beep that he had reached a speed.

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Last Answer : According to this article the flooding will be south and west of the mountains. We have had tornados in Bakersfield before. One of our apartments was on the news because it picked up a dumpster and hit a ... stupider since I just realized we both linked the same article. It's late. I'm tired. Sorry.

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Last Answer : We should all be so lucky! haha No, I really hope I die with as little warning as possible. What's the alternative a long, painful wasting away illness and being unable to euthanize yourself. Fuck that! I ... attack one night with just enough time to call someone and say I think I'm dying . lol

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Last Answer : answer:I actually have heard about this, only because Ghost Hunters filmed an episode there last season. I don’t understand how some people can be so hateful. It makes me sick to my stomach.

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Last Answer : Call your doctor for new prescriptions.

Description : What was the warning time for the incredibly devastating Oklahoma tornado?

Last Answer : answer:My local news (not in Oklahoma, so I guess they can say whatever they want) reported a 16 minute heads up. They said it was a longer warning time than in the big storms of 1999. And ... living in Tornado Alley . Sort of like people in Florida wondering what's up with all the hurricanes.

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Last Answer : I would suppose that “implicit” referred to graphic sexual (or possibly violent) content as opposed to cussing. If I were buying it for young children, either label would steer me away. If it’s for an adult, neither would.

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Last Answer : One look at these sick & depraved images confirms this to be the case, although Spain isn't alone in it's barbarity as you can see. I can't comprehend why this is done, let ... supposed civilised society, tradition & culture seem an incredibly weak excuse for savagery on a truly frightening scale.

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Last Answer : My app changed, but not the web based – yet O.o

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Last Answer : answer:It means that when the laptop dies, instead of throwing it in the garbage, where it will end up in a landfill, get rained on, and leach harmful chemicals into the soil and eventually your drinking water ... just fine. And, you know don't take it apart and eat the contents. That would be bad.

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Last Answer : I am watching this question closely I have the same issue. Some have said its malaware, but I have run checks. Or overheating, but my fans are OK. I have also dusted the air vents.

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Last Answer : answer:The child's right to life and being born trumps your right to a burden-free existence. You took your gamble when you became pregnant. Many people with Down's Syndrome have very sunny outlooks. They ... joy into the lives of those around them. Who are you to decide that they should not live?

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Last Answer : Change your password.

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Last Answer : answer:Whoever is riding or driving unsafely on public thoroughfares is at fault. That may include the Amish, if they're driving much slower than conditions would warrant and failing to display any sign of ... others, then they have to make allowance for others - as others have always done for them.

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Last Answer : answer:I believe it has to do with Proposition 65, SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1986 You often see labeling that is required by the act on products that reads something like: WARNING: This ... does California know that my state doesn't know? What's my state not telling us? :-)

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Last Answer : We had a simple bulb syringe for our kids They turned out ok. Except for the time we overdid it and sucked out speech and the recognition of squares and triangle shapes.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Fair is fair, Al Gore thinks it is too, just for different reasons.

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Last Answer : Glad that you didn’t have a case of morning wood. :)

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Last Answer : No. They die mostly of blunt trauma. Houses falling on them and stuff.

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Last Answer : I’ve seen it quite a few places and I think it’s been around long enough for it’s origins to be pretty hard to pin down.

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Last Answer : I don’t what what possible warning sign could be given. I wish there was one. I just think “Jeez, you poor suckers, you have no idea what’s coming up ahead,” silently offer then my condolences and just keep driving on my, thankfully, unjammed side of the highway.

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Last Answer : I really like the heads up. It’s nice to know. Good job, Fluther. (:

Description : What are possible warning signs we can give oncoming traffic unaware of gridlock ahead?

Last Answer : I don’t what what possible warning sign could be given. I wish there was one. I just think “Jeez, you poor suckers, you have no idea what’s coming up ahead,” silently offer then my condolences and just keep driving on my, thankfully, unjammed side of the highway.

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Last Answer : Warning! This individual is a walking contradiction. He is extremely affectionate, but only if you initiate, loves to talk, but never makes calls, wears his emotions on his sleeve, but may not ... , though often comes off as cold. Patience and understanding must be utilized when dealing with him.

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Last Answer : Oh—I remember that show well but can’t recall the name. It was narrated by an actor who also did cigarette commercials, and t was about the racket (bunko) squad. I’ll find the name and post another message.

Description : Warning, Yucky Topic -- Is there anything short of surgery that really cures hemorrhoids?

Last Answer : A healthy diet can ease the pain and their onset I think.

Description : Do you think you should be able to sue a drug manufacturer for a complication related to the medication if the possible side effect is already known and printed as a warning?

Last Answer : I think those class action suits are BS. If the side effects are printed and the patient is made aware of them then they take the medication at their own risk and of their own free will. If someone forced the medication down their throat, sue that person.

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Last Answer : prayers.

Description : IE Users, will the German Government warning about security flaws in IE cause you to switch browsers?

Last Answer : I do not use IE except for applications that are maximized for it.

Description : Is there a button you can press to bypass the 'Out of Ink' warning on a Canon mp620b, so it will print with the other inks?

Last Answer : My guess is you are trying to print out text or a form. There isn't [that I know of] any button with that kind of function. But there is a way around it. Open the document in black ink ... printer should now print. Few people will notice that your black is slightly off (I know from experience). ;)

Description : Is it a snake that produces the almond smell as a warning?

Last Answer : Not that I know of. Many snakes produce the worst smelling stuff imaginable (called ‘musk’) when they’re positive you’re very hungry and think that they look delicious… I don’t know of any that produce a ‘nice’ smell…

Description : If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

Last Answer : “Warning, this product is a terrible conversationalist”

Description : As you're starting to fall asleep, do you get kind of an advanced warning that you're going to have a nightmare so you can wake yourself up?

Last Answer : Wow, no, I’ve never experienced it. You’re kind of lucky you have that kind of warning system. The closest I’ve ever come is half waking up during a nightmare and knowing I shouldn’t go back to sleep until my head is filled with happy thoughts.