I made a big mistake, just a bad thing and I still blame myself and I can't forgive myself. How do I live with the knowledge that I'm terrible *** what the brain couldn't use?

1 Answer

Answer :

Time fixes everything.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Not to become like them

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Last Answer : A mistake is when you step on the accelerator thinking it is the brake and wreck something. Or when you add a column of numbers and get confused and get the wrong sum and over draw your ... . Most people forgive and forget mistakes. They may or may not do the same with emotional carelessness.

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Last Answer : answer:I have forgiven many times without even an attempt at apology. Forgiveness is for me, as the anger and resentment that I was holding onto was hurting me - not the person who I felt had done me ... skills on my part. The falling out part likely means that you are no longer friends. Sorry.

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Last Answer : Maybe she has no artistic sense. My uncle’s girlfriend painted on her eyebrows, because hers were so light, even though she had brown hair. Hers looked like stock Harley-Davidson handlebars.

Description : How do I learn to forgive myself ?

Last Answer : answer:I think your main problem doesn't really your inability to forgive, but the fact that you aren't motivated enough. I have seen you ask some question about which jobs to do, how to start ... ask-public. You can't get a lost relationship back, but at least you can create another relationship.

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Last Answer : answer:I still am upset with my mom for killing my dad and dragging us across the country and into Mexico for a year. I understand why it happened but I think a better option was available. DROPS MIC

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Last Answer : Don’t receive that many. But the answer is no. Not every apology.

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Last Answer : answer:When you create a post, there is the opportunity to tag others, set your audience and your location - that is the most obvious way I know. However, there may also be settings on ... FB? providing us with OS models and browser types might help the collective give you specific instructions.

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Last Answer : Generally, as you describe the situation, yes. But it depends on a lot, like the original event, remorse and work to rehabilitate himself. But you threw in that he “got out because of a good lawyer” which completely stands the whole thing on its head.

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Last Answer : answer:Get a lawyer ! ! Welcome to Fluther.

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Last Answer : Physical or emotional abuse and/or not protecting the child from abuse by another family member if known..

Description : Hypothetical: Would you forgive someone under these circumstances?

Last Answer : yes. Forgiveness iis good for the soul

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Last Answer : My Parents, I’ve gone into detail on another thread (the have you ever hit your parents one) and will not be going into detail again here.

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Last Answer : answer:Not sure I’m doing this right, but here goes…. Lionel Richie. His discography. I say, we should forgive him in 2048.

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Last Answer : answer:Of course one cannot change what is in someone's heart, but the lesson is important for children to learn about appropriate behavior and getting along in a civilized society. So did your niece learn ... why she hates the other girl? What would you have done if this happened in front of you?

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Last Answer : answer:I think it would be best if you just send your bitchin flash drive to me and ill take care of it :P Just plug it in to z comp. Open your presentation click save as and go to computer, you ... your hard drives listed as well as your flash drive. Just open up the flash drive and hit save. :)

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Last Answer : Nope to me they are equally bad

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Last Answer : Happy trails, ETpro. We’ll miss you, and we’ll keep the pancakes warm until your return.

Description : What would you never forgive yourself for?

Last Answer : I would never forgive myself for settling for anything less than what I want out of life. I want to accomplish certain things in my career and personal life and make my parents proud of me. If I don’t accomplish these things or somehow greatly disappoint my family, I would never forgive myself.

Description : How do you forgive when the behavior is ongoing?

Last Answer : answer:If you're really having trouble interacting with this person, then you might have to distance yourself from them a little, if possible. Or, if it's a relationship that you can't avoid, ... Is it something about the way they perceive you or your actions, or is it there general disposition?

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Last Answer : Child/animal/spouse abuse.

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Last Answer : It’s the same with me. Mostly because I assume none, and then my trespasses sneak up on me, and I only find out by thinking about them or being told about them later. So not only do I know I did wrong, but I feel stupid for not seeing it coming.

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Last Answer : answer:Forgiving them doesn't mean that you have to open the door to a relationship again. You don't have to let them back into your life just because you've let go of the pain. Forgiveness is good ... into your life doesn't mean that you can't forgive them, it just means that you value yourself.

Description : Why are you unable to forgive?

Last Answer : I don’t think I have come across anything in life, so far, that I have found unforgiveable. I tend to give people a lot of slack, so maybe something others would find unforgiveable, but I’ve given them a pass. Or maybe I’ve just been lucky.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm simply not interested in them anymore. I don't want them to show up on my doorstep. Ever. Not even to drop to their knees with the most sincere mea culpa. I also have no interest in ... excuse for it. Not doing it. The best gift they could give me is to leave me the hell alone.

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Last Answer : just let it go and refuse to let what they did affect your relationship. It does get alot harder when the other party isn’t apologetic though.

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Last Answer : Yes. Slowly.

Description : Do you find it hard to forgive and forget?

Last Answer : damn near impossible.

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Last Answer : It is like watching NASCAR for the wrecks.

Description : Will ask-public forgive those of us who have posted duplicate responses?

Last Answer : I have been going back and editing th first one with a “sorry”

Description : What is the worst thing you have ever done? Do you think you can ever forgive yourself?

Last Answer : Every time I consider the worst thing I’ve ever done, it turns in time to be the best thing that ever happened.

Description : Is it easier to forgive or to forget?

Last Answer : Both are hard for me,

Description : How long would be a reasonable time to forgive a potential renter's prior history?

Last Answer : answer:The time it'd take me to forgive Cannabis possesion - 5 secs. Vicious Dog - 5 mins. Domestic Violence - Years. Why would someone having a petty crime on their record make them any less of a ... 's personality or traits, but with smaller crimes, I don't think you should be so quick to judge.

Description : Is it possible for creditors to forgive debt, and could that be solution to the country's/world's problems?

Last Answer : answer:This is done all the time, but the bill still has to be picked up by somebody. The U.S. has occasionally forgiven some foreign debt, but it gets paid for by the taxpayers. The credit ... understand all of the nuances, but the bottom line is that the piper must eventually be paid by someone.

Description : What kind of personality disorder does Venterloquin have when he had a conversation with his partner? Venterloquin: partner is it you that kill my friend out of jealousy? If so , I understand forgive ... your friend after you caught your wife red handed while she is cheating at your back. -Riddles

Last Answer : Split personality or Associative Identity Disorder.

Description : Explain in one word "desire to forgive" ?

Last Answer : The desire to forgive is, in a word, "whisper".

Description : What to do if wife has intercourse during menstruation ? I have committed a sin. I had sex during my wife's menstruation. God will forgive me for what I do now.

Last Answer : It is haraam to have sexual intercourse knowingly while menstruating. The Qur'an says Allah has majide, ويسألونك عن المحيض قل هو أذى فاعتزلوا النساء في المحيض ولا تقربوهن حتى يطهرن فإذا تطهرن فأتوهن من حيث ... Rayek 1/196 ; Fathul Qadir 1/146 ; Fatawal Walwalizia 1/56 ; Addurrul Mukhtar 1/296)

Description : What does the desire to forgive say in one word ?

Last Answer : The desire to forgive is expressed in one word - Chikshmisha or Titiksha.

Description : What does Forgive mean ?

Last Answer : Forgive means to forgive.

Description : I made 2 identical mistakes .... We have been with my girlfriend for almost half a year I am 27 her 26 because she commutes to work from home with her parent and I have a short long job. the process so we see ... can anyone advise me at least a little? or should I figure it out myself?

Last Answer : a woman who guards your every step, she won't let you, she doesn't understand you she doesn't deserve you shit look in her shorts bang on the table and if she doesn't compare look to have another jealous guard on her neck is like visiting hell

Description : I made 2 identical mistakes .... We have been with my girlfriend for almost half a year I am 27 her 26 because she commutes to work from home with her parent and I have a short long job. the process so we see ... can anyone advise me at least a little? or should I figure it out myself?

Last Answer : maybe you should look in your pants and find a little pride in you you won't beg for a jealous woman if you can go to a disco with a friend table and if it doesn't match you will find another one in the world

Description : If someone pisses you off, will you forgive them? Or do you resent him forever?

Last Answer : I forgive, but not a hundred times. I don't tolerate much. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is necessary to be able to admit them, apologize and not repeat. I just hate people who do something and can't bear the consequences: - (((((sun)

Description : How can i start to forgive someone?

Last Answer : It is very difficult to forgive someone who has knowingly or unknowingly hurt us. It will take much time to be in that place of compassion as we are working on forgiving that person step by step. But ... There's always good plan and hope for each of us who might be in pain and emotionally hurting.

Description : When your husband/wife cheats, is it wise to forgive and give him/her another chance?

Last Answer : This is a debate that has been debated for a very long time in different platforms, and it has never received satisfactory answers. Cheating has become a household name where by it's being accepted by everyone ... time to trust again but the love will always be there as long as you both are alive.

Description : Is saying sorry enough to forgive a wrong?

Last Answer : The word "sorry" is a very powerful that has taken love ones, friends and family far apart from each other simply because they find very difficult to say " I am sorry " and this has also brought ... their actions, when they say it they sincerely mean it so it highly worth it for a wrong doing.

Description : How do you forgive yourself, especially when you know you've done something really awful?

Last Answer : When you've hurt someone by your words or actions it is hard to forgive yourself for what you've done. Being mean or aggressive is not really human nature unless you are just this type of person. If you' ... still have to live with them, but if you try and fix them it does make it easier over time.

Description : How do you say father forgive them for they do not know what they do in Hebrew?

Last Answer : אָבִי סְלַח לָהֶם כִּי אֵינָם יוֹדְעִים מָה הֵם עוֹשִׂיםavislach lahem ki einam yod'im ma hem osim.