What is the meaning of the word Pretend ?

1 Answer

Answer :

pretend , deceive , claim

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Last Answer : It is okay @Dutchess_III { { HUGS } } }

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Last Answer : Why is it necessary to be happy. Not that I want you to be depressed and an emotional wreck, but I think you certainly can be sad about how you know you will miss him, and I'm sure it won't be ... get a Xanax to calm you down. From a doctor, I'm not recommending trying to get one from a friend.

Description : When someone commits an atrocity, which is worse: To deny any responsibility, or to pretend to have done the right thing?

Last Answer : I think to deny responsibility, the notion of doing the right thing is highly subjective. If I shoot your dog and deny responsibility that makes me a liar as well. If I shoot your dog just because I ... of of an innocent child it could be claimed that shooting said dog was the right thing to do.

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Last Answer : answer:I am a low income person. The tap water in my home is undrinkable. It makes my dog vomit. It clogs my shower head so I have to soak it in toilet bowl cleaner twice a month, and brush it ... town are working. I might have a problem refilling 12 gallon jugs of water at the 7-11 soda fountain.

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Last Answer : I won’t know until I’m faced with that situation.

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Last Answer : answer:My friend and I used to pretend to be teenagers. Earlier, I would play cowboys and Indians with my cousins. We also played Teddybear town in a tree we climbed.

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Last Answer : answer:How is a pyramid powerful? Fuck artifacts. The riddle of steel is, that steel is no stronger than the hand that wields it.

Description : Pretend you're in your late 20s with a chunk of money saved up and are getting out of the military, where would you go to start your new life?

Last Answer : That would be a great situation to be in. There are so many places you could go . It would depend on many factors: do you like four distinct seasons? Do you like mountains or the ocean? Are ... choices for your hypothetical, lucky young person. Maybe I can answer if I read other answers first ! LOL

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Last Answer : answer:Completely normal. Sorry, this is just infuriating. Kids pretend they are monsters, super heroes, girls, boys, jedis, statues, robots, cats, dogs, lions, bears, bears with super heroes ... lasers fighting girl/boy robot jedis. It means that they are doing what is developmentally appropriate.

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Last Answer : answer:Why do you assume that I am a pessimist? Perhaps in relation to the Olympics, you mean “cynic”? I found the story of the double amputee, Oscar Pastorius, from S. Africa, truly inspirational.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh yes! I work with the public, so I have to pretend that our patrons aren't total retards! I have to pretend that the predominant religious persuasion in Utah is somewhat valid. I have to ... able to get along with my co-workers and neighbors, and spare the feelings of those that I love.

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Last Answer : That seems dishonest. Of course!

Description : Have you ever see a dog that seems to "pretend"?

Last Answer : We had two dogs that love to play catch the rolling ball. If we didn’t get the tennis ball and roll it for them, one of the dogs would take the ball to far end of the hallway and roll it for the other to catch.

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Last Answer : …how? Did they explain how? I can’t really see how it would have any effect, shy of doing something horrendous while pretending to be part of a group of people.

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Last Answer : answer:[I could pretend to be: I’d last this long.] A gas pump attendant : Years A cashier : Probly ten minutes: Never been a cashier A spy: Being that there would be no real missions I think I could last a fair bit of time A screenwriter: Years Gosh, there’s lots.

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Last Answer : My first victim is my sister. XD

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Last Answer : answer:Errors in the letter or resume. Large holes in the resume. Non-relevant experience. Lack of relevant experience.

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Last Answer : I hope this doesn’t get moderated, but I’m curious to know who does this? Specifically, who is pretending to be hispanic when they aren’t? And why? I’m not doubting that it happens, I just have never heard of it and can’t imagine why.

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Last Answer : They crave attention.

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Last Answer : I am so thankful not to be in such a situation, but I myself would not be so likely to forgive. I would still want the (non-Alzheimer’s) person punished.

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Last Answer : L7

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know about the safe intake. But about your craving. Do you eat lots of times per day, or eat bigger meals and concentrated? Also, do you eat fruit? Try eating more fruit with your ... t even have any in the house. It is an addictive substance - mainly because we're wired toward fruit.

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Last Answer : Sometimes lying to themselves is more important than lying to other people. You’re just their audience. Hey, you’ve got to give them credit for being consistent. J/K

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Last Answer : Maybe because society and parents and so on always have too much to say about why you aren’t good enough as you are. And always comparing you to those who they deem to be “better” than you.

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Last Answer : I think that I understand what you're saying, if so then I'm guessing you could say that you dying would part of the bad luck, and then for the next 7 years bad luck things would happen to ... then some crazy new treatment might be approved at the last minute and it saved your life and many others.

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Last Answer : Put a gold stare next to Mr Plauche’s name. I call him, a hero. I’m a big fan of instant karma.

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Last Answer : A Peanuts shower curtain.

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Last Answer : to get famous

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : b) Subgoal independence

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