[img] https:///wp-content/uploads/2018/02/received_616733688687896.jpeg [/ img]

1 Answer

Answer :

I think outside!

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Last Answer : Nah. He will go the way Stalin did. In his bed of old age.

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Last Answer : Nah. He will go the way Stalin did. In his bed of old age.

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Last Answer : Nah. He will go the way Stalin did. In his bed of old age.

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Last Answer : answer:Surely you've seen the Seinfeld episode with the Low Talker Try not to get into the endless loop of talking louder thinking the other person will speak up. What usually happens is they speak softer ... and ask the other person to speak up. And for gosh sakes, stay away from Puffy Shirts.

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Last Answer : answer:Hmmmmm, perhaps my Pollyanna streak is showing, but I'd say that one can truly live without fear of dying. Perhaps I'm assigning too literal a meaning to fear, but I would say that I ... deep and introspective that I'm hopeful I haven't wounded you with my response. AND welcome to Fluther!

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Last Answer : answer:Charlie Sheen is da man and single-handedly taking down a multimillion dollar career is the job. He was competing against Mel Gibson.

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Last Answer : I honestly think your friend has a point personally.

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Last Answer : The way I see it, it’s better than spreading it around unknowingly.

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Last Answer : answer:If you are concerned, take her to the veterinarian. If she's not ill, they can begin her vaccination series at that time. In the meantime, make sure that her litter box, her food (which should ... are near or in her hiding place. Forcing her to come out of hiding will only stress her more.

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Last Answer : Are you saying that you are on a date and the guy answers a text from another woman? Not a good sign and very rude, to boot. I would challenge him.

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Last Answer : He will not be allowed back in.

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Last Answer : It smells April fresh? Its probably a nervous habit from childhood. Babies like to pull their blankets up to their faces and familiar smells help them feel comforted. It probably helps relax his mind.

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Last Answer : “A little flirt never hurt ya know.”

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Last Answer : Just_Justine Titles like this irritate me too. I’m not a part of the lesbian community, though I did have a girlfriend for about 18 months. Fifty or sixty copies of this book would make a nice fire.

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Last Answer : answer:see my sharp teeth? you hear how loud i am? thats because im harder than you. bring it on! while thinking go away

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Last Answer : I hate colognes and fragrances. You’re better off with no scent. I’m actually more likely to avoid you if you have a smell. Any smell.

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Last Answer : saddness.. how old is your bro?