worried about my tree , wondering if it may be dead

1 Answer

Answer :

It may be that your tree was attakedd by a fungus disease called Anthracose. This does attack ash trees ocassionly on certain years causing all the leaves to turn brwon and drop off.  One thing you can do is take several smal wigs and break them if they bend and do not break they are stii alive . Antother trick is to ttake a branch that is an inch or two in diammeter. and scrpe the bark with a pocket knife. If it is green underneath the bakr the tree is probably still alive. Keep up the watering if you think the tree still alive but dont drown it.  Here iare two references - http://www.arborjet.com/post/anthracnose/ http://www.ehow.com/about_5465643_diseases-ash-trees.html

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