Man to woman? Or a woman a man?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can't answer unequivocally. It depends on a number of circumstances. At age, social status and the like. You will find a lot of useful advice on the net in various situations. For example here:

Related questions

Description : Bad Cat! Any suggestions to get him to stop chewing wires?

Last Answer : answer:Some cats have a thing for certain plastics. Our dull human noses cannot smell the difference between yummy plastic and boring plastic though, and I would wager that the already chewed cable ... rabbit fur sometimes works, but never the cruelty free polyester substitute; cats are cruel.

Description : Help! Frodo is a chewing maniac; what should I do?

Last Answer : let him chew on pig’s ears

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Last Answer : answer:TV is diarrhea. I am incapable of being witty or clever.

Description : Is there anything I can put or spray on our cedar doghouse to stop the puppy from chewing and eating it?

Last Answer : My dogs did the same constantly. I found giving them rawhide chews tended to distract them some. There’s also a deer repellant called Hinder that helped a little.

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Last Answer : mazingerz88 different results with the bourbon I am sipping.. I however am on a mission now. I hope my tongue is up to the challenge!

Description : If you chew food in a quiet room where there are other people present, do you feel self conscious, like your chewing is extra loud?

Last Answer : I hate that, although it’s funny hearing myself slow my chewing down once it becomes quiet. But I can’t do anything about it except chew with my mouth closed.

Description : Is there anything one can put on stuff to deter dogs from chewing on it?

Last Answer : There’s bitter apple spray.

Description : How can I keep my cats from chewing up all the wires behind the computer!

Last Answer : answer:Er..have their teeth removed? Sorry, but are you sure that you want this Q in the ‘social’ section?

Description : Benefits of Chewing Gum?

Last Answer : answer:It can help keep your eustacian tubes open, ears unblocked. They say gum can help clean the teeth if no toothbrush is around. I love gum. I can’t chew it around my husband because it drives him crazy. I also can’t chew it a long time anymore, hurts my jaw.

Description : Dating deal breaker? Chewing with your mouth open?

Last Answer : Big time, I can’t stand it, it’s involuntary too, I retch when I see it. Close your gob when you chew.

Description : Having problems with dog chewing on anything and everything?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like a trip to obedience school couldn't hurt. Until you resolve the problem, it might be wise to remove things she can damage from her ability to access them without ... interesting brain-teaser toys for dogs (that also require supervision) but redirect the dog's energy.

Description : Any suggestions on how to keep mice from chewing on leather?

Last Answer : Give it a cookie.

Description : Why do exaggerated jaw movements during gum chewing mean someone's "bitchy"?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : How do I stop my cat from chewing on cords?

Last Answer : Have you tried ye olde spray bottle trick? You know, squirting her when you catch her doing it? If you don't want to make the cords taste bad with bitter apple, which would be my recommendation ... chewing through a lamp cord (thankfully, he was fine), so I'm pretty wary of this particular habit.

Description : What is the proper etiquette in chewing RedMan tobacco?

Last Answer : I don’t know the T word. I wouldn’t recommend doing it in front of other people.

Description : Do I just have problems chewing or is it possible to have an unusually small throat?

Last Answer : Have you considered the possibility that your molars don’t occlude properly? You may not be chewing your food as thoroughly as you think you are. Have your dentist check your bite the next time you go.

Description : How can I get my puppy to stop chewing on me?

Last Answer : yeah i don’t know if you can get a puppy to stop, its what they were hard wired to do. Kind of like getting them to stop chasing cats, if it likes to chase cats its going to chase cats, same with your feet.

Description : What happened to my chewing gum?

Last Answer : Centriloquism!

Description : Does chewing gum lose it's flavour?

Last Answer : Yes it loses it flavors. The sugars first then the flavorings break down.

Description : How do I get my dog to stop chewing things when I leave the house?

Last Answer : Think it’s about training her to find something else to chew on, like a…well, chewing thingy? Kinda like a scratching pole that cats use?

Description : What can i do to stop the chewing?

Last Answer : There are “chew toys” that you can get for dogs like that, and any pet store can help you with that decision. So can your dog’s Vet.

Description : How can I stop my dog from chewing on my computer?

Last Answer : Put tea tree oil on it?

Description : Do you chew gum and are you annoying when chewing it?

Last Answer : I go through a good pack in a couple of days. I’m a closed mouth chewer, though, so, it’s all good.

Description : Rats chewing car wiring- any ideas on preventing it?

Last Answer : Coyote urine placed on the ground below where you park your car might help. Also, there are ultrasonic devices that give rats headaches, and they abandon the area after a day or two.

Description : What can you use to deter squirrels from coming on to your roof and chewing their way into your attic?

Last Answer : You can trap them in a live trap and take them away (like 30 miles away) and release them in someone else's yard. Or you can trap them and drop the trap in a garbage can of water.

Description : why is chewing on tin foil so painful?

Last Answer : I imagine it has to do with silvered fillings. I think the foil and the fillings react in an electrical manner and thus cause pain. I have the same thing happen to me, thus I have shunned all my tin chewing efforts.

Description : How do I get my dog to stop chewing stuff?

Last Answer : answer:What breed of dog do you have and how old is your dog? Certain breeds, need constant activity and exercise (like border collies-are working dogs). If your dog is relatively young or a puppy (1-3 ... none of these methods work, but also consult you vet for any tips or advice too. Good Luck. R

Description : how do you get someone to quiet their constant loud chewing noises ?

Last Answer : Do you think he could be doing it on purpose, because he knows you can't stand it? If that's the case don't react to him even in the subtleist (sp) of ways. Once he realizes he aint getting to you, he ... up to it at first, but if he thinks your gonna show it to your boss or put it on youtube lol

Description : What can be used outside to prevent my dog from chewing up the outside of her food and water bowls? Is it safe to mix hot sauce with a waterproof paint? I need the hot sauce to withstand rain and wind?

Last Answer : Why not choose to NOT torture or cause pain to your beloved(?) pet and just buy metal bowls?!? Why was your first solution to hurt your dog?

Description : Is chewing ice bad for you?

Last Answer : Its bad for your teeth from what I have heard, weakens the enamel.

Description : How to stop a dog from chewing on cords?

Last Answer : You could try the old newspaper trick.

Description : How can I get a cat to stop chewing on wires and such?

Last Answer : Let her get a little shock and she’ll never do it again.

Description : I had a question How do you get a dog to stop destructive chewing on your home when you go out?

Last Answer : You have to keep trying the crate, I would suggest getting the metal ones, how old is the dog? I had this problem too, just need the age so I can give you a proper suggestion.

Description : What do you do with your chewing gum when you're done chewing it?

Last Answer : answer:Paper and a trash can, mostly. On very rare occasions, I’ll swallow it, if no other way to discreetly get rid of it, is available. September 5, 2008, 11:05 AM EDT

Description : I have a rabbit that love to chew. I give it tons of stuff to chew, but she's started chewing her cage. Is there a way to get her to stop?

Last Answer : Rabbits naturally chew everything in sight. Don't offer too many toys at once. Keep some in reserve and change toys regularly. Try setting aside a small, enclosed area without the cage for your rabbit to ... no" and offer her a toy. When she accepts the toy and stops chewing the cage, praise her.

Description : We've had our guinea pig for over 3 years. All of a sudden he started chewing on the bars of the cage. What's going on?

Last Answer : He could be bored. Let him out of his cage more, give him toys. Hope it helps!

Description : What pest is chewing holes in my Dahlia leaves? The blooms are healthy. I water every day.

Last Answer : The bugs don't like soapy water...........after the sun goes down & the plant cools off. Mix 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray the leaves, get under the leaves. it it rains do it again..............

Description : What is chewing the green leaves on strawberry plants?

Last Answer : 2 tablespoons dawn liquid in 1 qt water spray the leaves,,,,can you put them in a strawberry raised container it has about 18 places for plants. they have black ground cloth to put under the berries to keep them off the dirt. Happy Summer.

Description : How can I get rid of unknown pest "chewing" holes in and consuming green leaves on my purple heliotrope?

Last Answer : I hope that you know that plant is poisonious...............mix 2 tablespoons of dawn with 1 drop of hot sauce....1 qt water and spray.............spray again if you see new holes....get under ... . could be a chipmonk or mouse, vole or mole. can you hang it on a chain off the edge of your roof?

Description : What insect could be chewing the leaves on Rosé of Sharon

Last Answer : Usually its japenese beetles plant trap crops like petunia's, marigold's, geranium, near by to distract the pests there are also insecticide treatments

Description : what can I do to prevent bugs from chewing on my kale

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Two men walk into a resturant by the sea and sit at the bar. Both men are covered in water. Both men order a plate of Albatross and take one bite. After chewing and swallowing, the first man stands up, walks outside, and shoots himself, while the other finnishes his meal. Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : The two men were stranded out in the ocean with a third man when they were beginning to stave. When an albatross landed on their life boat and died they finally had food but it was not enough to ... eat real Albatross and the man who killed himself realized that he was the one that ate his friend.

Description : Does chewing gum cause tooth decay ?

Last Answer : Generally speaking , chewing gum does not harm teeth or mouth. However, if children eat gum , it can cause problems in the throat. According to the American Dental Association in clinical trials , ... , but the problem is that sugar makes acid. So sugar-free chewing gum is better. References

Description : It has become very hard after taking allopathic medicine after chewing boils. Swollen around and in great pain , what to do ?

Last Answer : In fact, this boil will cause pain or discomfort until the pus comes out, but it would be better to take the treatment of a good medicine specialist. If the abscess is swollen or there is pus inside, ... more, so take out the pus as much as possible on the advice of the doctor and take treatment.

Description : I lost the seal but I'm afraid of the dentist. Can I put bubble gum in the tooth hole instead of the seal? I don't bite on that side. Cenda

Last Answer : I would like to see you grind the hinge on one side! And you weren't afraid of that before the doctor gave you a seal? Poseroutko! (no offense)

Description : Do you think you can suffocate?

Last Answer : Of course, everything in your mouth and fall asleep is dangerous. Sometimes forever! Some foods such as peas, peanuts, candies are very risky and there is a risk of inhalation. ... circulatory failure because the heart is burdened with greater resistance and immediate medical attention is required.

Description : How does chewing gum help the body?

Last Answer : chewing gum actually can help your body - 1. Chewing gum can reduce your stress and can also boost your memory. 2. Chewing gum also help you to lose weight. It may also help to reduce ... gum prevent middle ear infection in children. 6. Chewing gum after an operation could speed up recovery time.

Description : Is chewing gum bad for your teeth?

Last Answer : Too much of everything has its disadvantage, but here are the benefits of chewing gum. When we chew gum the mouth produces saliva that cleanses the acid from food, and the saliva produced during ... also important for oral health, but excess chewing of gum could be harmful so moderation is advised

Description : What is the scientific name of chewing gum?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Is chewing food a chemical change?

Last Answer : Chewing food is not a chemical change, it is Physical. all youare doing is crushing down the food inside your mouth, not changingthe actual substance.