Plan Ahead?

1 Answer

Answer :

One way for high school students to ensure they will receive scholarships upon graduation is by researching service scholarships. A student should compile a list of service scholarships and their areas of volunteer work. If a student finds a majority of scholarships focus on serving in soup kitchens, then a student should try to do this as much as possible in high school.

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Last Answer : Caught my first typo. **“a public relations internship” instead of “internships”

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Last Answer : They’re not alone. There are other time zones on the half hour; Newfoundland time for one. There are even some time zones that are on the quarter hour. The country of Nepal is one of those.

Description : What are possible warning signs we can give oncoming traffic unaware of gridlock ahead?

Last Answer : I don’t what what possible warning sign could be given. I wish there was one. I just think “Jeez, you poor suckers, you have no idea what’s coming up ahead,” silently offer then my condolences and just keep driving on my, thankfully, unjammed side of the highway.

Description : In True Blood, can vampires come out during the day if It's cloudy? (Spoilers from Season 2 ahead!)

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Description : Left, Right, or Straight Ahead?

Last Answer : I go the way the little lass in my GPS tells me to go.

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Last Answer : 4% of the population owns 98% of the world’s wealth. They can’t.

Description : If you could go ahead or behind in time,which would you choose?

Last Answer : I would do 10 years older.I already know what happened back then ;))lol

Description : I'm not far enough in debt to get debt relief, but im just far enough behind where I can't get ahead. How can I become debt free when I seem to be stuck?

Last Answer : Welcome to life. Sometimes you just have to deal with bad credit until you have the means to take care of it. Survival is your first priority, this means shelter, food, and environmental control (electric). Any ... nothing to scoff at, but in the big scheme of things it is not the end of the world.