calorie restriction are good or bad for you?

1 Answer

Answer :

In the medical world there is always new information that changes our view of old information. It has recently been found that all calories are not equal. Meaning that one hundred calories of cake and one hundred calories of carrots are not digested in the same way. Previously this difference was not taken into consideration, causing diets that called for counting calories to become popular. Counting calories is one method of measuring food consumption and partially indicates how healthy a food item is, in this way counting calories is still useful, but it is not the best way to improve your health.

Related questions

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Last Answer : I seem to do best when I have quite a light dinner in terms of weight.

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Last Answer : Also confused by this, it was explained to me like this by someone in marketing 90% of people don't care at all, and hardly notice = no reaction 5% of people are tracking calories and would use ... of people, it's all about the strength of your reaction. But that seems like a larger discussion.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds like you have to be a bit careful what who you eat. A human runs about 81,000 calories, a third of it from fat. Best to learn how to salt preserve.

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Last Answer : Josie is recommending gonverment intervention into solving a social problem? Ha!

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Last Answer : Peanut butter and/or suet. A great blend is to mix PB with cornmeal into a dough, not too sticky and not too crumbly and pack it into a small log with drilled out one inch holes and hang ... stuff the mixture into pine cones. All woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Titmice, Creepers, etc. will go nuts for it!

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Last Answer : Interesting analogy, but I don’t think it really applies. A toddler doesn’t really know what is and isn’t harmful. I don’t know why people can’t understand the relationship between fat and health problems.

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Last Answer : Water, on the rocks.Hey you try to get a kid to drink plain water.

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Last Answer : I try to use stevia as I do believe artificial sweeteners are bad for you.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the scale would be too hard to measure at a single-calorie level, but I don't think it's an invalid question. In fact, it's interesting, I think. If we measure it at a kilo-calorie ... , wild animals, birds and fishes, who get their calories for free', but a calorie is a calorie.)

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Last Answer : The grocery store isn’t a good place to get any nutritious food unless you can get local fruits and veggies there. A good breakfast would be a protein shake with fruits and shredded walnuts made with soy milk.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd just rather eat real fruits and vegetables, personally. The less processed a food is, the greater benefits you can obtain from it generally speaking. However, if you're looking for a beverage that ... back of one of their packages, but make sure it's all added juice and no added sugar.

Description : What are some of your favorite 600 calorie or less meals? (lunch/dinner)

Last Answer : A granola bar and a liter of Gatorade. It works for me when I’m in a hurry or don’t want to interrupt a task.

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Last Answer : Tomato soup works well.

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Last Answer : Low-calorie Thanksgiving seems like an oxymoron. A lot can be saved by modifying recipes to use chicken broth or fat free ingredients instead of butter and cream. And by portion control. ... pumpkin pie filling with a container of no fat Cool-Whip. Serve with Pepperidge Farm gingerbread cookies

Description : Why do calorie counts only end with a 0 or 5?

Last Answer : Eh. Calories are a loose number. Also.. it kind of depends on how many grams you eat. So if you eat more than X grams.. you have more calories. Make sense.. kind of? :P I have a food scale for just this problem.

Description : Calorie total of a Subway Meal?

Last Answer : On their website is a section for nutritional information.

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Last Answer : Great question. Not sure why. Fruit juices have calorie/nutrition but not beer/wine.

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Last Answer : Plain yogurt is a great substitute. Full-fat yogurt is flavorful and still has less calories than sour cream, but you can cut even more calories by using low-fat yogurt (non-fat might work ... think Stonyfield farms would be good. Dannon might work too. Australian-style creamy yogurt is also good.

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Last Answer : A calorie is technically defined as the amount of energy it takes to heat 1 cubic centimeter of water by one degree Celsius. It’s a basic energy measure. You’re body can only burn off so much by doing different things, so if you take in more energy than you burn… your body stores the extra as fat.

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Last Answer : Nuts! Peanuts, cashews, macadamias and so on. For hot meals, maybe a good satay or good old fish’n’chips :)

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Last Answer : Delicata Winter Squash (Sweet Potato Squash - Winter Squash Whole Serving Size: 180 g 1 cup sliced, Calories: 36, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 9g, Protein: 2g

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Last Answer : If you’re available to help me on Biology math and lit and comp could anyone help me It wouldnt be much work but if so can someone help me

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Last Answer : Building muscle tissue through anaerobic exercise is the bestway to ensure a high calorie-burning metabolic rate.

Description : High calorie foods ?

Last Answer : In addition to regular meals, you must add some high calorie foods to your diet , otherwise why gain weight ? If you do not have a problem with high blood pressure, you can eat these foods ... cheese / cheese , soft drinks , beef , fried potatoes , sweet foods , chocolate , mayonnaise etc.

Description : What is Calorie ?

Last Answer : The amount of heat energy produced by one gram of food germination is called food calories.

Description : What is a calorie meter ?

Last Answer : The instrument used to measure heat is called calorie meter

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Last Answer : 1 calorie = 4.2 joules.

Description : What is the function of calorie meter ?

Last Answer : Heat or energy is measured with a calorie meter.

Last Answer : High calorie food is edible oil , ghee , butter etc.

Description : Because I haven't found much so far. : /

Last Answer : Hi! I’ll send you a link, I think it can help a lot on that topic. True, a page for confectioners, but it’s useful for everyone.

Description : How do I get Low Calorie recipes featured on "The today show" on Wed. Nov. 06, 2013?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What diet is better?- A low calorie, OR Weight Watchers by the point system?

Last Answer : Diets have different effects on people. One might work for one person but not another. Diets in general have guide lines what to eat what not to eat. check this blog out has some good info

Description : What is the best calorie-burning exercise that can be done in a limited indoor space?

Last Answer : There are some excellent apps for your mobile device that you can download and use in your living room. One of my favorites is called Nike Trainer. They give you all kinds of different workouts ... eating sugar snacks and start eating more fruits and vegetables. This will help tone you up quickly.

Description : Find the work done is calorie when `65.5g` Zn reacts with excess `H_(2)SO_(4)` (aq) to form `ZnSO_(4)` & `H_(2)` in a closed rigid vessel at `300 K`.

Last Answer : Find the work done is calorie when `65.5g` Zn reacts with excess `H_(2)SO_(4)` (aq) to form `ZnSO_(4)` & `H_ ... `. A. -600 B. 0 C. `-1200` D. `-2494`

Description : The work done by 100 calorie of heat in isothermal expansion of ideal gas is :-

Last Answer : The work done by 100 calorie of heat in isothermal expansion of ideal gas is :- A. 418.4 J B. 4.184 J C. 41.84 J D. None

Description : A calorie is a unit of heat and it equals 4.2 J, where 1 J = kg m^2 s^-2. A distant civilisation employs a system of units in which the units

Last Answer : A calorie is a unit of heat and it equals 4.2 J, where 1 J = kg m2 s-2. A distant ... energy. What will be the magnitude of calorie in their units?

Description : Where can I find a list of the foods with the lowest calorie count online?

Last Answer : Hi, I use this calorie calculator I found on sniply. I hope this helps.

Description : Does an elliptical provide a good calorie burn?

Last Answer : Yes, an elliptical provides a great way to burn calories. To burn the maximum amount when using an elliptical, make sure to use the upper arm bars. The more you have to work, the more calories you will burn.

Description : I have removed all regular sugar from my table. Do you know if there are any low calorie sweetener I can substitute instead?

Last Answer : There are many low calorie sweetners that can be used as a substitute. The problem is at the moment most of these have some sort of link to cancer due to their artificial ingredients.

Description : Which granola bars contain a good nutritional and calorie balance?

Last Answer : Granola bars that have peanut butter or peanuts and are low calorie contain the best nutrition.

Description : Where can I get ideas for high-calorie sandwich fillings?

Last Answer : If you want high calorie sandwich fillings you should try allrecipes website. You should go just visit a burger joint and they will have all the junk food you would need.

Description : Why You Should Follow a 2000 Calorie Diet?

Last Answer : If you have ever read anything about dieting, fitness or overall health, you have probably heard the recommendation about consuming a 2000 calorie diet. Although this is a recommended diet for people to ... a certain amount of these foods, which can help keep you healthier in the long run.

Description : What foods could you eat to maintain a 500 calorie diet?

Last Answer : . This site can help you by explaining what a person can eat on a 500 calorie diet and what you need to buy and what foods .

Description : What is a good Calorie Calculator that I can use online?

Last Answer : The best Calorie calculator online would be to go to calorie calculator online. This is a really great website that you can access anywhere that you can learn how to make your waist work for you.

Description : Where are the best calorie counter charts?

Last Answer : There are tools such as a calorie counter and charts showing how many calories in a certain food, along with a calorie chart and a journal that acts as your own personal food diary. You can visit

Description : Where is the best place to look for a food calorie calculator?

Last Answer : One of the best food calorie calculators, is from a website called WebMD; this website has been noted for it's health tips by many consumers. Their food calorie calculator will allow the user to add ... a list, the calculator will then add up the calories consumed to produce a total for the day.