There's no sign at all if you can pay attention if you can although I don't know how fit it is if he doesn't want to tell you little things

1 Answer

Answer :

I think if you keep it a secret and you don't see it from your other physical gestures, it's hard for even someone who lives with it to notice it. Of course, there are those who are immediately apparent.

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Last Answer : Female. Or really, really fit male.

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Last Answer : I understand what your saying. Maybe because a certain skin tone is often associated with certain parts of the world, and a certain race of people, whereas the other physical attributes are not? I mean, ... said to me that he preferred dark skinned girls over light, I wouldn't see him as racist.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Yes it does and I have been there and it isn’t easy to explain to others why when sometimes you cant figure it out yourself.

Description : I'm attracted to someone who works for me - what to do?

Last Answer : You cannot afford to risk asking him our while supervising him. Whether he says yes or no, it can and likely will blow up in your face. That said, I met my husband at work. We were equals, and ... smart If it is really meant to be, he'll still be around after you aren't supervising him anymore.

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Last Answer : You’ll know that she likes you if she walks up to you and plants a big one on you.

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Last Answer : oh yes It is indeed electrifying when mutual. No comparison, really.

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Last Answer : It honestly never occurred to me, @daloon, not for myself and not for anyone else. It should have, I guess, because I think anyone who performs before an audience in some way (ministers, ... someone's affectionate interest. I just want the reader to understand, appreciate, and enjoy what I write.

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Last Answer : After the workout is generally much cuter.

Description : Have you ever found yourself especially attracted to one kind of race?

Last Answer : Nope…I am an equal opportunity luster after-er.

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Last Answer : /me points at your username.

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Last Answer : Unhealthy food isn't immediately hazardous. Even if unhealthy food is not naturally digestable. We've been conditioned to digest foods that shouldn't naturally be consumed (example: cow's milk for ... t some animals built up an immunity to certain things? Animals choose favourite foods too, right?

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Last Answer : Yes… and no

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Last Answer : No, but I have seen this happen once to Jerry Seinfeld.

Description : Can a guy and a girl who are attracted to each other, but one is involved with someone else, be "just friends"?

Last Answer : Yes. Thread over.

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Last Answer : nice eyes, great sense of humor, geeky.

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Last Answer : I think the pet takes on the personality of their chosen alpha. My dogs start out very lively and run around a lot, then eventually slow down to equal my level of activity. I am convinced that if they would have chosen a more lively companion, they would have remained so.

Description : What mutual/shared body parts are both men and women most attracted to?

Last Answer : I’m going to guess the torso, and that includes breasts and tummy on woman…on men it’s his ab muscles, hard chest, and biceps too probably. The bum is also very attractive to both sexes, but probably a little more so to men.

Description : Why are cats so attracted to birds?

Last Answer : It’s because cats are attracted to the movement, or even the size of the birds. My cat is also an indoor cat and FREAKS out (in a fun way) whenever he sees a pigeon outside.

Description : Why are moths (and some other bugs) attracted to light?

Last Answer : From what I understand they’ve evolved to navigate by the moon’s light. It’s called phototactic. The past hundred or so years have been pretty confusing for moths.