1 Answer

Answer :

The All-Party Struggle Council was formed on 5 January 1969 .

Related questions

Description : Which party did not support the boycott of council elections during the movement and why. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Justice Party of Madras decided not to boycott Council elections. The Justice Party members were non-Brahmins and so far had not been able to win elections, as the Brahman candidates always won. They thought it was a golden opportunity for them to enter the Councils.

Description : Which party did not support the boycott of council elections during the movement and why? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Justice Party of Madras decided not to boycott Council elections. The Justice Party members were non-Brahmans and so far had not been able to win elections, as the Brahman candidates always won. They thought it was a golden opportunity for them to enter the Councils.

Description : A college student desires to get elected to the municipal council of his city. The validity of his nomination would depend on the important condition, among others, that? (1) He obtains permission from ... the voter's list. (4) He files a declaration owing allegiance to the constitution of India.

Last Answer : (3) His name figures in the voter's list. Explanation: The validity of nomination of a person to get elected to the municipal council would depend on the condition that his name should be figured in the voter's list.

Description : How is the Security Council formed? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Security Council consists of five permanent members: China, France, Russia, Britain and the United States of America, and ten non-permanent members, who are elected by the General Assembly by ... not eligible for immediate re-election. In all, the Security Council thus consists of 15 members.

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Last Answer : National Sports Council was formed in 1982.

Description : According to which article, state council can be formed or dissolved

Last Answer : Article169

Description : Indian Medical Council Act was formed a. 1955 b.1956 c. 1949

Last Answer : b.1956

Description : Is the idea of class struggle an alien concept in America?

Last Answer : Not really, but some ignorant people might try calling you a commie. I think it is historically a bit different in America, since we lacked much or an official aristocracy, and some of us have notions about ... up and just go get more jobs, which is a flavor of class conflict, it seems to me.

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Last Answer : What is it?

Description : Which class ALONE is beneficiary of the contrived struggle between the left and right?

Last Answer : That’s a no to contrivance and a no to deliverance.I disagree.

Description : What is the best struggle meal?

Last Answer : Cock

Description : From the moment conception takes place human life is a struggle for survival, do you agree?

Last Answer : Of course it’s a struggle for survival. You are born to die.

Description : Do you know what it feels like to struggle?

Last Answer : Yes. I really want to answer this question, but I would have to start at age 2. It would quickly turn into a novel. I’ll just say that I’m amazed I made it this far in life and I don’t know how I turned out to be the kind of person I am.

Description : Should we regard guys like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and now Ben Carson as vindication for the hard won victories of the civil rights struggle?

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Last Answer : absolutely not if you were born into it. If you were self-made then possibly

Description : Do you struggle with questions like "What is your favorite food?"?

Last Answer : COOKIES!!!! Nope, do not seem to have a problem.

Description : I struggle with a condition called " Body Dysmorphic Disorder" where I view myself as unattractive at times (when others say that I'm fine. Beautiful, in fact). Anyone else have BDD?

Last Answer : answer:Really? There's a word for that? I didn't know. How do you know you have it? I've never had a kind thing to say about how I look. There are some very rare secret moments when I look in ... about that. Whenever you think you look bad, just think how much worse it would be if you were a man!

Description : Civil rights struggle?

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Last Answer : answer:According to my brother, his daughter had more trouble with turning 30 than she did turning 40. I think he told me why, but I don't remember what he said. I had a struggle with it for ... successful for a good length of time, then that might postpone the struggle for a few a few more decades.

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Last Answer : Over educated, under employed

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Last Answer : You should win ALL your power struggles with your child, which is why you should also choose them carefully. Nappy changing is probably the first one I had with both my daughters. I remember the car seat struggle with my eldest, the youngest hasn’t got to that stage yet.

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Last Answer : Lust is my favourite deadly sin. I focus it strictly on my wife.

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Last Answer : answer:Meditate. It is through the stillness of mind that your higher self hooks into the conduit of truth. As long as you are stuck in your head, using mind to debate an issue, decision, you will get nowhere. That small still voice that whispers needs a silent mind to be heard.

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Last Answer : Nobody else can see you if you look up. Duh.

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Last Answer : If you literally can’t move, it might be sleep apnea, but I’m guessing not since it sounds like a one off event.

Description : An internal struggle: To decorate, or not?

Last Answer : I decorated yesterday. I figured if Starbucks was doing it I could.

Description : I need advice about whether I should delete a large email backlog or manfully struggle to process all the messages in my bloated Inbox?

Last Answer : I would delete anything older than two weeks. If it was important, they would have called you about it by now.

Description : Can't Africans form an African Union or African United States so there wouldn't be such struggle on African nations?

Last Answer : They have! It’s called the African Union. Founded 2001.

Description : I am interested to know which departments in full service hospitals are very profitable, and which struggle or are a loss?

Last Answer : Actually, ERs lose money. Heart programs, women's programs (childbirth), and surgeries make money. Generally, proceduralists (such as surgeons, gastroenterologists, etc.) make money because of the ... to refuse care to anyone and probably eat a lot of costs dealing with non-emergent conditions.

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Last Answer : Not in the least. No difference at all. I just posed the same question to a bunch of my vegetarian friends a couple of weeks ago, and they all had the same response. I should add that I’m not vegan, so it’s not really a matter of “just vegetables”, as you say. I eat eggs and dairy products as well.

Description : Do you struggle with something (or more than one thing) in your life that may be easy for the others to deal with, but, you, yourself have awfully hard time with? If so, what is it?

Last Answer : Making money and building a career. (Although I’ve always been blessed with receiving “enough.”)

Description : What is going on with the power struggle at Liverpool FC ?

Last Answer : If you follow American baseball at all, you should know that the Texas Rangers have never won a pennant, let alone a championship. The owner of the Rangers, Tom Hicks is now the owner of Liverpool's ... soccer club of all time) and all of a sudden, they suck. People are just connecting the dots.

Description : Whats a thing you struggle with that other people seem to do with ease?

Last Answer : Carry on a conversation past the first few sentences. It always seems to fade away. Other people seem to have conversations for hours.

Description : [Serious] What has been the most difficult struggle/challenge in your life so far?

Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : Many underestimate my importance, yet without me this world couldn't possibly survive. I come naturally for some, but others both try and struggle to obtain me. I can change your future for the better, but that doesn't mean it will be easier. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Knowledge.

Description : My three brothers, my cousin and I are stood in a line. I am the shortest of all my brothers and I am at one end of the line. At the other end of the line is my cousin, who is the ... stand and yet we are very flexible. We are very useful; people would struggle without us. What are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : Fingers.

Description : Describe any three demands of the Sri Lankan Tamils. How did they struggle for their independence ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'Sri Lankan Tamils' started their struggle by lanching their political parties for the; (i) recognition of Tamil as an official language and regional autonomy. (ii) For regional autonomy. (iii) ... killed and caused a terrible set back to the social, cultural and economic life of the country.

Description : ‘Large sections of Muslims did not respond to the call for a united struggle during the Civil Disobedience Movement.’ Explain. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Association of Congress with Hindu Mahasabha : After the decline of the Non­Cooperation - Khilafat movement, a large section of Muslims felt alienated from the Congress. From the mid-1920s, the ... to the Congress leaders. So Muslims could not respond to the call for a united struggle.

Description : Describe the popular struggle of Bolivia. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Popular struggle of Bolivia:- . People's struggle against privatisation of water in Bolivia power that struggles are integral part of democracy. . The world Bank pressurised the government to give up its control ... at old rates. . This popular struggle came to be known as Bolivia's Water Cool'.

Description : Which organisations made the struggle successful in Nepal? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . The call for indefinite strike was given by the SPA or Seven Party Alliance in Nepal. . This alliance included some big parties that had some members in the Parliament. . The ... organisations of the indigenous people, teachers, lawyers and human rights groups extended support to the movement.

Description : “In a democracy, several different kinds of organisations work behind any big struggle.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : Yes, it is true. These organisations play their role in two ways: . One way of influencing the decisions in a democracy is direct participation in competitive politics. This is done ... interest groups or pressure groups. Sometimes, people decide to act together without forming organisations.

Description : “The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to democrats all over theworld.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : . Nepal witnessed an extraordinary popular movement in April 2006. The movement aimed at restoring democracy. . All the major political parties in the parliament formed a Seven Party Alliance (SPA ... interim government was formed, becoming a source of inspiration to democrats all over the world.

Description : “The Congress was reluctant to include the demands of industrial workers in its programme of struggle.” Analyse the reasons. -SST 10th

Last Answer : . The industrial working class did not participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement in large numbers, except in the Nagpur region. . As the industrialists came closer to the congress, workers ... But the congress was reluctant to include workers' demand as part of its programme of struggle.

Description : Popular struggles are integral to the working democracy.' Explain the statement in the light of Bolivia's struggle against privatisation of water. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. The popular struggle of Bolivia took place in the city of Cochabamba when the World Bank pressurised the government to give up its control of municipal water supply to the city. Consequently, ... contract with the MNC was cancelled and water supply was restored to the municipality at old rates.

Description : Explain the nation building process of Germany after 1848. OR Explain the role of women in the anti-imperialist struggle in Vietnam. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. The nationalist sentiments among the middle-class Germans forced them to unite different regions of the German Confederation into a nation-state (governed by an elected parliament) in 1848. ... went on to initiate a strong emphasis on modernising currency, banking, legal and judicial systems.

Description : Describe the popular struggle of Bolivia. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. The popular struggle of Bolivia took place in the city of Cochabamba when the World Bank pressurised the government to give up its control of municipal water supply to the city. Consequently, ... contract with the MNC were cancelled and water supply was restored to the municipality at old rates.

Description : The Congress was reluctant to include the demands of industrial workers in its programme of struggle.' Analyse the reasons. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Congress was reluctant to include demands of industrial workers: 1. Congress did not want to disappoint the industrialists by including the worker's interest. 2. Some workers participated in ... kept away as Congress favoured industrialists and believed that anti-imperial forces can get divided.

Description : The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to Democrats all over the world.' Support the statement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of Democrats all over the world: 1. After the king dissolved the parliament in 2005, there was a popular uprising in April 2006. The Seven ... an interim prime minister, restored parliament passed new laws and Maoists came to an understanding with SPA.

Description : What inspiration do we get from Bolivia's popular struggle ? Explain any three values that we can learn from it. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Values we learn from Bolivia's popular struggle: 1. Popular struggles lead to an expansion of democracy because the people struggle for what they need or protest against what they ... and mobilizations become stronger when aided political agencies like parties, pressure groups or movement groups.