I am confused about my internet, can you help?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. You will be safe with the wired connection.

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Last Answer : What is your question?

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Last Answer : My daughter used to come home with things, like toys, jewelry, books. I really thought and to this day she will swear that I believed she was selling drugs or bullying the other children into giving her ... She has great friends who still give her stuff and I've learned I was just a paranoid mother.

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Last Answer : josie Gun control is keeping your gun muzzle on the target. The 2nd Amendment just says we can have weapons, it doesn’t say what weapons. Want to be a policeman or women going up against a guy with a 30 round or larger magazine? That amendment was written long before firepower came this far.

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Last Answer : answer:Spend some time alone with him doing something casual and non-threatening, like having coffee or going for a walk. See how things develop. Or if you don't feel ready for a relationship and ... that Abbel's interested in me. That means Abbel is suggesting that Abbel is interested in you.

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Last Answer : Next step I would call your Gynocologist, they would know more about a cyst on the ovary and if you should worry or not.

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Last Answer : answer:I wouldn't give too much credence to the image you have of society preferring the alpha types because: 1) Who cares? and 2) They don't. Yes, they get more press but no one lives in the press. ... But that's a hurdle only you can overcome. So go out and DO something. Maybe we'll cross paths.

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Last Answer : Those are two different situations. This discussion is closed means that the question is, for one reason or another, not coming back. Maybe the user deleted it, maybe the mod rejected it, ... editing means that it is somewhere in the process between being sent to editing and being accepted.

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Last Answer : Yes it’s gonna be a party for augustlan @janbb let’s get the party started

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Last Answer : Either they really don’t understand that they’re being confusing, maybe due to a low level of autism, or something similar, so they don’t understand basic social cues, or yes, it’s a classic passive-aggressive attention getting behavior. Run away. Run away now.

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Last Answer : You didn't mention reading. Take an online class since you can do it at your own pace. Exercise. Bake. If you draw or paint or any kind of art, do it at night (lighting could be a ... tried all of the electronic entertainment things, so just stay away from those. Hope things get better for you.

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Last Answer : Don’t do it. It will mean nothing to you.

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Last Answer : Shouldn’t the doctor explain this to her?

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Last Answer : These theories have really twisted ideas of geometry beyond what the human mind is capable of understanding. It just adds up, the equations work, but it doesn’t actually make any sense.

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Last Answer : It sort of depends on what the violations are. I think it would be different state agencies and possibly some Federal agencies depending on what is being done. For example, is environmental damage ... hard on the whislte blower. You may want to look at this site, Support for Whistleblowers.

Description : Confused about works cited, quoting, and sources, MLA style?

Last Answer : I have no idea… but definitley check noodletools.com. It’s a great resource for figuring out how to do citations.

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Last Answer : You're confused? I am not really sure how to help you make a personal decision. Nursing and Counseling are very different careers and call for different skills. If you like to help ... themselves, what about Physical or Occupational Therapist. They see results fairly soon and really do good.

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Last Answer : Just do it (him). Place Nike logo “here”.

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Last Answer : Baby don’t hurt me.

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Last Answer : No, can’t say I do.