When I drive and sit as a passenger, I feel sick.

1 Answer

Answer :

This problem, as described by Bred, also arises in people who normally drive a car today and every day. But if they do not drive and, for example, they read (in the car on the train) they may feel sick. This is due to the perception of a different image and movement. If you drive, these perceptions are synchronized and not bad, but if you read or even if the children are playing in the car and not watching the landscape, two pieces of information get into their brains and the brain somehow "fooles" about it.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Any chance you’re pregnant?

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Last Answer : I think the air stirred up, circulates germs, especially if the fan is blowing towards you.

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Last Answer : In my experience, a little exercise can help with a minor illness. Sometimes it can help the cold get a move on. However, I wouldn’t do marathon training or something like that. But a short jog should be fine. Just listen to your body and if it gets too difficult to breathe, slow down or stop.

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Last Answer : Vicks Vapo Rub delivered by a steamer if I was congested. Yes, to the couch and TV if I was up to it. If I had a fever, they usually made me stay in bed. Baby aspirin (no one knew of the issues for children then.)

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Last Answer : I have a cold AND my back went into spasms yesterday, so I am stretching! Just do ones you can do in bed, and do them for relaxation, rather than pushing the strech for flexibility. Laying in the bed can contribute to your backaches.

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Last Answer : Doing a hard workout while coming down with something can make you more sick. I would suggest doing something light but static like yoga, followed by a sit in a Sauna.

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Last Answer : A bad idea, I think. You need rest to heal up and get well. Exercising probably won’t help too much, you’ll end up feeling worse. This said, if it’s only a mild sore throat, what’s the worst that can happen? (Professional opinion required.)

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Last Answer : the only answer to your last question is they are stupid.

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Last Answer : I took off my front tire to look at my pads on that one. Well they look ok expect behind my rotor disk the brake pad looks kinda chipped and chopped up? Like its peeling funny and wearing on it ... this a caliper broken? What could be doing that to the brake pad from the other side of the rotor?

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Last Answer : Deceased

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I'm not a lawyer or a cop, but I learned that you are responsible for everything in front of you. Thus, I would think that the person who hits the person in front of him his responsible ... what the law says about this. I'm guessing the lawyers are gonna have lots of fun over this :-p

Description : You thought driving while texting was bad? What about this?

Last Answer : Normally, I would add a link to the story, but I am still recovering from a computer crash. Hopefully, someone will do that.

Description : Has anyone hit a child while driving and how did you cope with it?

Last Answer : Not a hit, a miss . I was driving down a street I once lived in when I saw a kid coming towards my car, he was on a skateboard looking behind him, the opposite way to which he was travelling towards ... himself up off the floor he was far shaken for me to remonstrate with him, I just drove off :-/

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Last Answer : yell something like “fuck youuuu”

Description : What strange or weird things have you seen while driving?

Last Answer : I was on the freeway a couple of weeks ago, and there was a guy playing a game on his Nintendo Ds. On the freeway of all places. That was very weird, but also dangerous.

Description : What tasks have you performed, that you probably should not be doing while driving?

Last Answer : answer:Eating. Picking something up off the floor of the car.

Description : Does a persons IQ play a big part in their ability to talk on a cellphone, while driving?

Last Answer : Probably so John as people with high IQ’s would be smart enough to know better than to drive and yap on a cell phone at the same time.

Description : My boyfriend started to play playstation 3 while i'm driving, is that normal?

Last Answer : you have a playstation 3 in your car?

Description : What are things you have seen other people doing while driving?

Last Answer : I work out scenes that I’d like to write down. Also, I listen to CD’s, talk on the cell phone, change the settings on my GPS, drink coffee, rummage under the front seats for stuff, apply make up, and eat a sandwich.

Description : Law enforcement claims drivers shouldnt use Trapster.com on their phones while driving because it can be a distration. Your ideas as to what their real objection is?

Last Answer : The implication being that they want to be able to make money on speed traps? Maybe it's because using cell phones and text messaging while driving has been consistently shown to be a distraction ... , that most states allow radar detectors? Maybe because they really just want you to slow down?

Description : Is texting while driving more dangerous than other distractions?

Last Answer : p.s. I typed this question at 75 mph.

Description : While driving down the road, what is something the other drivers do that annoys you?

Last Answer : I hate it when the person in front of me is constantly braking for no reason, drives me nuts (no pun intended).

Description : Do you support banning the use of phones while driving?

Last Answer : They're never gonna be able to ban everything that can be a distraction. Sort of like anything can be a weapon, ANYTHING can distract you while driving. Purse, phone, water bottle falling onto the floor, ... but its more of a habit now than anything. I'm trying to cut back because it is dangerous.

Description : What would you do if you were being followed while driving?

Last Answer : Drive to the nearest police station.

Description : Is it possible that a medical condition (other than alcoholism) could make a woman drink vodka and smoke pot while driving an SUV with children?

Last Answer : I assume that you’re not expecting an affirmative response.

Description : If my steering wheel vibrates/shakes while I am driving.. what could possibly be wrong?

Last Answer : Could be your tires. Have them checked and rotated. Might be your rotors.

Description : While driving on the road, what irritates you the most?

Last Answer : When someone in the fast lane drives super slow. Ugh.

Description : Is it really that important to talk on the phone while driving?

Last Answer : Not this important.