What question are you really waiting for?

1 Answer

Answer :

More Star Wars or horse related questions. That’s all I ask. Why is that so hard?

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Last Answer : Which scar has the stupidest story behind it? I have a long scar that goes down the back of my arm, about from my wrist down to my elbow when I hold it to see. I was in middle school and we were playing ... a deep wound and lifelong scar, I'm 17 now(about 8 when I got it) and it's still pretty bad.

Description : Is anyone else still waiting for their $1,400 Stimulus (or whatever it is called) check?

Last Answer : You do realize that the bill authorizing those checks was signed into law only eight days ago, right? There were no guarantees before that. Checks and deposits are supposed to come in several waves. Not everyone will ... . I've been there and know what it's like. I do hope you get some relief soon.

Description : What’s your latest cooking concoction made with ingredients waiting to be used?

Last Answer : Chicken broccoli. Remarkably easy, but I’ve been putting it off until we run out of other food. Since we are snowed in, we’re planning ahead.

Description : How do you feel about TVs in doctors' waiting rooms?

Last Answer : Last time that happened, I walked over to the TV, found the volume button, and turned the volume to almost silent.

Description : What is a updated free YouTube video of the documentary waiting for superman, inequality for all, and ivory tower?

Last Answer : Ok I’m willing to pay for a documentary on education made this year. Even a good book. Suggest one or more non-fiction books and video. Please

Description : Does time seem to go slower for you when you are waiting for something you want to happen?

Last Answer : Yes, time moves slowly when anticipating something good that i going to happen, while stuck in the old life. You can make the time seem to move quickly by making an exhaustive list of all the things you need ... to it. Pretty soon you will be saying, how in the hell am I going to get this done?

Description : When waiting in a check out line and the person behind you only has a couple of items do you let them ahead of you?

Last Answer : I always wave people in front of me if they have a small handful of items. I hate grocery shopping so tend to do it by the giant cartload very occasionally. I wouldn’t want to be in line behind me.

Description : How often do you think those 18 wheel tractor trailers bang into waiting cars when they're turning left at an intersection in town?

Last Answer : They have to stop or they would lose their license. Trust me, they don’t want their day ruined by a wreck either. The paper work they have to fill out is crazy and all they are doing is trying to do their job to the best of their ability and to eek out a living.

Description : So, why don't we use captcha, or have a waiting period for registration?

Last Answer : answer: I understand that the developers haven't paid much attention to the site . Make that zero. There is no development. Look around a bit. Questions for you has been broken for months, ... a bit faster since the passing of the founder's beloved aunt and pillar of our community, @gailcalled.

Description : How do you all personally cope with the "waiting game" after having important medical tests run?

Last Answer : answer:I fret and pace and wring my hands. I make Doomsday plans. I put on a brave face for the loved ones and totally freak out. I gorge on bad food. I over drink. I do not cope with ... wish for your mother a benign outcome, and that all your worry be needless and unfounded. Eat a pizza anyway.

Description : What technological improvements are you waiting for (details inside )?

Last Answer : In my opinion, none of the above. In the context you are referring to, the problem that needs fixing is the road surface. You need one that is flat, with texture does not get potholes or oil patches, and sheds or absorbs water and is wide enough to allow save maneuverability.

Description : Can we have a waiting period on new users asking questions?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think so. Some spammers wait for a day, even 2 or 3 or more, before they spam. The waiting period will have no effect on these kinds of spammers. Not to mention some spammers spam by answering, and even spam directly on their profiles.

Description : If you're eating at a restaurant with family or friends, do you worry if others are waiting?

Last Answer : Yes. I wouldn’t gulp my coffee but I would be mindful of not sitting overlong if others are waiting.

Description : Am I waiting long enough for a response from the job interview?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to ask-public. Do you have a chance? Absolutely. Sky's the limit. You're (potentially) in like Flynn. However I would continue to polish the résumé and write some more application ... and in order to do that the interviewer should be asking you questions - mostly - not lecturing.)

Description : Which Elvis song has lyrics about waiting ...7 pm, ...11pm etc.?

Last Answer : answer:I think you are actually talking about Bil Haly's Rock around the clock IT is not Elvis song. Google it on youtube. One, Two, Three O'clock, Four O'clock rock, Five, Six, Seven ... rockin' round the clock again. CHORUS Read more: Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Description : What can I do when waiting in the doctors office?

Last Answer : Bring a book. Of course you can donate magazines. Have you leared how to knit? That’s a perfect activity to pass the time.

Description : Waiting to own a house versus renting an apartment?

Last Answer : answer:I'd move out too. Just try to stick it out until you get a decent paycheck. Also, if you choose to share the place with your friend, you need to be able to pay the rent ... specifically paid for them yourself. So plan for that possibility as well. Will your friend have their own furniture?

Description : My mailbox is gone. Will I still get mail delivered to me while I am waiting for it to get replaced?

Last Answer : The post office requires a “Box or receptacle” for mail. Read the LAST LINE. Contact the post office to hold your mail until a replacement is put in by your neighbor or their insurance company.

Description : How can I learn to cope with my impatience with waiting? It's like my life is on hold.

Last Answer : ? Don’t you have a smartphone you can stick your face into while you wait?

Description : How do I cope with pizza delivery anxiety? Or waiting in general?

Last Answer : Start making your own pizza.

Description : Guess who's togged up in his santa outfit, just waiting to be kissed under the mistletoe?

Last Answer : gailcalled Give me a kiss. Sea turtles like smooches.

Description : Apple fans, are you installing iOS7 today, waiting a while, or skipping it altogether?

Last Answer : I’ll download it when my phone alerts me that the update is available, as I always do.

Description : I watched "Waiting for Superman" and was wondering if we can come with creative ways of dealing with lemon teachers?

Last Answer : Get Batman to do something about it.

Description : Is he waiting for me to take initiative?

Last Answer : answer:it sounds like you have taken the initiative. It also sounds like he's probably interested. Hard to know what to advise you; you can either wait for him to make a move since you have made ... . But think about if you wnat to be with someone who is seemingly so passive. Welcome to Fluther!

Description : How do you keep from going insane while waiting for something big?

Last Answer : The Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change The courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know the difference.

Description : ROLL CALL- Still here, alive and kicking. Are you all on the surface of earth or still waiting?

Last Answer : I’m still here. It is totally dark outside and cold water is falling from the sky!!!

Description : What is the acceptable waiting time for someone you just met to call?

Last Answer : Two-three days.

Description : How can I cope with all this waiting for medical tests?

Last Answer : I'm sorry that you're going through this. And I know that it's almost impossible to rein in panicky thoughts when there are possible severe issues. And doing your own research is fraught with pitfalls - ... talk to about how to control your fears and deal with the wait? What about a support group?

Description : While waiting for long amounts of time, what do you do?

Last Answer : answer:Read. (Hope you took a book with you!) Work. (Mark papers, read journal articles). Watch TV. (Unfortunately set on the channel the nurses choose). Go for coffee. Go for a walk around. Hope your friend is fine.

Description : Is using a wifi hotspot from Starbucks whilst waiting in their parking lot for someone a no-no?

Last Answer : I don’t know. There have been plenty of times I stayed at a hotel that didn’t have wifi, but I was able to use the wifi from a hotel across the street…

Description : Why do people waiting to get on an elevator always stand right in the doorway?

Last Answer : Funny, this brings back a memory of where I used to work. I think the person getting off should be allowed to get off and then the people waiting should get on. There was a little lawyer that barged on the elevator every time, almost knocking people down. We called her the “elevator Nazi”.

Description : Am I being selfish on not waiting to put down my dog?

Last Answer : answer:As hard as it is not to be there (heartbreaking, I am sure), I think the humane and loving thing to do would be to let her go now. I am terribly sorry.

Description : Mac users do you have any idea how to kill a crashed app instead of waiting for the rainbow wheel of death to end?

Last Answer : Yup, force quit.

Description : Apple has brought many innovative gadgets to the end user. Is there something you have been waiting for Apple to do that they have not done yet?

Last Answer : answer:A true convergence between computer and TV as well as the rest of your media (photos, music, etc.) In other words, what Apple TV could be. An actually usable version of ... Apples strength is creating products which don't require a degree in Computer Science or Engineering to operate.

Description : What should I do while waiting for dessert?

Last Answer : Guess which ones will regret their actions in the morning.

Description : Has anyone ever actually died while waiting for intelligent life to enter the Watering Hole chat room?

Last Answer : It depends on how close to the speed of light the space ship’s velocity is.

Description : What is "hiding" inside you? A child that never grew up, a talent/skill waiting to burst out? An unfulfilled dream?

Last Answer : Motivation and a desire to work so I can make some monies!

Description : Have you ever found yourself "Waiting in the Weeds"?

Last Answer : Can’t say I have no. I’ve rolled in the hay though ;¬}

Description : Who are you waiting for? Who is waiting for you?

Last Answer : No one is waiting for me. I am waiting for no one. Forever alone.

Description : While waiting for a single tooth replacement, should I invest in a temporary bridge (flipper)?

Last Answer : My friend had a flipper for one of his front teeth for awhile. He so much hated it and it did look fake. He had so much trouble with it moving when he ate that he would palm it for a meal if he ... He never wore it at home or at my house and actually thinks he lost it in a napkin at a restaurant.

Description : Do you say "waiting for" or "waiting on"?

Last Answer : “Waiting for” in Ontario, but I’ve heard “waiting on” as well.

Description : My cat has been sick and it's costing me a fortune. Is it imperative that I bring her to the ER vet, instead of waiting until tomorrow (see details)

Last Answer : I say bring her in. Better safe than sorry, and you’d hate yourself if something went wrong and she didn’t make it through the night.

Description : When waiting for your health insurance company to allow your pharmacy to fill a new prescription, is there any way to make the wait shorter?

Last Answer : You can pay for them out of pocket, and try to reimbursed.

Description : Why haven't you done what you've been waiting years to do?

Last Answer : Because my lovers & I just started going out. I’m not gonna force myself on them.

Description : Is there any way to get utilities turned on on Friday morning instead of waiting the following Monday?

Last Answer : The power should be on anyway. Just use it. Consider it a freebie.

Description : What tv show are you waiting with baited breath for?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll be watching Burn Notice and Royal Pains this evening. In a few weeks Drop Dead Diva starts (it may even be this weekend). I can’t wait for Vampire Diaries and Criminal Minds to start back up, but I have some time before they do.

Description : What would be some fun options to help allieviate the boredom of waiting for your appointment?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I usually bring a book. Perhaps a funny book, like “Why Do Men Have Nipples?: Hundreds of Questions You’d Only Ask Your Doctor After Your Third Martini” – it’s always a good conversation piece. If that doesn’t work, you can whittle.

Description : Would you think me odd if I sat at a bus stop and I wasn't waiting for a bus?

Last Answer : I would have no way of knowing. :\

Description : What is the alternative to clipboard manager while waiting to download it? See detail?

Last Answer : notepad, just keep opening notepads or paste each para in the same one and when you have used the text where you want it dump the notepad or save it—like instant lecture notes

Description : How can I maximize my time waiting for my computer to start up?

Last Answer : You could put the programs you need in the startup folder in your start menu. Should look like this: Start -> All programs -> startup (or autostart, not sure) Place a shortcut in that ... wrong. If you want to maximize your waiting time you could run your virus scanner automatically each logon.