Do you order from a fast food restaurant?

1 Answer

Answer :

Once a week, from a restaurant.

Related questions

Description : Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you don't know whether to eat breakfast or lunch, or even dinner?

Last Answer : Nope I broke with convention years ago. I eat what I’m hungry for. The rest of the country started catching up with me when fast food started advertising breakfast all day.

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Last Answer : Men speaking in really loud voices usually it seems to me like they're talking about their work, although annoying outspoken manspeak tends to be the hardest for me to ignore, at any volume. Hyper- ... - the last time I was out to dinner, there were at least three of those at different tables.

Description : Any suggestions for the best restaurants in SF that are on the cheaper side (lunch and dinner)

Last Answer : If he's traversing the city and has a restaurant suggestion from a Jelly, he may have to cross the city and/or travel a lot to find the restaurant. My suggestion, which is for anywhere one ... they get evicted, owners change, etc., that what's around probably changes so often and so quickly.

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Last Answer : I’m afraid you’re right. I don’t see grilled sandwiches as dinner. I see it as a good breakfast sandwich while my 91 year old friend loves having it for lunch. And snack too but not dinner. @incendiary_dan 1 @hobbitsculture 0. : )

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Last Answer : A granola bar and a liter of Gatorade. It works for me when I’m in a hurry or don’t want to interrupt a task.

Description : What's for lunch/dinner today, Fluther?

Last Answer : I am contemplating stuffed mushrooms.

Description : What is a good, healthy, tasty snack to eat between lunch and dinner?

Last Answer : Banana? :)

Description : When did we start saying "breakfast, lunch, and dinner" instead of "breakfast, dinner, and supper"?

Last Answer : when we moved to the usa

Description : You have unlimited amount of only 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, 1 snack and 1 beverage on an island what are they?

Last Answer : Hash Browns for breakfast. BLT for lunch. Pizza for dinner. Garlic bread for a snack. Beer as a beverage.

Description : Where do the words 'lunch' and 'dinner' come from?

Last Answer : answer:Lunch (as provided by's Online Etimology dictionary): luncheon-1580, nonechenche light mid-day meal, from none noon + schench drink, from O.E. scenc, from scencan pour out. ... meal become the last meal of the day, by which time we have broken our fast more than once.

Description : When does lunch come after dinner? -Riddles

Last Answer : In the dictionary!

Description : It's a big problem for me to figure out what to cook ....

Last Answer : I have no idea: / Yesterday it was a cold dinner and a creamy chicken breast for lunch

Description : can foam lunch or dinner plates recycled?

Last Answer : If the foam lunch or dinner plates are made of polystyrene (marked with a number "6" in the recycling symbol), then yes, they can be recycled. These products are not typically recycled, however, due to a lack of public awareness as to the location of facilities that can do this sort of recycling.

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Last Answer : I'm one of the last to not carry a cell phone so when I am out and about I chat up others or just go about my business or, if I am in a cafe or coffee place I might take some reading ... my local bakery/cafe and ask-public while enjoying a goodie once in awhile but I haven't done that forever now.

Description : How often do you get together with a group of friends for dinner?

Last Answer : answer:I have dinner parties and/or game nights at my house every couple of months and they are great fun. Usually have about 6-8 people and most bring something. In the summertime, I will host a ... at bars or music venues about 3 times a month. I am often the initiater of the private socializing.

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Last Answer : Trump could take a latino baby fresh out of the womb, smash its head with a bat on live tv and you’d have plenty of people either rushing to his defense (“fake news!!!”) or cheering him on. And Nancy Pelosi would be too cowardly to impeach since Trump is handy for raising money from billionaires.

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Last Answer : Both Dave and Brad were given drinks with poisoned ice cubes. Brad drank his drinks so quickly that the ice didn't have time to melt and release the poison.

Description : were can i take parenting classes in crossville tn, i have a very low income and they are court ordered?

Last Answer : You can take parenting classes at Community Health of East Tennessee in LaFollette, Tennessee. Make sure the court recognizes this program as valid first. (423)563-1040

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Last Answer : Don’t you have littering laws?

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why would a product I ordered from Amazon be unable to be shipped to my address?

Last Answer : I’m not sure, but sometimes they don’t deliver to post office boxes. My second guess is that they don’t ship liquids, due to safety concerns.

Description : Have you ordered a bunch of side dishes and not an entree?

Last Answer : Sure. All the time. When I was in college I had one bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch every day and that was all.

Description : What would you do if a police officer ordered you to put your baby down and submit to arrest?

Last Answer : I’d do it. I was taught to respect authority.

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Last Answer : I can see it on a thick tuna steak or similar cut. But for fillets it seems weird.

Description : Will you get stuff you ordered if you put your mail on hold?

Last Answer : If your order is delivered through the regular mail, your postman should hold it along with the rest of your mail. If you have access to the facility where your mail is being held, you can ... and notify the postal service that you're back early and receive your mail on the next delivery date.

Description : Does the coffee frappuccino from Starbucks have a high sugar content if it is ordered without cream?

Last Answer : Do you mean the whipped cream on top? I think this is the right link to help. There are frappuccinos with and without whipped cream, and you can compare. Just click on the drink for the ... It looks like the whipped cream adds 20-30 grams of sugar depending on the exact type of frappaccino.

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Last Answer : Years ago I ordered some men's dress shirts from one of the custom shirt shops (mail order) in NYC. I never did again. The tailoring was fine, but the fit was never quite right. I'm tall ... didn't really care about anyone who wasn't average sized. I have no opinion on women's clothing retailers.

Description : Why did all packages ordered from the same place arrive separately?

Last Answer : Different delivery companies? Sent at different times?

Description : Did you know that you can now pay for your item ordered online after delivery?

Last Answer : I really miss that paypal feature where they issued a unique credit card number for each transaction.

Description : I just ordered a fruit basket for myself for food... has anyone else done this?

Last Answer : answer:I know when I was at the depths of my mental illness, getting out of the house was the last thing I wanted to do, but it was also the most important thing for me. I went to the coffee shop and ... put on your shoes and stand in the yard. Still too much? Take a shower. Best of luck to you.

Description : Have you ever ordered anything on Amazon.Co.Uk via Prime but in the States?

Last Answer : I’ve bought books and a CD or two from there. I doubt Prime will do 2 days shipping.

Description : Southerners: if I ordered a regular iced tea, what do you think I want?

Last Answer : answer:You could always order it black and bitter, the way I like my men . But I guess that might get you in trouble with your husband, even if could pass muster in some parts of the South. I ... to order almost anything. And I used to use regular gasoline, too, which meant with lead added .

Description : When court ordered child support ends, what do most people do after if the kids don't want to go to college?

Last Answer : answer:Tell them that, at 18, they must support themselves. That means get a job, go into the military (same as getting a job) or go to school. You are no longer financially responsible for them, and their mother should not be either.

Description : If you have ever been ordered to do something that was supposed to be good for you, what did you get out of it?

Last Answer : Meh.

Description : The court of appeals ordered the defendant to pay our fees. How do we go about getting them?

Last Answer : answer:Your attorney will know. If you've severed your relationship with him for some reason (dump a winning attorney? probably not), then you should contact the Clerk of the Court to find out the procedure. ... . But I don't think that they'll want to be in the middle unless some dispute lingers.

Description : Has anyone ordered from Best Buy online? How long does delivery take?

Last Answer : I've ordered a guitar, and mic. I'm from California and they ship from Fontana CA I think. Well thats the wear house. A flat rate shipping typically takes 3-5 business days. Mine was shipped with UPS. Just track ... you. But I've received my gear ranging from 7 days, to 5 days, to a week and a half.

Description : Is there a book you would like to read but haven't yet ordered?

Last Answer : Hopes and Prospects – Noam Chomsky

Description : What course of action do I take if something I ordered online went to an address I no longer lived at?

Last Answer : answer:Tell your local post office that you moved. You fill out a form and all mail going to you at the old address can be redirected to your new address. If you have not done that, and this mail ... sender. If those don't work, you could also phone the company you ordered from and let them know.

Description : What do I do if I put down the wrong address for something I ordered online?

Last Answer : Contact the delivery company. Get a tracking number from the shipper..

Description : What would you say to a school superintendent who allegedly ordered a rape victim to cheer for the one who raped her?

Last Answer : Gross. They’re wrong.

Description : I received a bunch of Threadless t-shirts. Unfortunately, I ordered a size too big and now I'm going to toss them all into the wash to shrink. Will the colors run?

Last Answer : Why not return them for the right size? But if you want to wash them, check whether the label says the dyes are colorfast or not. If the washing instructions sound fnicky, I would wash them one at a time in cold water, then you could dry them all together for the shrinkage.

Description : My upgrade for windows 7 was shipped to the wrong place. I've been talking and been on hold for 1 1/2 and still no help (I ordered windows 7 with my new laptop). What Should I do?

Last Answer : sorry, but sadly microsoft are well known as the sinkhole of support. its probably going to cost you money to fix it. and not a little either. i believe their support was at over $100 last time i ... after the epic fail that was vista, they can hardly afford to make more people angry at the moment.

Description : When will my Rickenbacker 360/12c63 that I ordered in March of 2007 come in?

Last Answer : I wonder how many guitarists are on Fluther, and how many of them play Rickenbackers, and how many of them have ordered (presumably) from the company directly? I'm guessing zero. It's possible your ... using that brand. Anyway, good luck, I'm sure you'll find a suitable resolution. Purple Haze!

Description : Having just ordered Snow Leopard online, will I be able to install it myself?

Last Answer : Yes, it is very DYI. you might want to back up any important files just in case, but it’ll be very user-friendly. i ordered today too. got it for $10 + free shipping, since i just bought a Mac Mini to go with my MacBook Pro.

Description : What is the most complicated coffee drink you've ordered at Starbucks?

Last Answer : Cafe Americano, accept no other

Description : How can I represent an ordered tree structure in FileMaker Pro 10?

Last Answer : I’m not really familiar with ‘ordered tree structure’. Is it just a graph? If so the only graphs I have seen in FileMaker are done as webpages and viewed in the Web Viewer. Here is a good forum site for FileMaker and its free to join (others I have seen are pay sites).

Description : How do feel about California recently being ordered to reduce its prison inmate population?

Last Answer : [mod says] Lets stick to the topic, please. Thanks!

Description : Have you ever ordered something online and found out it wasn't what you expected when it arrived?

Last Answer : Lord yes.