How do I know if a coconut is ripe? And should I cut it with a knife?

1 Answer

Answer :

Never park under a coconut tree.  They drop when they are ripe.  They have 3 eyes.  You need a hammer & and a ice pick...........Make a hole in two of them deep enough to get the coconut milk out and then bang it hard to break the shell.  This is very thick and a knife will not work and would be very unsafe to do that.  Once you break it in half you can get the meat out and cut of shred it.  Happy Summer.

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Last Answer : We have gathered a few blades about managing blades, You can see the blog. Be that as it may, Here My inquiry has esteem, since I needed to Ask to you, If you can.

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Last Answer : You will be just fine!! :))

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Last Answer : I would call the poilice!!... but if we are going down the movie route then no doubt I would call my creepy best friend who would come round, go into I'm CSI trained and know how to get rid of ... flashbacks, and my creepy friend only to wake up the next morning to find out it was all a dream!!

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Last Answer : He wasn’t the one who invented blackpowder, he.

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Last Answer : It may not get picked up by the metal detectors, but it will certainly send up a red flag when it goes through xray, which will see the outline of a knife. No way thats getting on a plane.

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Last Answer : do you mean sarcasm or do you mean “people don’t agree with me and make a valid point so I think they’re being mean”? because we have a lot of kids on here who think the latter is the same as the former.

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Last Answer : You never know when nut meth cases will attack. them energy highs is dangerous.

Description : When I was a kid, my grandma set my place at the table with knife, fork, and spoon plus this little flat sided utensil that you used to push beans and peas onto your fork. What was that called?

Last Answer : Perhaps a misused crumber or master butter knife? I’ve never heard of such a thing otherwise.

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Last Answer : Sure. It's a good knife, tough and durable for doing a lot of different jobs. There are a lot of good knives for that sort of work. Something like this might have more general ... when skinning game, a serrated section that is good for sawing through rope, and a comfortable lightweight handle.