What is the homonym for the word calm?

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Description : Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in BOLD. The heart operation was successful, but complications prolonged his convalescence. (a) Insult (b) Relapse (c) Apologetic (d) Calm

Last Answer : (b) Relapse

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Last Answer : (d) Calm

Description : Would you be angry if someone told you to calm down while you were panicking?

Last Answer : “Panic” has multiple meanings, so I’ll go with how you seem to be using it here (someone is upset about something). Telling someone to “calm down” is dismissive and I suspect you know that (your “snowflake” political declaration is pretty transparent).

Description : In which situations do you need to be the most calm and yet always end up freaking out?

Last Answer : When it relates to my mother’s health. I’m her only child and my emotions tend to get the better of me. I just want to scoop her up, wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her safe.

Description : What is something that happened to you, where you would probably be justified to go postal and lose your shit, but you actually remained quite calm?

Last Answer : I'm a criminal defense attorney who practices in federal court.

Description : Can someone become so shocked they appear calm?

Last Answer : Yes. It’s called “shock” and kills more people than anything else. It’s why when you treat a person for an traumatic injury, you first treat for shock by keeping them warm, even on a warm day, and elevating the feet/legs.

Description : Does anyone else feel anxious when around extremely calm people?

Last Answer : I am just the opposite. Their calm nature has a soothing, calming effect on me.

Description : Anxiety due to being stalked, how do I calm myself?

Last Answer : I'm not sure if this will help at all, but Find a good class on self-protection/defense? As a large male who had positive experiences fighting kids who were aggressive from a young age, I've been ... and perhaps get someone (and/or a big dog) to keep me company for a while when going about.

Description : Do you approve of weighted vests to calm unruly pre-schoolers?

Last Answer : answer:First impression: Sounds rather screwed up. Seems like something a teacher would do when it lacked appropriate skills for dealing with children. Sounds really terrible, actually, not only the ... incompetence and/or apathy in relating to the child in an appropriate way about the situation.

Description : Do you think you could ever be as calm as Captain "Sully" Sullenberger was in this emergency?

Last Answer : answer:Hadn’t heard this story… That’s pretty amazing! As for being calm, IDK… having a definitive purpose in emergencies gives me clarity and focus. But I don’t think I’ve ever felt “calm” as part of those experiences.

Description : Have you ever tried to calm down and reassure a Guinea Pig?

Last Answer : lol

Description : How long does it take for Xanax to set in and calm you down?

Last Answer : answer:Within 30 minutes. You are taking a very high dose! 1.5 mg within a few hours? In my opinion, if I were you, I would not ever take it again. It isn't working for you, it can be ... would work better for you? Or, some sort of antidepressant? Do you see a psychiatrist or a GP for the meds?

Description : How do you calm down when you're anxious over something you can't do anything about at the time?

Last Answer : Go back and read the last part of your question. You can’t do anything about it. What good is worrying about it going to do? Worry about things you can change. Then go change them.

Description : What do you do to calm down when you are angry?

Last Answer : I go for a long walk with my two dogs.

Description : Would you rather have a calm, loving dog or a somewhat problematic but smarter dog?

Last Answer : I prefer a calm, loving dog, as long as it’s smart enough to recognize who is its master and who isn’t and not get kidnapped.

Description : How do you calm down after an emotional turmoil?

Last Answer : Usually 5 steps 1.V 2.O3.D 4.K 5.A try it it really works.

Description : Will Miley Cyrus calm as the wrinkles and sag comes or will she get more desperate with age?

Last Answer : answer:Madonna and Lady Gaga have had their moments as many others have. Seems to me some kind of pop cycle, where someone eventually becomes washed out, and another star takes the place. Eventually, ... begin to take a guess, other than a general observation about what I've seen in pop music.

Description : I'm worried about my friend. How do I keep myself calm until I hear from him?

Last Answer : Why don’t you try to call him?

Description : How do I calm my nerves over the next 48 hours.

Last Answer : I’d suggest some good quality vitamins for stress specially designed for men (liquid absorbs best, then capsules absorb next best). Take melatonin for sleep, and work out a lot (so you are physically tired) at the end of the day. And stay busy, interacting with people.

Description : Parents are having money issues, how do I keep things calm around the house?

Last Answer : answer:Can your step-father find something, even part-time,to bring in a little cash? There are always jobs, even though they may not be very desirable. You're willing to work part-time; why ... feed into the unnecessary consumerism that rages around us. How old are you? Still at school? Chin up.

Description : Do you ever splash water on your face to calm down or compose yourself?

Last Answer : No. I have never done this. I do carry an atomiser to spritz my face with on hot days but no, I would not splash water on my face to calm down. I might dab my face with some cold water if I have been crying (doesn’t happen often) to try to repair any damage and sooth any red eye issues.

Description : What should I do to calm down?

Last Answer : Take three very deep slow breaths when you start to feel really anxious. It really helps since anxiety is physiological as well as psychological. Also, write out or take some notes on what you plan to say so that you have something written to refer to if you start to freeze up. Good luck!

Description : What do you do to calm anxious feelings?

Last Answer : I just sort of bounce my leg up and down. It’s pretty discrete because people will just think your restless.

Description : What technique do you use to calm down when you feel stressed?

Last Answer : If it is too much for simple meditation, I study the JFK assassination. It is so complexed, it can take my mind off any troubles.

Description : How do you calm down when you're so excited you're nervous?

Last Answer : Break a leg, @Hawaii_Jake! You will be fine. You have to take the emotional lead with your cast. In the course of leading, you will calm right down.

Description : Does the way your mind works differ much during busy periods versus calm periods of your life?

Last Answer : When I’m busy, I’m task and job oriented, when I’m not busy, I’m observant and like to discuss life.

Description : Arachnophobes - are you able to maintain some degree of calm when a spider lands on you?

Last Answer : Nope, I can't. About a month ago I was on my balcony, and a spider fell on me. I swiped it off my shoulder and it landed on the front of my shirt, and I attempted to hit it again and lost it. ... . I the took a shower went back to the living room and used the broom to carry my clothes to the washer.

Description : Which calm and collected jelly has just hit 10K?

Last Answer : Hoorah!

Description : How do you calm the fears of a child who is terrified of insects?

Last Answer : I don’t know of whimsical ways, but I would take her on a nature walk and let some bugs crawl all over my own hand and read her lots of books about friendly bugs (how old is she?).

Description : What would the French version of "Keep Calm and Carry On" be? Not so much a direct translation, but which French saying has a similar meaning?

Last Answer : Pas de panique – it should be printed on the front cover of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in the French translation.

Description : My 3y/o is scared of dying. How best to calm him down?

Last Answer : Let him listen to your heart beat. Make sure he can hear it and ask him to mimic the sound. Then do the same to him and explain how strong the heart is. Then give him a big safe hug and let ... full life. And let him check every so often just to make sure! I remember that day like yesterday! Enjoy!

Description : How do you quickly calm yourself at that instant moment of stress?

Last Answer : This works well. Challenging someone to a duel also works for me ;)

Description : Sensable, Calm Party at the 10K Mansion!

Last Answer : I love your wonderful posts! Thanks for being a contributer here! Congratulations!

Description : How do you calm down when you have a major project happening?

Last Answer : A warm bath with some relaxing bath oil or bubble bath!

Description : A couple of things that calm you right down during high stress would be..?

Last Answer : I seldom get that stressed anymore. When I was younger, running would take care of it.

Description : What helps you calm down? Being alone Vs. Company?

Last Answer : Alone definitely. Not too many have the ability to relate to me or just get on my nerves. I do spend 99% of my free time (outside of work) alone to many other peoples amazement. They can't ... way I do and I can't understand how my more extraverted acquaintences live the way they do, go figure.

Description : The lions in my stomach are fighting, how can I calm them down?

Last Answer : You can try some flat ginger ale. It has to be flat.

Description : What question(s) take you from calm to pissed off, spitting mad in under 5 seconds?

Last Answer : Condoning pedophilia, which I’ve actually seen a few times on this site.

Description : How do you stay calm during a job interview?

Last Answer : I don’t. I just pretend that I am calm. Honestly.

Description : How do you stay calm when everything seems to be going against you?

Last Answer : I relied on medications and the help of friends when I was going through depression and feelings of hopelessness after my wife died. I’ve come out of it stronger and able to help others, most notably a very special young lady who badly needs that help.

Description : Have you felt a sudden, unexpected calm?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve only felt something like that during a possible emergency. Everything becomes simple, and all my confusion and anxiety disappears. And, I guess I’ve felt it when waking from strange dreams and after epiphanies.

Description : How do I calm down my 91 yr old Mom who is delusional?

Last Answer : This sounds like it is beyond your capabilities. It could be alzheimers. She should go to a doctor who can diagnose and treat her.

Description : Can Oceans/Seas ever achieve perfect calm?

Last Answer : Not while there is a gravitational pull from the moon.

Description : How do you deal with someone who is angry and refuses to calm down?

Last Answer : I have to deal with each angry/wont calm down person differently. The woman you described could have been my mom (although she usually wouldn't knock something off the counter on purpose). With someone ... get her the thing, repeat that you're sorry she had to deal with that, and excuse yourself.

Description : How can I calm down at work?

Last Answer : I would try to figure out the root of this anger. Dealing with people we see as stupid can be frustrating, it's true. Yet, it seems this is triggering something within you and might have very ... negative. Stress relief balls and the like never really did a thing for me except wear my hands out.

Description : How can I calm the heck down before I freaken kill someone right now?

Last Answer : Lean a mattress up against the wall, put the person’s picture or name on it, and then beat the ******* out of it. Exhaustion will take a lot of the edge off.