Do you believe our scientific will discover a medicine to complete HIV disease ?

1 Answer

Answer :

I do believe that Science could come up with the answer on how to cure HIV disease. I also believe they could come up with all natural ingredients, although medicine field do not support this one but it will happen for sure. Our scientist keeps on finding answers to the problems when it comes to health. It is either they will find out how to stop and cure the illness or they will provide ways on how to avoid it. I know there is one scientists or even more than one that is trying their best to help others who are suffering from this illness. It is one of reason of death tolls in every country and it keeps on happening so for sure there will be some scientists or even people on the medical field that keep on studying and testing how to cure HIV.

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Last Answer : Answer: b, c, d Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a syndrome caused by the human retrovirus (HIV-1) that infects T lymphocytes and causes severe immunosuppression. Individuals who ... to prolong survival when administered early in the course of disease and is considered routine therapy

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