I'm in love with one celebrity. How to fall in love?

1 Answer

Answer :

The other way you fell in love

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Last Answer : People fall in love with all sorts of objects, critters, and animated characters. Why would an android be any different?

Description : Would it be hard for a prosperous, handsome man to fall in love with a woman with Downs' Syndrome?

Last Answer : Maybe she has a sweet, loving nature, which he could value and cherish. The things that connect people aren’t always obvious to the rest of us, but they can be very powerful.

Description : As we age is it harder to fall in love?

Last Answer : answer:One huge difference as you get older is that everybody collects commitments and responsibilities And we are looking for long-term prospects, not simply fun dates. Speaking for myself, ... love in my twenties because the consequences of a failed relationship were simply short-term heartaches.

Description : Why is it shameful to fall in love when you're older than the beloved?

Last Answer : Do you mean to build a gender bias into your question, Susan? As in an older woman and a younger man? Otherwise, one party is always older than the other.

Description : How do you get a dog to fall out of love?

Last Answer : I don't think I have ever even considered this as a question, especially before I read the details. Obviously, you have won the dog's trust. Is your sister a little rough or not as gentle with her? Your ... abused and it took a lot of work, but she came around. Your sister needs to work at it more.

Description : How often do people fall in love?

Last Answer : I fall in love whenever I meet someone worthy of my love. And there are many forms of love. I love lots of people. It could be every five minutes if there’s a good crowd around.

Description : How do you fall in love?

Last Answer : I do not.

Description : Can you please remind me as to how it is again to fall or be in love?

Last Answer : I can tell you that I'm more in love with my SO than ever. How can I tell? For one, my eyes well up when I look at him and think about getting married soon very soon ;). I think love ... Don't give up on finding someone you truly connect with, who enriches your life and makes you want to be better.

Description : Is it possible to fall in love with someone on the web and does it ever work out?

Last Answer : answer:Yes to the first part (though I believe you can only know if it is real when you meet in person). As to the latter, I'm afraid I can't answer that. It will depend on many factors. ... live on the other side of the world from eachother - with immigration rules that's a hard one to overcome.

Description : If you were in your SO's shoes, would you fall in love with yourself?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I’m kinda hot, clever, emotionally unavailable, good with children, and I have a ton of vices I am not apologetic for. It is kinda unfair to women now that I think about it.

Description : Why do people fall in love with people they can't have?

Last Answer : Rational thought and falling in love are rarely experienced at the same time.

Description : Do you think it's possible to fall in love with someone you've never met?

Last Answer : You can’t be sure if that person is really like what they appear to be like over the internet, but I think it is possible to fall in love with their apparent personality/charisma. It’s very easy to fall in love with someone who doesn’t exist.

Description : How much do you trust your heart when you meet someone new that you really like ? Do you hold your guard up, let things flow, or fall in love ?

Last Answer : I take it slow and see how it develops. I always hold a little back until I have a stronger feeling about the person.

Description : Could you fall in love and be with someone who had debts? Say you met a wonderful person but behind him/her were some serious debts.

Last Answer : answer:I think it would depend on how the debts were incurred and what type of debt it was. Perhaps if it was medical debts, I would not have second thoughts. Otherwise, I might be leery.

Description : Is it really possible to fall in love with a person online?

Last Answer : What do you mean how? Through talking, through gmail, through webcams, through people falling in love. I have fallen in love online with my current partner.

Description : True or False: No conversation from a person I have never seen or met would make me fall in love with them?

Last Answer : answer:Isn’t that the basis on which most people fall in love? What they say to each other? What they say physically as well as orally? Is there something I’m not getting here? Do you mean one conversation of limited duration? Do you mean a conversation online, but not in person? I don’t get it.

Description : Is it wrong to fall in love with a married man?

Last Answer : answer:You can't choose who you love. However, you can choose not to act on it. These things always have the same story, and rarely end well. Do yourself a favor, and walk away. What makes you ... in a couple of years? Please don't fool yourself, this is not a healthy relationship in the making.

Description : So how is it that misogynists fall in love with women?

Last Answer : All kinds of sick people fall “in love” with people they actually hate: I don’t see why misogynists would be any different

Description : What do todays teenagers use for music to fall in love?

Last Answer : As in for your love I would do anything or is that strictly Stevie? Don't generalize all teens! I was a teen not too long ago (recently enough that pop music was already bad) and I just ... . My first boyfriend and I connected because we both played guitar and we'd sing old folk songs together.

Description : If you fall in love with someone that you should not have, should you feel bad about the fact that you can't stop loving them?

Last Answer : It sounds like you don’t know this person well enough to know if he is married or not, so I’m not sure how you would know if you were in love. But to answer the question, the best thing to do, if you find he is married, is to stay away from him.

Description : You fall asleep in the arms of the one you love under the stars, you both wake to a glorious sunrise, what would be something that could burst this bubble of loveliness?

Last Answer : Been there, done that, eaten by mosquitos. Not a high-toned answer, I know, but it really blew the ambiance.

Description : How easily do you fall in love?

Last Answer : I don`t think you can really “predict” when you will be falling in love. Often it depends very much on your own mental and emotional condition. If you`re not open to falling in love, you won`t, no matter how inclined the stars are.

Description : Did you know you can actually make people fall in love with you?

Last Answer : I don’t know about strengthening the bonds of love, but I had a pharmacology professor who claimed that oxytocin (which apparently can affect memory) was the only reason women had more than one child!

Description : Do you think boys fall in love quicker than girls?

Last Answer : I think that it depends on the person, not gender.

Description : Do Women fall in Love with Women but don't follow it due to Social pressures?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Can you be blind and fall in love?

Last Answer : Sight doesn’t play any role in anything a blind person does. Why would it forbid them from falling in love?

Description : When you fluther folks were teens, did you guys often fall in love?

Last Answer : You need to distinguish between infatuation and love. I have had a thousand infatuations, 5 or 6 serious relationships, two marriages, and have been in love once.

Description : Why do you think some women fall in love or date a man in prison?

Last Answer : They have most likely been abused or victimized in the past and are following patterned behavior.

Description : Do only fools fall in love?

Last Answer : It is not that fools fall in love. When you fall in love you take a risk. Disarming yourself and becoming vulnerable. By itself that is a very foolish act. But love knows no boundaries. And, you end up crossing the line into the unknown.

Description : Romantic love and companionate love - How many times in your life did you fall in love?

Last Answer : Well, my argument, as completely unscientific as it is, is that you never know if you are in love, since the next time always seems more intense and more real than the last. So, some would ... they are IN LOVE with someone, without ever knowing that they could have done better . That's life.

Description : Do you fall in love easily?

Last Answer : I fall in lust easily. Same thing.

Description : In far from the madding crowd, What if Bathsheba was really an alien-robot who was programmed to fall in love with Gabriel to distract from the pending alien-robot invasion?

Last Answer : Oh Dear.

Description : Do our genes have a major influence on who we fall in love with?

Last Answer : I thin it's a combination of all said things. You need to be chemically and physically attracted. It also is pure luck; I think many people have several other people out there they could be paired ... circumstances. And of course, there is free will involved. No one's going to MAKE you love them.

Description : Can a gay man fall in love with a woman?

Last Answer : What do you mean by love? And why not?

Description : Why do people fall out of love?

Last Answer : Because people don’t work on it. You have to continually strengthen it. Also it requires people to be self-less. And that’s hard for a lot of people.

Description : How do i get the person i am in love with to fall for me?

Last Answer : Be yourself. If he doesn’t like your real self, it’s not worth your time. No matter how twitterpated he makes you.

Description : Can you fall in love with someone you've never met in "real life" (only interact on the internet, phone)?

Last Answer : You can think you have. But the person you fall in love with that way is just as likely as not to be the product of your imagination. It takes more than two dimensions to know a ... how can you really love someone you don't really know? The missing ingredient, shared experiences, is essential.

Description : Do people actually find or fall in 'love' or do people just tend to settle with someone they consider to be suitable?

Last Answer : I think it depends from person to person. The fairytale is supposed to disappear. When everything is new and shiny and wonderful in the beginning of a relationship, it's called infatuation . It never ... off and for you to become comfortable and settled with your partner. It's a part of life.

Description : What happens when you fall in love with your best friend?

Last Answer : You lose your bestfriend. Everything you listed is negative, get over it.

Description : Can one fall irrationally in love with someone online, sans knowing anything about them; having never met, spoken , or even exchanged photos and names?

Last Answer : It’s not love. It’s infatuation with a preconceived notion of a person based on minimal information.

Description : Do fools fall in love, as the song goes, or is it chemistry?

Last Answer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q96ylFiQK_I&feature=related

Description : How do u make a guy fall in love with you because you are really in love with him? What attracts him the most?

Last Answer : See sibling from you..http://www.ask-public.com/disc/10376/how-do-you-show-someone-you-love-in-love-them-how/

Description : Why do fools fall in love?

Last Answer : answer:Because everyone wants to fall in love at some point. Why would you just single out fools? Are you trying to say they shouldn’t be allowed to fall in love? That’s a little rude. Equality to all! If you’d like to be a little more specific maybe I could help you a little more.

Description : Why do two people see different colors highlighted in the place they are at a time when they fall in love?

Last Answer : I really don’t understand what youre saying.??

Description : How do you fall out of love?

Last Answer : answer:that would be really hard seeing as shes always there.. just try to forget .. go out with other girls.. if that doesn't help try separating your self from her.. since you see her all the time thats ... still have these feelings.. i mean you just cant help it. did you ever go out with her?????


Last Answer : Have her get the place where she wants it planted ready.............cover it with a big board and dig them up when the leaves drop off and replant them. They like well drained soil in sunny or lightly shaded area. ... fertilizer.............lime to raise ph sulfur to lower ph..................

Description : Why when you’re drunk you fall in love so easy?

Last Answer : Beer make brain go brrr

Description : There is no such thing as second , third , fourth , fifth love. When people fall in love , every love is first love. "- Whose quote ?

Last Answer : Humayun Azad.

Description : Please a lot of advice ... I've read a lot of articles and I still don't know what to do ... we've known each other since we were little and we always hated each other, but then we became best ... the courage to tell her anything until I'm not 100% sure ... Please, can anyone advise? :(

Last Answer : Something similar is happening around me. Try to tell her. If you are close to each other, you will definitely not lose her. On the contrary, you might get ... Good luck :-).

Description : Why do humans fall in love?

Last Answer : People fall in love because they have the desire to be loved. All humans can fall in love with someone or even to something. It depends on what is their inner desire. Some can fall in love with having pets in life and decide to embrace the singlehood.