What are the best ways to lower cholesterol?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best way to lower cholesterol is to eat a healthy diet. Limit the intake of sugar and eat more fruits and vegetables. Also, you should exercise daily.

Related questions

Description : What are some best ways to lower my cholesterol naturally?

Last Answer : To lower your cholesterol naturally, it's a good idea to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet. Eat plenty of whole grains and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Description : What are some accurate ways on how to lower your cholesterol?

Last Answer : Eating foods low in cholesterol is the best way to lower your cholesterol. Foods high in fiber, fish, and nuts are examples of low-cholesterol foods. Try to avoid trans fats.

Description : Best ways to lower my cholesterol?

Last Answer : WebMD.com has good tips on lowering your cholesterol here: http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/features/11-tips-to-cut-your-cholesterol-fast. The Mayo Clinic also lists lifestyle changes that will help lower your cholesterol here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/reduce-cholesterol/CL00012.

Description : What are some ways to lower my cholesterol without medication?

Last Answer : One way to reduce cholesterol is by reducint the intake of cholesterol in your diet by reducing fat. You can do this by reading the nutritional information about the foods your eating. You can also reduce cholesterol by excercising.

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Last Answer : Who told you that? Was it a doctor? Or an advertisement?

Description : People who have had fasting total cholesterol over 240: how did you lower your cholesterol?

Last Answer : answer:Ok. Here we go. I'm 25 and I have hypertension. I read up on Metamucil and it has helped! I cut out red meats for a while. (I should stop again since I moved out I kind of ate anything ... every other day or at least 4 days a week. I even bought a new pair of running shoes to get motivated.

Description : What foods do you use to lower your cholesterol?

Last Answer : answer:I love oatmeal. Not the precooked, multi flavoured prepacked rubbish, but the proper old fashioned kind. Cut out red meat all together. You'll miss it less and less. I hope your blood pressure ... think it has to part of a full history with pre-disposition, weight, lifestyle all measured in.

Description : Does red yeast rice lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Yes. There is a least one study that finds it does lower cholesterol. I don’t believe it’s been published yet, but it should be out soon. I was not told how much to use. How did you hear about it?

Description : What would make a cholesterol test come out lower (or higher) than it normally is?

Last Answer : Drink lots of palmagranet juice. I mean 2 gallons in the 2 days before the test. take niacin every day. If you feel a heat flush after taking it, thats good.

Description : How can I lower my cholesterol level quickly?

Last Answer : Get yourself some oatbran fast!

Description : Does flush free niacin work to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Anecdotally, I would say No. Chinese red yeast rice combined with Co-Q-10 and Omega 3 gel caps do a much better job. Some companies have stopped either manufacturing or importing Chinese red yeast ... Read about these products online, also. Use reputable sites like The Mayo Clinic, NIH, and CDC.

Description : How do statins lower blood cholesterol level? -Biology

Last Answer : Statins work in two ways to reduce your cholesterol numbers: Statins stop the production of cholesterol. First, statins block the enzyme that creates cholesterol. Reduced production lowers the total amount of cholesterol available in your bloodstream.

Description : Does fish oil lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Hello, Yes, this is because fish oil contains the omega 3 fatty acids that help in reducing bad cholesterol, LDL. Helps to be the main animal source of omega 3. It acts in the prevention of diseases ... due to the rush of the day to day, the lack of time or just to ensure a healthier life

Description : How to Lower your LDL Cholesterol Through Changes in Your Diet?

Last Answer : When you go to your doctor, how may tell you that your hdl/ldl ratio is not good or he may simply tell you that your cholesterol as too high. The important thing to understand is that ... drugs. A common commercial touts the benefit of a well-known brand of cereal for lowering cholesterol and

Description : What are the best foods to eat that will lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are several food options to reduce cholesterol. Options include oatmeal and honey nut cherioos.

Description : What are good foods to eat to help me lower my cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are many foods which will help to lower your cholesterol. A few of the best include whole grains and oats, blueberries, walnuts and almonds, and avacados.

Description : Which foods lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are many foods that can lower cholesterol. One of the top ones is foods high in fiber, such as high fiber cereal and oatmeal. Fish, walnuts, almonds and other nuts are also cholesterol lowering.

Description : What kinds of foods are there that lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : I would suggest eating foods that contain less oil and butter. Fruit and grains are a great healthy way to stay away from high cholesterol foods. Fat is also a source that can create high cholesterol. Eat meats that are lean and cooked in olive oil rather than butter or high fat peanut oils.

Description : What are the best foods to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : The best way to find out information on lowering cholesterol in a safe way is to go to a Doctor Who can diagnose the problem. Self diagnosis is not always accurate and you need to be sure.

Description : What foods can I eat to lower my cholesterol level?

Last Answer : Before you start eating foods that will lower your cholesterol you need to have some tests done that will confirm weather you have high cholesterol or not. Another tip would be to ask your doctor or GP what the best foods are to eat to maintain a healthy diet and body.

Description : What sort of foods are designed to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : When choosing foods for lowering cholesterol levels, healthy choices include almost any fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains and any lean proteins.

Description : What are some things to do to lower cholesterol ?

Last Answer : There are many simple things you can try to reduce your cholesterol. This website provides a quick starting guide that you can use: http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/features/11-tips-to-cut-your-cholesterol-fast

Description : How do I find information on how to lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You can find all the information you need about lowering cholesterol levels at the following website, http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/features/11-tips-to-cut-your-cholesterol-fast.

Description : Why would anyone eat Honey Nut Cheerios if they don't help lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Many people eat Honey Nut Cheerios for the reason that they taste delicious and is a well-known brand of cereal, a breakfast staple for many households. Honey Nut Cheerios are not a known source of cholesterol reduction.

Description : How can I adapt my diet for lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You can adapt your diet for lower cholesterol by adding more vegetables and decreasing the amount of beef and fried food you consume.

Description : How can one lower cholesterol fast?

Last Answer : A person can lower their cholesterol fast with healthy medication. A person can also lower their cholesterol fast with maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Description : Where can I find information on how to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : You can find information on lowering your cholesterol online at www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholesterol/CL00002 . This talks about food that helps lower it natural and health way

Description : How can diet help to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are many foods you can eat to help to lower high cholesterol levels. Some easy every foods include Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods. Additionally fish high in omega 3 fatty acids, such as mackerel and lake trout are good.

Description : Where can I find what foods lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Lowering cholesterol foods do work, but they don't work for everybody. Some foods are oats, beans, fatty fish, nuts. Basically anything with fiber in it will help lower your bad cholesterol.

Description : What foods lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Diet plays a crucial role in lowering your cholesterol. The top five foods to lower cholesterol are Oatmeal, Omega-3-rich fish, walnuts, olive oil, and foods with added plant sterols.

Description : What foods can help lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Watching the types of foods you eat and how much fat it contains is the first step to lowering your cholesterol. Foods that can help you lower your cholesterol include oatmeal, fish, sushi, and walnuts/almonds.

Description : How do you lower LDL cholesterol?

Last Answer : You can lower LDL cholesterol by eating healthy and exercising often and some doctors will put you on a cholesterol med to lower it quickly and to keep it steady.

Description : What are the top foods that help lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are many different sites that can offer that information. By clicking this site http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholesterol/CL00002 , you will see the top five foods that help to lower cholesterol.

Description : How to lower my cholesterol level without any medication?

Last Answer : The best way to lower your cholesterol without medication is too limit the type and amount of fat in your diet. Exercise also helps because it increases the 'good' cholesterol level ... can also a hereditary factor that may still need controlling by smaller amounts of controlling medication.

Description : how do I lower my cholesterol naturally?

Last Answer : The best way to lower cholesterol naturally without medicine is to change your diet. Certain foods such as fish, oats, red wine, etc. can actually lower your bodies' cholesterol levels. Lots of exercise can also benefit alongside your diet.

Description : What foods help lower LDL cholesterol?

Last Answer : Diet and Exercise are the best way to naturally lower you LDL. Some foods that can help are whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods with excess fats.

Description : What foods can lower my HDL cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : If you are really wondering what type and kinds of food that can lower your HDL cholesterol levels because your cholesterol is elevated, then I suggest you eat grapes.

Description : Is it possible to lower cholesterol naturally?

Last Answer : I read an article recently that claims eating Cheerios each morning for breakfast can help lower cholesterol. Thirty minutes per day of exercise can also help. Eliminating smoking, alcohol and caffeine is also helpful.

Description : What foods are available to lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : I know that Honey Nut Cheerios advertise to lower cholesterol. Make sure to eat healthy and exercise 3-5 times per week to reduce your cholesterol or go to your doctor and see if they can prescribe anything for you to take that will help to lower your cholesterol such as Lipitor.

Description : What foods help lower HDL cholesterol?

Last Answer : Fish and vegetables help reduce HDL cholesterol. These help reduce the levels in the blood to a healthy level within the body. Eating plenty of vegetables help in this process.

Description : What does Cheerios do to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Cheerios is high in soluble fiber which scientists believe acts as a sponge to soak up bad cholesterol in the body. This lowers the overall amount of cholesterol in the body.

Description : Lower Cholesterol by Eating Healthy Foods?

Last Answer : Cholesterol is a waxy substance that can clog the blood vessels, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol is produced by the liver, but for many people, elevated cholesterol of 200 ... to treat the condition. However, those individuals still need to follow the guidelines for healthy eating.

Description : What's the Best Way to Naturally Lower LDL Cholesterol?

Last Answer : Cholesterol has received a bad reputation for a variety of reasons including misguided publicity and consumer ignorance. While some cholesterol is, indeed, bad for your health, other types are ... the exercise regimen are not difficult to implement and the results are proven and significant.

Description : How can my diet lower my cholesterol?

Last Answer : You can lower your cholesterol by eating healthier food, losing weight, and by watching what times you eat and how much you are eating throughout the day.

Description : What is a diet that helps you lower both your weight and maintain a healthy cholesterol level?

Last Answer : Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your total and LDL cholesterol and help you lose weight.

Description : What's the most effective diet to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Lowering cholesterol is easy when you have three super foods on hand. These foods are apples, beans, and brown rice. If you center your diet around these foods, you'll see that your cholesterol will lower dramatically.

Description : Will diet and medication help lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Instead of going on medication, the best way to lower your bad cholesterol is with a healthy diet. You should eat foods with good cholesterol and stay away from the foods with bad cholesterol in them.

Description : Can supplements help lower HDL cholesterol?

Last Answer : Yes, there are supplements that can help lower HDL cholesterol. One of these is artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymnus.

Description : How can I lower my cholesterol naturally using diet and exercise?

Last Answer : You can lower your cholesterol by avoiding fatty foods and eating more whole grains, such as cereal and pasta. Any kind of exercise can help control cholesterol but studies have proven the best for lowering are aerobic, jogging and swimming.

Description : Do cheerios really lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : This is true. When General Mills said that Cheerios can lower your cholesterol by 4% in 6 weeks, the FDA said that this would make Cheerios an unapproved drug.