Is it bad to charge your phone overnight?

1 Answer

Answer :

When you first buy any phone or tablet the manufacture of these devices recommends that you charge the device for at least 8 hours before using it. Normally the battery in the device will have a small charge already, this makes it possible for you to set up your phone and get it configured. The major reason for charging your battery for 8 hours is to condition your battery so it last longer. There is a lot of talk about battery life and how you can make your battery last longer. With a new battery, it is a good practice to charge it for 8 hours when you first receive your new phone. Afterward, run the battery down to almost nothing and charge it again. Do this 3 or 4 times to condition your battery. This normally makes a battery last longer. As for charging your phone overnight, most people do this. However, I do know quite a few people who have done this and burned up their motherboard in the phone. On cheaper models of a smartphone these days it seems that if they leave the phone charging for more than 10 hours their phones stop working or have a problem with the motherboard. The more expensive smartphone don't have an issue with the battery charging and heating up the motherboard in the phone. However, many people manufacture cheaper smartphones and they don't have the same quality battery or motherboard inside the phone. Some of these phones have issues with leaving the phone on a charger for extended periods of time. I would say that it depends on who manufactured your phone and when you take your phone off the charger is the phone hot. Does your charger feel warm to the touch? If this is the case, then no don't charge it overnight. I have left my phone charging overnight and into the morning. I've never had an issue with my phone ever. However, I own an iPhone 8 plus and it is a good quality phone and can support the phone charging overnight.

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Last Answer : How often do you let the battery run completely flat? It is actually very good for the device if you let the battery run completely flat at least once a week. It prolongs the battery life. What battery do you have when you go to bed?

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Last Answer : something people might want to download a large file so it takes overnight to do so. apart from that, i jsut find it troublesome to shut the computer. When i was in the university, i face the computer ... on some music. so i just leave the computer on to save the trouble of waiting windows to load.

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Last Answer : we have one and leave it on and haven’t had any problems

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Alone all overnight? I know they went on vacation when I was 15, but I stayed at my boyfriend(at the time) parents house during that time. I'm going to have to go with 17. That was when I was ... at my parents home. I would also stay out all night, sleeping over my boyfriend's, or my friends house.

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Last Answer : Well, as fun as that sounds, I don’t think I’ll be doing that. I do intend on getting mine tomorrow, long line or not. :)

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Last Answer : This does not sound like the act of a responsible parent. The best I can say for this young woman, who does sound very young and immature indeed, is that she provided for the baby’s care instead of getting drunk while on duty.

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Last Answer : I’ve done it without any problems. I’ve even eaten it myself. It just depends on the temperature/humidity in the kitchen over night. I smelled it first. I wouldn’t recommend trying this at home, though.

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Last Answer : I have a close friend who strictly uses Amtrak for travel. She takes herself and her two grade school aged children. She doesn't like to drive. She travels at least twice a year in it. Typically ... highly enough of it. I've traveled on it but never overn night and never with a sleeper car.

Description : What is the cheapest overnight shipping service (FedEx, UPS, etc.)?

Last Answer : answer:All the shipping sites have rate calculators to determine the cost and amount of time it will take to ship from your location to the address you specify. Comparison shop for yourself, dude: ... ://;=en

Description : Can I park a UHAUL trailer overnight in Brooklyn without getting a ticket?

Last Answer : answer:Folks in the moving industry consider Brooklyn the bane of their work, as it is difficult to get moving trucks in and out of most areas, much less to park them. While I couldn't find a ... your question, I did find out where you can find out. Drop the NYC Transportation Dept. a line.

Description : Why does my iPhone die overnight?

Last Answer : answer:Although I'm not sure I've seen a similar issue with iPods - the batteries used can be defective such that they drain very quickly and/or don't read as empty when they actually are. ... Apple store and get a replacement from the Genius-izzle Bar. This should be covered under warranty. Sick!

Description : Is it really possible for someone's hair to turn white "overnight"?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it is, actually. During the WWII when Slovenia was occupated, there was some guerrilla resistance and a woman was captured and locked up in a cellar and she was told she would be shot the next morning. All the paranoia and fear caused her dark browned hair to turn completely gray.

Description : If someone left cooked steak out overnight, and then put it in the fridge, is still it okay to eat?

Last Answer : no.

Description : Why did my dog's genitals appear droopy and swollen almost overnight?

Last Answer : too young for puberty sounds like an injury or irritation/infection. Does she act sensitive?

Description : Is there a significant difference in energy usage between shutting down a computer overnight and putting it on sleep/standby?

Last Answer : i have always wondered the same. GQ Trustinglife!

Description : Can I store my contacts overnight (just this once) in something besides contact solution?

Last Answer : Nope. Don’t think so. Possibly distilled water but you need to confirm. You probably need to run to the store for some saline.


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