Do you like strangers things on Netflix if so why?

1 Answer

Answer :

Stranger Things is one of my favourite programmes. In the UK we have just got the third season and I can't wait to see if there will be a fourth to see if Hopper is still alive. My favourite season was definitely the first and I loved the character Eleven with her quirky appearance and amazing powers.

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Description : Did you like Netflix "Stranger Things"?

Last Answer : At first, I was not so sure about this show and not that interested to watch it. Then my daughter talked me into watching it with her one night. I found it very interesting and was asking a lot of ... show and yes it lives up to the name. It is strange and the things that happen are even stranger.

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Last Answer : I think the fact that we don’t know each other makes it easier for us to talk to one another about these things and that is what brings us together. Sometimes, being completely honest with people we know in real life can make things awkward but that doesn’t happen here amongst strangers.

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Last Answer : Your friend sounds like she’s a bitch… It is not weird to be nice to strangers. We are all strangers here and we are mostly nice.

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Last Answer : I avoid strangers.

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Last Answer : Something awful.

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Last Answer : I don’t think they make it more difficult to mix, but I do think they make it easier, by providing an “out,” not to mix.

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Last Answer : answer:Trust with my emotions? I would have to burned more than once probably to spend a long time not trusting. I have so many people around me I do trust, that the one bad seed would not change ... about these things, so I figure I will know fairly soon if someone is a cheater and a liar.

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Last Answer : answer:Smile, talk to, make jokes at of course! I LOVE people! I love to experiment with interplay, see who's open, who's not. ' Strangers are just friends whom you havn't met yet.' It's all ... s where my gifts come in. lol Nothing brings me more pleasure than getting a closed person to open a bit.

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Last Answer : Haha, I did this a lot when I was a little boy. But, I still do “stealth racing” at red lights. They may or may not know, but I almost always try to beat the guy next to me.

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Last Answer : Make a friend what?

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Last Answer : If they speak, maybe just a hi & a smile then yeah absolutely. It is strange as you say that people will amass on social websites building up friends & chat away merrily on their keyboards but someone real ... in passing & some are like woah back off. Weird really. Oh & btw, hello back atcha ;¬}

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think you need to worry about it. You did a nice thing, just to be happy about that and to Hell with anyone who has a problem with it. On the other hand, I drove a drunk woman ... about not seeing her again. If she gets that drunk then she would probably lead you to a world of hurt.

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Last Answer : There is no double standard; I prefer not to ever sit right next to a stranger.

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Last Answer : No, but I must have one of those faces that people want to start talking to me in the grocery store line. It happens everytime I go! It’s usually a little old lady or a little old man. I guess they just need someone to talk to because they are lonely.

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Last Answer : because apparently you don’t know how to quit.

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Last Answer : Whatever and whenever we feel like. We’re randomly here, or not, your choice, your religion.

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Last Answer : I chat to all sorts of people whenever I am in the mood. I don’t see a problem with it.

Description : What is your reaction to total strangers when they say "smile!"?

Last Answer : I hate when anyone tells me to smile. I just snapped at a guy a couple days ago for doing this. To me, it is so patronizing. The person is saying, There is something wrong with you, and you should ... my biggest pet peeves. It makes me so angry. Just the idea of this makes me shudder in rage. Grrr

Description : How to talk to strangers at parties?

Last Answer : I would guess that we all can identify with your feelings. This would suggest that many if not most of the others at the gathering are equally worried about the same issues; that may be a partial explanation ... ? Go ahead, take a chance. You might maake someone else's evening as well as your own.

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Last Answer : I don’t even think about that stuff.

Description : "and we built our cities of skyscrapers and strangers" where is this from!

Last Answer : Well, Jefferson Starship did build their city on rock and roll… (this video rocks!)

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Last Answer : I was taught not to approach strangers out of friendliness or otherwise, but if I was in SERIOUS help, then it would be a good idea, esp. if I couldn't call 911. Children have a tough time with ... normal, I used to bike everywhere by myself, no cell phone), then you can modify the stranger rule.

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Last Answer : A lot. I work in a restaurant, so on any given night, I see a ton of people I don't know. I was trying to think about how many tables I might have during a shift and figure up how many ... If every seat fills up and turns over 3 times, that would be 606 people. On weekends they turn over more.

Description : Have you ever felt the need to correct a stranger's actions..and have you acted on that?

Last Answer : I usually only speak up if I feel personally threatened (as you described) or if I think the person’s actions pose a danger to others. I have asked people who were not controlling their aggressive dog to leave the dog park.

Description : How do you react, when total strangers request personal information from/of/about you?

Last Answer : answer:I only have a cell, so I don't get many of those types of phone calls. And I put myself on that list where credit card companies and such cannot mail me stuff. So that cuts out those ... I just say that is a really personal question . Usually, this is all it takes to stop the prying.

Description : Those who are willing to start fights with strangers: Do you expect every person to be unarmed/willing to participate in what’s basically a duel?

Last Answer : Watched a guy start a fight at a grocery store. The other guy was trying to everything to no be in a fight. Once things went down the asshole that started the fight was losing badly and started calling out "somebody help". I thought how he looks like he's kicking you ass without any help.

Description : What's something you won't tell you're friends and family but will tell a bunch of strangers on the internet?

Last Answer : I pretty frequently feel suicidal and have stepped really close to the edge on numerous occasions, I'm constantly depressed and at times I feel like I'm genuinely forgetting who I am or who I once was. ... mum and younger sisters who I'd never tell the real extent of what going on in my head.

Description : You are given 10 million dollars, but only to help other people (not family or friends but complete strangers). How do you use the money?

Last Answer : Launder it to help my friends help me

Description : I have a pug, and she really doesn't like new people. Is there anything that I can do to make her less nervous and barky around them?

Last Answer : Many breeds are by nature reserved with strangers. Dogs will read your body language and usually if you are welcoming, they will accept a stranger although they may never be best pals. Train your dog ... trust strangers, there are also some people you might not want your dog to be friendly towards.

Description : Who is the author of the book Strangers No More: New Narratives from Northeast ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Sanjoy Hazarika

Last Answer : Strangers Of the story Author Is Rabindranath Thakur.