Procainamide differs from quinidine in the following
A. It does not cause paradoxical tachycardia
B. It has no α adrenergic blocking activity
C. It has little antivagal action
D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct

1 Answer

Answer :

D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct

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Description : Procainamide differs from quinidine in the following respect(s): A. It does not cause paradoxical tachycardia B. It has no α adrenergic blocking activity C. It has little antivagal action D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are corre

Last Answer : D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct

Description : Procainamide differs from quinidine in the following respect (a) It does not cause paradoxical tachycardia (b) It has no alfa adrenergic blocking activity (c) It has little antivagal action (d) Both (b ... a) Pacemaker function (b) Resting potential (c) Action potential duration (d) All of the above

Last Answer : Ans: D

Description : Quinidine can cause paradoxical tachycardia in a patient of: A. Sick sinus syndrome B. Atrial extrasystoles C. Atrial fibrillation D. Ventricular extrasystoles

Last Answer : C. Atrial fibrillation

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Last Answer : Ans: C

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Last Answer : A. Disopyramide

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Last Answer : A. Propranolol

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Last Answer : A. Very long duration of action

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Last Answer : A. It has additional α1 blocking property

Description : Labetalol differs from propranolol in that: A. It has additional α1 blocking property B. It is a selective β1 blocker C. It does not undergo first pass metabolism D. All of the above

Last Answer : A. It has additional α1 blocking property

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Last Answer : D. Both 'A' and 'C'

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Last Answer : D. Both 'B' and 'C' are correct

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Last Answer : D. It does not produce behavioral/psychiatric side effects

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Last Answer : B. Its hypnotic action shows little fading on repeated nightly use

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Last Answer : Ans: A

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Last Answer : B. Generating α-methyl noradrenaline in brain which reduces sympathetic tone

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Last Answer : C. It does not concurrently enhance noradrenaline release

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Last Answer : A. Adrenaline