How many lines are essentially required to write in the description box of a channel?
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1

1 Answer

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Last Answer : D. All of the above

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Last Answer : gain feedback from consumers

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Last Answer : Marketing research

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Last Answer : Wholesaler

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Last Answer : Two level channel

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Last Answer : directs the flow of products from producers to customers

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Last Answer : Different departments of the producer firm which are associated in ensuring delivery of goods to the buyer

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Last Answer : Encoding

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Last Answer : Customer Relationship Management

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Last Answer : D.This Is Where Sites Are Kept Till They Get Mature Enough To Be Included In The Top Rankings For A Particular Keyword.

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Last Answer : Push notification

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Last Answer : KPls

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Last Answer : Define the brand

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Last Answer : b. Text

Description : _____ is an example of business to business services.  Youtube brand channel.  Google  Yahoo  None of the above

Last Answer : Youtube brand channel.

Description : The recommended size of setup channel background is? A. 2500×1440 pixels B. 2560×1240 pixels C. 2560×1440 pixels D. 2240×1260 pixels

Last Answer : C. 2560×1440 pixels

Description : Last-click attribution is defined as: A. The last date on which a new customer clicked to your website B. The channel that received the most amount of clicks in the sales cycle C. The ... before the customer purchase D. The channel that sent the user to your website immediately before the sale

Last Answer : C. The last point in the sales cycle before the customer purchase

Description : Publishing ads through Facebook would fall under which media type? A. Owned media, because of your Facebook Page B. Social media channel C. Paid media D. Depends on the campaign parameters you add to your landing page link

Last Answer : C. Paid media

Description : Which of the following is most common delivery channel for mobile marketing? A. text B. voice call C. graphic D. Search engine marketing

Last Answer : A. text

Description : How would you describe what multi-channel attribution does? A. Gives the conversion credit to the first click B. Assigns equal percentages for conversions to every step C. Accredits deserving touch points along the conversion journey D. Gives the conversion credit to the last click

Last Answer : C. Accredits deserving touch points along the conversion journey

Description : In the first 10 years, the web was heavily used as a static publishing and/or retailing (transactional) channel. This was known as: A. Web 2.0. B. Web 3.0. C. Web 1.0. D. Web 3.0.

Last Answer : C. Web 1.0

Description : The restructuring of the Organisation and the Channel structures deal with   Process   Promotion   Physical Evidence   Product 

Last Answer :  Process

Description : the example of business-to-business services offered by Google which gains advertising revenue. *  Google AdWords pay per click sponsored  Google Apps Application Suite  YouTube Brand Channel  Google Search application providing online website

Last Answer :  YouTube Brand Channel

Description : Product development process after analysis of business next step to be taken is *  test marketing  penetration marketing  one channel marketing  individual marketing

Last Answer :  test marketing

Description : ______ is an example of business-to-business services offered by Google where revenue is generated through the application running as part of a customer's website. *  Google Search ... Business Application Suite  YouTube Brand Channel  Google AdWords pay per click sponsored link advertising

Last Answer :  Google Search application providing online website search services for website owners

Description : ______ is an example of business-to-business services offered by Google which gains advertising revenue through hosted videos. *  Google AdWords pay per click sponsored link advertising  ...  YouTube Brand Channel  Google Search application providing online website services for website owners

Last Answer :  YouTube Brand Channe

Description : . In the first 10 years, the web was heavily used as a static publishing and/or retailing (transactional) channel. This was known as: *  Web 2.0  Web 3.0.  Web 1.0  Web 3.1

Last Answer :  Web 1.0

Description : In the new product development process, after the analysis of business the next step to be taken is A. test marketing B. One channel marketing C. penetration marketing D. individual marketing

Last Answer : A. test marketing

Description : The stages such as awareness stage, conviction stage, liking stage, preference stage and actual purchase stage are all stages of the process called A. channeling stages B. buyer readiness stage C. channel designing stages D.strategic stages

Last Answer : B. buyer readiness stage