1 Answer

Answer :

Abdomen means stomach

Related questions

Description : What does it mean (if anything) if you dream that your belly-button is dirty?

Last Answer : (An “innie”? I don’t think “outties” could GET dirty).

Description : What does kindness was a luxury that only a full belly could afford mean?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Beginning in the 3rd century, Rome was developing a “soft belly.” What does that mean?

Last Answer : Uiisjjdjejei thats why it begane..........yes it the clown

Description : What could weight gain in the upper belly be a sign of?

Last Answer : So many factors to consider: are you male or female, your age range, caloric intake, level of exercise. You should ask your doctor. Welcome to Fluther!

Description : How does the belly button work?

Last Answer : There’s a retaining screw in there that keeps your arse on.

Description : Is pork belly pre-cooked in Canada?

Last Answer : Not all pork is pre-cooked. Pork chops, tenderloins, ribs, shoulder pork, all require cooking. Pork Belly is also known as bacon. It needs to be cooked, eveif it is cured.

Description : What's filling your ears and belly today?

Last Answer : answer:For breakfast today I prepared some pork belly - so crispy and chewy. Had it with fried tomatoes and eggs on zuzu. Listening to random Christmas music on CBC radio. They've got a good ... I will cook sausages with tomatoes/onions/garlic/peppers later today. We'll have that with potato burek

Description : How do older women get rid of belly fat?

Last Answer : Sit ups.

Description : How do I explain to my personal trainer that I want to lose belly fat?

Last Answer : Tell him. Or is there more to your question?

Description : What is the pain around my belly button?

Last Answer : Does it hurt topically or internally? Sounds like it is your intestine but it could be a muscle. Because it is positional that makes more sense to me. Did you workout or engage in physical activity or contort it oddly?

Description : What would happen if you shaved off/cut out your belly button?

Last Answer : You could not be born again, since there would be no place for the umbilical cord to attach,

Description : I just had a colonoscopy. Now I have what looks like rope burns on my belly near my groin. What happened?

Last Answer : answer:On your skin, rather than inside your intestines? Very odd and very alarming. I have had two colonoscopies and found the procedure itself painful in spite of the sedation, and was very, ... tomorrow asap and complain loudly. Clean the area and put some triple antibiotic cream on the wounds.

Description : Which yoga routine targets belly fat?

Last Answer : You can only target muscle with exercise, fat is reduced by reducing or burning calories. There is some research that eating a lower carbohydrate diet helps the body not hold on to fat in the belly. Has to ... extra ½ and inch on your tummy you might want to lose when the rest of you is stick thin.

Description : Why does the Black Belly Whistling Tree duck sometimes stand on one foot?

Last Answer : Because he can. Why do you do it?

Description : Would this slim my belly?

Last Answer : Be careful of the salt content. Salt contributes to water retention. I hope you meant paunch.

Description : How do I lose this belly?

Last Answer : Perhaps you could bicycle to work every day. If you live too far to do that, you could drive to within 5 miles of work and bike from there.

Description : Why are belly buttons located there?

Last Answer : It’s at the center of the body, mass-wise, and would make the transportation of nutrients throughout the fetus close and easy.

Description : Is it ok to take out my belly button ring while it is infected?

Last Answer : Woooo, if you are pregnant, take it out. It will turn around and you will end up looking like you have a mutant belly button. Just take it out. It’s worth it.

Description : Can you get a keloid from a belly piercing if you already have a keloid on your chest?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Belly buttons which do you prefer, in or out, and which do you have right now?

Last Answer : answer:I totally forgot outies existed until a couple months ago. Man was that a shock. I wonder what percentage of outies invert over time…

Description : Is there a cosmetic surgery procedure where they close your belly button?

Last Answer : no

Description : Which is worse, a belly up school or a new tax to prevent it?

Last Answer : Education is an investment that repays the community over and over and over. It is more valuable than widening streets or rebuilding city hall. It is about having the right priorities. Reallocate existing funding to what is most important.

Description : Post pregnancy stomach; Isn't there a scientific name for a woman's belly post pregnancy?

Last Answer : Stupid flabby belly-itis? lol. I actually have never heard that it had a specific name. All I can think of is postpartum. Oh, maybe pregnancy pooch? http://www.babycenter.com/0_your-post-baby-belly-why-its-changed-and-how-to-tone-it_1152349.bc

Description : What do people think of overweight belly dancers?

Last Answer : Genuine Belly dancers are not anorexic ballerinas!

Description : How do I lose my incipient belly fat?

Last Answer : Sit-ups work the wrong muscles. Do leg lifts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ0u7B0fxAU), and run. I know running sucks, but it’s the only way to burn the fat. Obviously cut the sweets out of your diet if you’re committed to this.

Description : Why do ears and belly buttons smell similar? And why do they smell gross?

Last Answer : Who smells these things?

Description : When you breathe in, does your belly expand, or your chest?

Last Answer : belly! female. out of curiosity – what did your bio teacher say?

Description : Is there a connection between the belly button and the penis?

Last Answer : I don’t have a penis, but I think I know the feeling you’re talking about. It’s almost like a ’zing’ right down the line.

Description : Why would I feel nauseous when I touch the inside of my belly button?

Last Answer : No nausea for me. It just feels really weird, kind of makes me shiver like when I try to tickle my own feet but just end up recoiling. Even as I wash it in the shower I'm cringing. It is the ... for me, touching my belly button or tickling my own feet. I guess that's the best I can describe it.

Description : Why is my belly button so sore?

Last Answer : Inny or Outy?

Description : How do you get rid of a gut/beer belly?

Last Answer : Cardio. And LOTS of it. And it should be prolonged cardio, not just sprinting or anything. Also eat breakfast to keep yourself from storing fat on your belly because you're still in a catabolic state. (I ... and don't do much in the way of burning fat. Cardio is what burns the fat most effectively).

Description : Why do dogs shake their legs when you rub their belly?

Last Answer : From Googling: Tickle a dog's tummy, and you could get a knee-jerk reaction. There is a certain area on a dog's body that is referred to as the saddle region. It vaguely consists of ... reflex as a diagnostic tool, much like when doctors tap humans just below the kneecap to test nerve reactions.

Description : A non-political question (I know, how dare I?!): Why does my cat hate having his belly rubbed?

Last Answer : Your cat is probably not completely comfortable with you. Their belly’s are there weak spots. Cat’s only expose their belly to someone they trust. They’re the same way with the bottom of there feet. If you don’t want kitty to be mean stop poking him in the belly.

Description : How can I get rid of stretch marks on my belly?

Last Answer : coco butter

Description : Really how bad does a belly button peircing hurt?

Last Answer : It’s a quick pinch. The more you worry about it the worse it will be. Don’t hold your breath when it happens, you may get dizzy. The most important thing is to go to a reputable shop, not the cheapest person you can find. My advice- Man up and jump in.

Description : Why are some people more prone to belly button lint?

Last Answer : The source of belly button lint I never get belly lint. My husband gets it though. Grosses me out.

Description : Does anyone know a good belly dancing instructional DVD or video?

Last Answer : I rented some belly-dancing DVDs from Netflix. The ones I got were taught by identical twins - I think their names were Reena and Veena or Neena or something. Anyway, I did it in the living room every evening and had a lot of fun. I'd recommend them.

Description : How do I get rid of my beer belly?

Last Answer : answer:Drink less beer. but seriously it is all about energy in vs energy out. eat less work out more.

Description : What is the answer to belly fat?

Last Answer : You should look into the "tread climber" by Bowflex. It's a good investment. And limit those damn carbs! ;)

Description : Since when did it become socially acceptable for straight guys to sport belly button rings?

Last Answer : Unless I missed something, NEVER. And hey, I’m open-minded.

Description : How to get rid of belly fat before a wedding,in 2.5 months?

Last Answer : diet is 90% of the battle, I am started out in your same boat at 5'4 and 147lbs. I am on a diet plan where 50% of my calories comes from protein, 35% carbs, and 15% fats and I eat approx 1600 calories a ... 7min or so but work your way up to 15 min (no more than that) and fat will shed off you :)

Description : My friend sometimes uses her laptop on her belly. Is that a bad idea?

Last Answer : Radiation is everywhere and you really need a major exposure to have any side effect. The baby is safe and you can’t get sterile by having it on your lap either.

Description : What's your favorite Jelly Belly?

Last Answer : All of them! (sorry, I just can’t pick one). Wait. I HATE popcorn and the jalapeno pepper one. After that, I LOVE all of them.

Description : content:

Last Answer : It's best to start training a pig for nail cutting a very early age if possible. Begin by accustoming her to having her feet touched by gently stroking the legs and feet. Make it a fun experience ... steel diagonal cut mini pliers. Use with care as there are nerves and blood vessels in the hooves.

Description : red burning bush leaves being eaten off by small black worm with white belly. How to kill ?

Last Answer : after the sun goes down, mix up 1 teasp liquid soap & 1 qt water and spray....get under the leaves good.............spray all the way down to the ground..............if it rains spray again.

Description : What car does a belly button drive? -Riddles

Last Answer : An Audi (Outtie) ((Like a belly button))!!!!!!!! ;)

Description : Weight in my belly, Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs, Wheels I do lack.What Am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : a ship

Description : Weight in my belly, Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs, Feet I do lack. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A ship.

Description : Weight in my belly, Trees on my back. Nails in my ribs, Feet I do lack. -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a ship.