What will actually work to kill this cough?

1 Answer

Answer :

Take some benadryl. The tickle is likely caused by drainage from your sinuses. Dry that up, and you’ll stop coughing.

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Last Answer : ***Totally off topic – how’s your son doing?

Description : Cough Medicine?

Last Answer : Coughing is one of the germ's mechanisms for spreading itself to a non-infected victim. Same with sneezing and projectile vomiting, and even diarrhea. Once the illness is finished, oftentimes ... medicine works beyond the placebo effect, and there has been research done that supports this finding.

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Last Answer : sit over a pot of steaming water with a towel over your head. honey works well too.

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Last Answer : Yes, pertussis can be common. I haven't heard of any Diphtheria going around but that's why we have vaccines? Polio is pretty much all gone in this country due to vaccines as well. My father never got ... be sick. Now if only we had a vaccine for mono wow, that would have saved me last semester!

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Last Answer : cough drops? maybe repeatedly. [equal]]

Description : Something Good To Heal My Cough?

Last Answer : Ri-co-la

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Last Answer : More data please…How long have you been coughing? Bringing anything up? Green, yellow, white, clear, red? Fevers, chills, sweats? Postnasal drip?

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Last Answer : I already hold all of my sneezes in.

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Last Answer : He was a little horse!

Description : How to cough in front of a person?

Last Answer : YPLL measurements

Description : What is the way to get rid of allergic cough ?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is the name of cough lozenge ?

Last Answer : You can take menthol lozenge from the pharmacy for cough. And for cough, tablets are more beneficial than lozenges .

Description : Cough has accumulated in the chest for a week , what is the way to get rid of it ?

Last Answer : Ginger works very well to get rid of phlegm accumulated in the chest. Drinking ginger tea or ginger water can get rid of this problem. Boil ginger powder in a glass of hot water for ginger water. When ... You can also take a small amount of ginger in your mouth to reduce dry cough and sore throat.

Description : How to get rid of cough ?

Last Answer : Coughing for a long time is actually a very harmful thing. In this case, you need to relax the throat. Honey , cloves , basil leaves , ginger give relief to the throat. But the biggest thing is your ... breath, you will eat Dessler if you have a sore throat. If you have a dry cough, eat snacked.