What is the homonym for suffering?

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Description : Would studying books/materials on critical thinking, and logic, help reduce suffering?

Last Answer : I'm not sure how reading books about that has anything to do with suffering really I haven't read any book about critical thinking, but I learned it all by myself by observing real life. I used ... than we think, so I'm not affected by provocative fake news anymore. But that's just my experience.

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Last Answer : These are unknowns. However, there is another story much like it. Check out the series Russian Doll

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Last Answer : Yes. Recall that Perseus slew her by looking at her only indirectly, as a reflection in his shield. Geordi also sees things indirectly. I would put my money on his survival in that confrontation. I'm ... . If he encountered her, I hope he would have his look and then exit with all deliberate speed.

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Last Answer : Yes, pretty much like choosing not to be offended. It’s choosing not to be bothered by the misfortune.

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Last Answer : From what I’ve seen, it may be like living life inside a Franz Kalfka novel. Everything distorted by an over riding paranoia of everything.

Description : Do you think blackmailing is the most harmful suffering to do to a person, and the most undesirable, psychologically?

Last Answer : No. Scaring the person (if he hates spiders, put him in a room of spiders) is at least as effective. Or threatening to kill loved ones. Are you planning anything we should know about?

Description : What is emotional or spiritual pain and suffering?

Last Answer : I'm still reeling, from my latest debacle of an attempted relationship, with a red head girl. I cost myself a lucrative job, and a girl I foolishly really liked I suppose it's all my fault. My brain had her ... had the girl, and the job of my dreams I guess I at least had those couple days .....

Description : What can be done to help those suffering from ship accident? .

Last Answer : Resort to the regulations vigorously enforced when Burma was a colonial state.

Description : Anyone else suffering from Anxiety & Depression?

Last Answer : answer:I'm turning 26 this year and I've had depression/anxiety for most of my life. I identified with a lot of what you've written here, especially It has crippled my social life, love ... this. I understand how inhibiting it can be, One thing that I have found consistently helpful is exercise.

Description : Is much of our suffering a result of our inability to remember?

Last Answer : I don’t see it as forgetting but letting oneself ruminate on the past and be anxious about the future makes one incapable of being present in the present or grateful for what one has. I’m getting much better at it – although I had a lot to work through – except for at 3 a.m.!

Description : Lets try this a different way, if YOU were suffering from a terminal painful illness would you not want the option of assisted suicide?

Last Answer : answer:I would want the [legal] option. I understand that some disabled and elderly people may get pressure to choose assisted from family members, etc., but aren't those people in a living hell ... be given to people who have expressed an opinion before the option presents itself, much like DNR?

Description : Does the suffering of others bring music to your ears?

Last Answer : No, I try to absorb their pain. I will suffer it for them if it relieves theirs, if I care for them. Sorry other dudes.

Description : Recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado. Colorado has also been suffering from massive flooding because of copious rainfall. Do you think marijuana use is up or down because of the crisis?

Last Answer : A little rain never stopped anyone. I’m sure the tokers have umbrellas. lol

Description : Are Africanized bees suffering from colony collapse syndrome?

Last Answer : Hard to say, but “they” ( researchers/scientists ) think it has to do with LT use of systemic pesticides. Maybe the African Bees are not as sensitive to them, or…they are not numerous enough to be feeding in hardcore Ag. production areas. Maybe Monsanto is cloning them to be super bees. lol

Description : Are pain and suffering positive values, to be regarded as opportunities to display virtue and in accordance to the nature of humanity, and is the avoidance of pain and the pursuit of pleasure a vice?

Last Answer : I think - in my two months' study of Buddhism - that pain and suffering just are. They don't have intrinsic value but are part of the human condition that we have to accept. On the other hand, ... knowing that and accepting doesn't mean that there's anything wrong in avoiding some of it if you can.

Description : My 17 year old has been suffering from chronic stomach pains for a week. Tests say it is not her appendix or cyst on ovary or kidney infection but white blood count is elevated. Any idea what it could be? She is type 1 diabetic.

Last Answer : Perhaps your teen is suffering from a ruptured esophagus? How is there eating going?

Description : How do you know if you are depressed or just suffering momentary blues?

Last Answer : answer:Winter's effects are cumulative. All those months of short days and cold nights It takes more than the Vernal Equinox to get past that semi-hibernation known as the winter blues. If you don't ... , you might want to be concerned. For now, however, you sound like just about everyone I know.

Description : Do you agree with the idea that all suffering in life is caused by desire or that life in itself is suffering?

Last Answer : It is said that you do not see the highs, if you have not suffered the lows. And one mans suffering is anothers mans daily occurrence. I am not sure what its relationship is to desire though?

Description : Do you find that older people are more likely to accept suffering and inconvenience in their lives, and can you explain your reasoning?

Last Answer : Not at all. Older people tend to rant and rave more about “their suffering” and play the martyr card more. Screw it, I’m going somewhere with power.

Description : Does suffering from anxiety/panic attacks count as an emergency? (See Details)

Last Answer : I would think either 1 or 6 would apply… since he said it could be a blood clot I would say 6 so you could get the necessary tests to rule it out. Is there an 800 number on the form to call and question what falls under these to be specific?

Description : What comforting words do you give friends who are suffering?

Last Answer : Sometimes the best thing is to just be there. That speaks way more than words.

Description : Is (suffering from) cancer painful?

Last Answer : Yeah, it is. We lost my MIL to breast cancer. At the end, hospice was handing out the morphine like candy and we were giving her near lethal levels of it.

Description : Ever heard of a laptop designed for a person suffering with "Best Disease?"?

Last Answer : Maybe your boss could use stickers like these?

Description : How can the planet earth be suffering from water shortage?

Last Answer : answer:The problem is not the existence of H20, but rather the availability of clean water that is fit for human consumption. You can die of thirst while in the middle of the ocean because the salt ... by a river you can die of any number of diseases from drinking the water if it is contaiminated.

Description : Suffering from severe panic disorder and derealization disorder. Can anybody relate?

Last Answer : Looks like you need some professional help.

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Last Answer : I used to, but not anymore. I conquered it through sheer force of will.

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Last Answer : answer:@Ana1234 My ex. was bipolar and she was very creative! Here is a good site where they discuss this issue! http://www.depressionforums.org/forums/Upside-Bipolar-Disorder-t46912.html

Description : Are casinos suffering?

Last Answer : Sorry, considering house odds, I just can’t think “casinos” and “suffering” in the same sentence. I know a lot of people are just trying to work, make a living, feed their, families, but those are two words I have trouble putting together.

Description : What was he suffering from?

Last Answer : Amnesia can do something like this.

Description : Trying to give advice to a friend suffering from depression?

Last Answer : You can't help her other than to try to get her to a professional. Unfortunately, this is exactly what depressed people seem to have a tough time doing. She needs professional counseling and possibly medication ... If you can get her to seek help, you'll have done the best possible thing for her.

Description : In your opinion, what is the difference between euthanizing a suffering/terminally ill human vs. euthanizing a suffering/terminally ill animal?

Last Answer : answer:The length of the prison sentence. It is not the same in that an animal has not got laws protecting it. Many animals are probably put down that could be cured or helped, and that is regretful. If ... She said goodbye to most of the family and then died that night. I held her hand as she died.

Description : I have a sister who suffers from chronic (on a scale from 1-10 ..an 11) back, neck, and leg pain due to a car accident. It hurts for me to see her suffering. I feel helpless and sad. What can I do to help her?

Last Answer : answer:First and foremost your sister needs to see her doctor, and explain how much pain she is in. Then, she needs to sit down and talk in great depth to her husband, and explain exactly how she is ... him. Perhaps then he will understand better how she is feeling, and just how much pain she is in.

Description : Have you ever had contact or known a person suffering from delirium?

Last Answer : yeah my grandma thought she was sewing the tops off a basket of socks closed. and thought a nurse was cow. and my great aunt was telling my dad and I about the horse people…. Delirious? I think yes.

Description : Is there a name for being prejudiced against people suffering from depression?

Last Answer : Assholes? I know people who are misinformed about what it’s about or how one can get themselves out.

Description : Does the internet attract or create people suffering with depression?

Last Answer : i think the internet attracts all kinds of people. i guess if you think about it depressed people might be more attracted then others.

Description : Do you agree that 'suffering is optional' and that humanity desires it?

Last Answer : We’re supposed to suffer. It’s acceptance of that fact which brings us equanimity, I thought. I could be wrong, though.

Description : For anyone who has suffered (or, is suffering) from backpain or is knowledgable in that area, I have a question (details inside)

Last Answer : Surgery could make her worse. I don't have personal experience, but have witnessed this through family/friends. She could have severe mobility damage. She could become better (though I haven't known a ... what she's willing to go through at this point. Has she been through pain management already?

Description : I believe I am currently suffering from dehydration. Help?

Last Answer : Do you have health insurance? You can easily go to an ER to get IV fluids. I had to go so many times while pregnant, and they just give you two bags of fluid and you feel amazingly better. It was easy ... If they are so much that you are too weak to do things for yourself, I'd go to the hospital.

Description : Do better-off people have a moral obligation to end the suffering of others if it doesn't require similar suffering on their part?

Last Answer : I feel I have a moral obligation to do so. But that is based on my own moral code. I feel others have a moral obligation to do so, but only based on my moral code as well. I can’t make them do it.

Description : Why is my son suffering dizziness?

Last Answer : Maybe he is not eating enough food before or after playing? Try giving him a few juice boxes to drink before and after a game.

Description : Any else suffering from "post-election, anxiety that he might not win, overwhelmed that he did, depression syndrome"?

Last Answer : I’ve noticed that some people seem pretty overwhelmed. As for me—we knew he was going to win for the past several weeks, if not months. I don’t understand why people are so surprised.

Description : What criteria would you use to determine if someone has received the word/a message from God versus they are suffering from a mental disorder?

Last Answer : I would say looking for other symptoms indicative of mental disorder, and consider how well they fit the standard in the DSM IV. I have no doubt that some past religious figures (including, ... fervor. If they are also exhibiting other symptoms, they would probably fit into your latter category.

Description : What's the best way to deal with someone who is suffering from chronic pain?

Last Answer : Where does she live? There are doctors and clinics that specialize in pain management.

Description : How can I "force" my body to go to sleep? Total suffering...

Last Answer : answer:Wow, your body probably hates you right about now. I don't think there's a good answer for this. The problem with your type of swing shift is that your body doesn't seem to fall into any sort ... are seldom the same 4 hours. I'm curious to know what other people will answer. I need sleep too!

Description : Are there others among us suffering from the huge N. CA fires.

Last Answer : I've had to live in a smokey nightmare this last couple of weeks here in Sacramento. Living in a valley can definitely its disadvantages. Fortunately, its starting to dissipate some. The air reminds me of L ... Seesul shouldn't be having much of a problem, though. She lives quite a way to the south.

Description : Based on the information given below classify each of the situations as 'suffering from water scarcity' or 'not suffering from water scarcity' -SST 10th

Last Answer : (a) Not suffering from water scarcity. This is because the freshwater and groundwater are replenished with the annual rainfall. (b) Not suffering from water scarcity. If the annual rainfall is high, then ... by the population is met. As the usage is not too much, water scarcity will not prevail.